Chapter 193: Regrouped (2)

Ben, Zala and Robin flew back to where they split up.

"Ben, I," Zala was about to say.

"Don't," Ben said and added, "There will be setbacks however we have each other, we will beat him the next time. I don't want to hear anymore of this." Ben did not want the girls to feel bad about losing. It will happen, the important matter is they are safe. He is okay to lose as long as they are together and safe. 

"Besides, it's our turn today," Ben whispered. 

"We still," Zala whispered in shock. She thought after she lost the orb, her chance would be gone. She then realised, he is not Crocodile. He is Ben. She smiled and thought he was nice. She remembered Alvida mentioned he was a bit too nice at times. She was determined to help get the orb back. 

"That is nice of you Captain," Robin said.

"Nothing about that, the safety of you girls is top priority," Ben said. 

"That is nice," Robin said and smiled. 

They flew towards the fork in the road and saw Lexie waiting. They landed and saw Kaya, Nojiko, Vivi, BM and HQ chatting amongst each other. 

HQ and BM noticed them arrive. "Master is back," HQ said. The other girls looked and saw Ben, Zala and Robin land. 

"Ben," Vivi, Nojiko and Kaya said. They noticed they had scratches and a smell of burnt odour leaving their body. Robin and Zala looked okay but had taken a beating. 

"What happened?" Vivi asked. 

At that moment, Mikita, Honey, Marianne and Alvida approached them. They also saw their clothes had been damaged. 

"My love what happened, are you okay? Zala, Robin are you both okay?" Alvida asked. The other girls also started asking questions. 

Ben cleared his throat. "Girls let me explain," Ben said. They all stopped and listened. He added,"We defeated the monster and were heading out with the orb. As we exited the temple, we were ambushed by Simon. We got into a fight and he used his tricks and logia abilities to get the best of us. He left with the orb. I did not want to purse incase there was a trap for us. For me, Zala and Robin`s safety is more important than some treasure, they are my treasure, you all are my treasure." 

Their hearts melted. "Treasure," Marianne said.

"We are his treasure," Honey added.

 "He has his ways of words," Kaya said.

"I like that about him," Nojiko said.

"He is a sweet talker," Vivi added.

"I am still mad about Simon hurting our crew," Mikita said. She looked a bit mad. 

"My love is right, we would have been at a disadvantage right now," Alvida said.

"They have two orbs and we have two orbs," Vivi said.

"We are even now," Kaya said. 

"We can ask Rubis, Emeraude and Saphir if they know more," Marianne said.

"I doubt it," Alvida said.

"Yeah they told us everything," Ben said. 

"So what's the plan now?" Mikita asked.

"There is nothing more on this island, so let's head back to the Miss Love Duck. We can rest up and get ready for tomorrow to go to the next island and get the orb," Ben explained.

"That sounds like a plan my love," Alvida said. The other girls nodded. Kaya transformed into her hybrid form and took Vivi and Nojiko. HQ took Alvida and Mikita. BM drove Lexie with Marianne and Honey. Zala and Robin were already clinging onto Ben so he took them. They all headed back to the Miss Love Duck. 

They all landed on the Miss Love Duck. Rubis, Emeraude and Saphir approached. "All good?" Ben asked.

"A big bird came," Saphir said. 

"Big bird?" Robin asked. She thought of an image of a rat with wings.

"Din has the ability to control birds and he sent one here," Emeraude explained.

"And we beat it," Saphir said. She looked very proud of herself. 

"Good job girls," Ben said. Emeraude, Saphir and Rubis looked happy. 

"Ben what happened to the three of you?" Rubis asked. She noticed that Ben, Robin and Zala looked injured. 

"Well," Ben said and explained how they fought Simon and lost the orb to him. 

"Simon," Saphir said, she looked angry. 

"I can heal you all three," Emeraude offered. 

"No need," Ben replied and added, "We know that has a toll on your body."

"We are fine, we just need a bit of rest," Zala said.

"No, you are not, you three are heading to my office now to be checked on," Kaya ordered. 

They all chucked. "Yes, Doctor Kaya," Ben said.

"That is right," Kaya said. Vivi and Nojiko giggled. 

"Okay but," Emeraude tried to protest. 

"No buts, Captain's order," Mikita said. 

"We don't want to over stress your body," Vivi said.

"Thank you, it takes a toll on sis body, she still has not recovered after giving it to Gad," Rubis explained.

"Why does it take a toll?" Nojiko asked.

"I am not sure, it's my stamina which makes me so tired," Emeraude said. 

"We will figure it out," Ben said. The other girls nodded. 

"Me, Zala and Robin will be checked by Kaya and Emeraude for injuries. Did the rest of you sustain any injury?" Ben asked. 

The girls shook their heads. "Okay, if you have any injuries, make sure you get checked out," Ben ordered. The girls nodded.

