
As I contemplated my next move, the Goblin uttered ominous words, "Terminate... All humans... Terminate," while stretching out its hand.

Suddenly, a swarm of goblins emerged from the dust, not just ordinary ones, but a variety of goblins, launching attacks on all the players.

Damn! I couldn't think of anything else except saving myself first and, of course, racking up as many kills as I could. After all, this was a field ripe with killing points.

I aimed my revolver and started shooting at the oncoming goblins. My mana was getting sucked dry with each shot. I had to find a safe spot to recharge it.

But then those darn goblin riders charged toward me. My goodness, I despise those creatures. The trauma they've inflicted on me was painfull.

The goblin riders closed in on me from all sides, making me feel trapped within the spears they brandished.