I will be the next Viscount.

As Mr. Greenleaf turns to leave, Constable Louis fixed the crowd with a stern gaze. They quickly disperses, as if sensing the danger in his eyes.

The Viscount, who has been so weakened by the day's events, feels a rush of relief at the departure of Mr. Greenleaf. He collapses into Marianne's arms, his frame shaking with emotion.

"My daughter," he whispers, his voice hoarse with emotion. "I am so grateful for everything you've done for me. I know I haven't been the best father, but I want you to know that I'm trying to change. I've been so stupid. I am very sorry. I mean it. I am really sorry." The Viscount sobs.

Marianne feels a surge of compassion for her father. She has always known that the Viscount has his faults, but he has never stopped loving her and she also loves her father. She pulls him into a tight embrace, and the Viscount clutches at him, his body wracks with sobs.