Chapter 148: Smoker vs HQ

"More blood injections?" Ben asked.

"Yes Master, two blood injections from logia devil fruit users," HQ said. 

"Who?" Ben asked.

"Smoker and Crocodile," HQ replied.

"You are amazing," Mikita said.

"Incredible," Honey said.

"How?" Vivi asked.

"Yes I am curious as well," Ben added.

"Let me explain, Master, it happened yesterday ," HQ said. 


HQ was flying over to the Rainbase. She made it to the place and headed down to the basement. She went down the stairs and saw the Sea Prism cage. She flew towards the Sea Prism cage when she was attacked by a huge yellow mouth. HQ dodged. 

She saw a large bananawani. It looked at HQ. The bananawani licked his lip with his large tongue. HQ flew towards the bananawani. The bananawani charged towards HQ. HQ jumped over the bananawani and kicked its head. The bananawani took the hit and went unconscious. 

Another bananawani appeared. HQ flew towards it and kicked it on the face. It went flying back. She looked at the other bananawani. They cowarded and swam away. 

HQ went towards the Sea Prism cage, she noticed it was pretty big to carry back to the ship. She flew towards the top and saw there were special hinges holding the structure together. The hinges were on the outer part. She unscrewed the hinges on all four sides. The cage collapsed into 6 sections.

She picked up on one part of the cage and flew out of the Rainbase. She noticed that Crocodile was lying unconscious. She also saw a few marines there. She got back to the Miss Love Duck and started putting the piece of the cage into the room. 

She had to carefully twist and turn the section of the cage left and right, up and down to get it to room 2R4. She placed a section on the ground and headed to Kaya`s room. She saw a bag and it had four injections. She saw a satchel and put the four injections in them and tied the bag to her waist. HQ headed back to the Rainbase. 

HQ made 4 trips back and forth from the Rainbase and the Miss Love Duck. On the final trip, she headed to Crocodile's body. She put the cage down next to her. She took one of the injections out and pokes Crocodile`s body. She pulled the handle and sucked the blood into the injection. She finished filling the injection and placed it back into her satchel. 

"Stop Honey Queen," Tashigi shouted. Tashigi looked at Honey Queen, she looked different with her black wings and tail. However Tashigi recognised the face. She was Honey Queen, a wanted pirate who recently joined the Love Pirates. 

"You are under arrest Honey Queen," Tashigi said. 

HQ looked at her. She smiled at Tashigi. "Master does have a good eye. Are you joining us now?" HQ asked.

Tashigi thought back to Ben. She got angry. "I will never join you pirates," Tashigi said. 

She ran with her sword towards HQ. HQ dodged and kicked the sword from her hand. "What the," Tashigi said in shock. 

"Master will train you to be stronger, you have potential," HQ said. 

"Master? You are referring to Ben," Tashigi said. HQ nodded. Tashigi grabbed her sword from the ground. She ran towards HQ again. She swung her sword. HQ dodged to the left. Tashigi swung again aiming for her chest. HQ stepped back and dodged. 

HQ then grabbed Tashigi`s hand and threw her into the air. Tashigi landed on her back. HQ made sure her head did not impact the ground. "Stay down please Master would be upset if you get hurt," HQ said.

"No, I can't lose," Tashigi said. 

"White Out," Smoker said as he shot a cloud of smoke from his arms towards HQ. HQ saw this and jumped out of the way. 

"Let me take care of this," Smoker said to Tashigi. Tashigi nodded. She had tears in her eyes, she lost again. 

Smoker looked at the woman. She wore black heels and had a thin black tail with a heart at the end. There were two small black wings. She had red hair and two small twin horns on her head. "You are not Honey Queen," Smoker said as he shot another cloud of smoke towards HQ. HQ flew up and dodged the attack. 

"No I am HQ," HQ replied. 

"White Snake," Smoker said as he launched a long snake of dense smoke from his hand. The snake tried to reach HQ. However HQ flew around and dodged the attack. She landed near the Sea Prism cage section on the floor. 

"Also I can't see to find my weapon, do you happen to know what happened to it?" Smoker asked. 

HQ shrugged her shoulders. "I have ways to make you talk," Smoker said. He prepared another attack. "White Launcher," Smoker said as transformed himself into smoke and launched himself towards HQ. Smoker was getting closer to HQ. HQ grabbed the section of the sea prism cage and smacked into Smoker. Smoker got hit with the cage. He felt weak and he lost his ability to turn into smoke temporarily. 

HQ jumped into the land and planted the cage on top of Smoker. "Sea Prism," Smoker said weakly. HQ opened her satchel and took an injection out. As Smoker was touching the sea prism cage he could not transform. HQ stabbed him with the injection and pulled the handle. She took the blood out of him and into the injection. She put the injection back into the satchel in another pocket. 

"Thank you, this is the least you can do for doing your work," HQ said. She held the Sea Prism cage and flew away to the Miss Love Duck.

Smoker got up. He checked his shoulder. "Captain Smoker, are you alright?" Tashigi said. 

"I am but why was she after my and Crocodile`s blood," Smoker said.

"Should we go after her?" Tashigi said. 

"No, she was right, they did do our job," Smoker said. 

*End of Flashback*

They all heard HQ story and were amazed. Their jaws dropped. 

"Amazing," Honey said.

"You are so cool," Marianne said. 

"Well done HQ, you showed them," Ben said.

"I hope Tashigi joins us soon, my love," Alvida said.

"I do as well but it will be difficult now," Ben replied.

"Master, when I met her, she feels lonely and sad," HQ said.

"Let's make sure we get her to join then," Ben said.

The other girls nodded. Zala and Robin also joined in. 

"Okay, it's time for our girl talk now, my love please leave," Alvida said.

"Sure," Ben said and added, "HQ and BM prepare for us to leave and put those injections somewhere safe, they will give you a power boost." 

HQ and BM nodded and they left the room. The girls sat on the floor in a circle. Ben thought it looked cute. 

"Take your time," Ben said as he left the room. 

Alvida then started explaining their journey and Ben`s powers and the rules of the harem.