Chapter 52: Kaya vs Chew

Kaya punched the blue fishman again who blocked the attack. She then backed off.

"You little brat, you think you are as good as Chew, a fish man," Chew said.

"Better, I think," Kaya replied.

Chew charged at Kaya and punched her in the gut. Kaya fell forward a bit but recovered with a head butt. "Was that meant to hurt?" Chew said.

Chew then punched Kaya again and she went flying backwards. She grabbed her stomach in pain. The training she did helped her physical strength a bit but she did know any techniques.

"Mizudeppo," Chew said, as he spit water from his mouth. The force was similar to getting hit by a bullet. Kaya goes down in pain. Each of the shots hurt. She has not felt this type of pain. The pain from a fight.

"Pathetic human. If you are this weak, your captain must be beyond pathetic," Chew remarked.

Despite being in pain, Kaya got up again. The impact of the attack had left bruises on her skin, some of which were bleeding.

"So you got some fight in you. I shall end you and then this village. Arlong will spare your captain to make him suffer everyday," Chew threatened.

Kaya thought about her Captain Ben being in pain because of her. He was a pervert but he was her pervert. She thought about her adventures and how she could not let it end here. This made her angry and wanted to win against this scum.

Kaya's body started transforming. Her tail was long and slender, with a delicate tip that curled slightly at the end. Her skin was a pale alabaster, and her hands had sharp claws. She had a pair of large, feathered wings that were folded behind her back. A single horn protruded from her forehead, and her eyes were yellow. Her teeth looked normal however they were sharp. Her arms had some muscle.

Honey, Nojiko and Nami walked into Arlong Park to witness the transformation. "An Angel," Nojiko exclaimed.

"Kaya looks strong," Honey added, who was surprised by the transformation.

Bello Betty also looked at this form and was taken back. "This crew is filled with surprises," she said while dodging another attack from the fishman who was increasingly getting tired.

Kaya in her beast form stared at Chew who had healed her previous injuries which were inflicted by Chew. "What is this?" he said in confusion.

"Mizudeppo," he said while firing the water pistols from his mouth. Kaya took the hits and was not fazed from the attack. Chew fired a few more but Kaya didn't even flinch.

"Hyappatsu Mizudeppo," he said. Chew rapidly fired many shots of Mizudeppo at his Kaya like a machine gun. The attacks kept hitting Kaya. They hit her head, chest, stomach, legs and feet. Steam was being created by the rapid impacts.

"Kaya," Honey said, concerned about her friend.

Chew was tired and smiled. "Are you dead?" he said. As the smoke cleared. Kaya was standing there in the same position. She was not hurt at all.

Kaya then flew forward and punched Chew in the stomach. The punch was so forceful, that he spat blood out and leaned forward in pain. Kaya then punched him again in the face and he went flying into the pool

Chew landed in the water in pain with his face damaged and his internal organs in agony. He was not going to allow some girl freak to beat him. He swam back-up and looked very angry.

"Mizu Taiho," he said. Chew sucked all the water in the pool. His body expanded like a balloon. He then spat all the water at once in one big shot towards Kaya. Kaya saw the attack and opened her mouth. A gold ball of energy was forming. It got bigger and bigger. She then shot it towards the attack from Chew. The golden ball of energy pushed the Mizu Taiho back at Chew and they both impacted him. There is a massive black explosion.

Honey, Nami and Nojiko starred in disbelief at the power behind the attack.

As the dust settles, Chew is seen on the ground, not moving.

The girls celebrate their crewmate victory. Belo Betty glanced but she looked suspiciously at Kaya.

Kaya then looked at the girls celebrating. Her eyes narrowed down and she charged at them. "Kaya is coming towards us a bit fast," Nojiko said.

"A bit fast," Honey also said with concern.

Belo Betty saw Kaya charging at Honey, Nojiko and Nami. She grabbed the white fishman and slammed his head on the wall. She then rushed over to the group and made it in time to use the pole of her flag to block Kaya`s punch.

"Strong but unstable," Belo Betty commented.

Kaya then punched Belo Betty again but countered with her punch. Belo Betty then kicked Kaya. Kaya went backwards. She had used weak armament haki in her attack. This should have been enough to knock out a normal human. However Kaya was slightly fazed. Kaya then opened her mouth and fired the golden energy beam at Belo Betty. Belo predicted the attacks and dodged it.

Kaya put her hand forwards and fired a golden beam similar to Ben`s Demon beam. Belo Betty saw this coming and dodged it.

Ben, who was fighting Arlong in the building, was throwing a punch when Arlong caught his fist and threw him out of the building. He got up but he saw Belo Betty fighting an angel. Ben immediately figured it was Kaya but why were they fighting? He ran over and said, "Stop."

Kaya looked at Ben. Ben looked at Kaya.