The power loom gift.

The tea party ends in a flurry of awkward goodbyes and forced smiles. Everyone is eager to get away from the tense atmosphere that has descended upon the room when Margaret arrives. As the ladies disperses, Beatrice found herself alone with Margaret and Lady Williams.

"I must say, I was surprised to see you here," Beatrice says, trying to sound casual. "I didn't think you would be interested in tea parties." They have never been in the same space before.

Margaret's eyes narrowed as she looks at Beatrice. "And I was surprised to see you here, given your history with my family," she says, her voice cold.

"I never expects to see you here. I came here because I was invited by lady Williams." Beatrice says with a forced smile.

Beatrice rise to her feet, eager to escape the tension of the room. She starts to head for the door, but Lady Williams catches her arm.

"Let me walk you out," Lady Williams says, a light chuckle in her voice.