"Besides that you can do whatever you want on the ship, we will explore the next island tomorrow," Ben said and added, "Can someone inform BM, Honey and Marianne about this as well, in case I don't miss them?" 

"Okay, my love," Alvida replied. 

Ben, Kaya, Emeraude, Zala and Robin headed to Room 2L3. 

"So what should we do?" Saphir asked. 

"I am going to do some more training," Alvida said.

"I will as well," Mikita added.

"I will as well, I want to awaken my devil fruit," Vivi said.

"Let me help with that," Nojiko said.

"Me and my sister will be happy to help as well," Saphir said. Rubis nodded.

"Be careful," Alvida warned. 

"You remember what happened with Kaya," Alvida added.

"I know," Nojiko said. She remembered how Kaya went berserk after using her powers.

"I will head downstairs and greet BM, Honey and Marianne," HQ said. 

"Sounds like we have a plan," Alvida said. 

Alvida went to the side of the ship. She first did 25 push-ups, followed by 25 squats. Alvida did not break a sweat. She then did 25 sit-ups followed by 5 laps around the ship. Alvida thought this was a good starting point. She still did not feel like she was getting closer to using haki, however her body felt stronger. Alvida then looked at the sea. "Slipstream Cannon," Alvida said as she spun her body rapidly. This generated a powerful current of air. Alvida compressed and fired it towards the ocean. The attack hit the ocean and exploded. The ocean convulsed with tumultuous energy. Waves, now charged with an ominous force, rose in towering peaks. It was violent. Alvida fired another attack. ""Slipstream Cannon," Alvida said again.The attack hit the ocean again. The waves rocked. "Slipstream Cannon," Alvida said once more. The attack rocked the waves. The waves hit the Miss Love Duck and rocked the boat slightly. 

Alvida this a few times. She was panting loudly. She felt her energy completely gone. She sat down and laid on her back. She knew was able to do this attack more now however her stamina was gone. It was a beautiful day, so she closed her eyes for a quick nap. 

HQ came over and gave Alvida a blanket and pillow. She carefully moved her head to put the pillow and put a blanket over her. She smiled and walked away. 

Meanwhile, Mikita was doing her exercises. She did 25 push-ups, followed by 25 squats. Mikita could easily do this, then did 25 sit-ups followed by 5 laps around the ship. She saw Alvida doing this as well. Mikita then stopped and let out a deep breath. She stretched her arms and legs. She then punched the air. She kicked the air. Mikita was kicking and punching the air rapidly. She wanted to be more nimble and learn to throw a good punch and kick. She practised a few times again and again. Mikita did this for the next hour or so.

Vivi, Nojiko, Rubis and Saphir were at the front of the ship. "So how should we do this?" Saphir asked. 

Nojiko touched her chin and thought. "Vivi, try to think of Ben getting hurt or us getting hurt," Nojiko said.

Vivi nodded. She closed her eyes. She thought of Ben getting hurt. She thought of Ben getting injured by Crocodile. She thought about the hook stabbing Ben and piercing his chest. She thought about Crocodile draining his body of fluids and tossing him in the sand. She thought of Ben just now with those injuries. She thought of Zala and Robin, with clothes damaged, scratches. It could have been worse. She got angry. 

Black flames could be seen on her shoulders. "It's working," Saphir said.

Saphir and Rubis looked excited. "I will not let my King and his harem get hurt," Vivi shouted. 

"King?" Saphir asked. 

"She said that before," Nojiko replied. 

Vivi looked more and more angry. Her flame on her shoulder got more heated. "This looks bad," Rubis said.

Her eyes opened and they were red. Nojiko ran up to her and grabbed her face and shook it. "Snap out of it," Nojiko shouted. 

Vivi got a shock and calmed down. Her eyes went back to normal. Her flames died out. She went back to normal.

Vivi smiled. "I was okay," Vivi said.

Nojiko looked at Vivi. She narrowed her eyes. "Okay maybe a bit but I could control it," Vivi said.

"It felt intense," Saphir said.

"Okay, let's do our training exercises," Nojiko said. Vivi moaned. Saphir also did. 

"None of that sister," Rubis said. Rubis, Saphir, Nojiki and Vivi all did 50 push-ups, 50 squats, 50 sit-ups. Then they did 5 laps around the Miss Love Duck. 

"You both are doing well," Nojiko said.

"We are fishwomen, so we have a bit better stamina and strength," Rubis said.

"Unfair," Vivi replied.

"We are done now," Nojiko said. The girls stopped, took a deep breath and relaxed. "Let's head in," Nojiko added.

They all nodded. Nojiko thought back to Vivi`s power. It felt something else. The black flames were one power but she felt more scary, something macabre, about her power. There was something else to it. She wanted Ben, Alvida and Kaya to be around. 

Honey and Marianne had arrived back with BM. They exited, Lexie where HQ greeted them and informed them the plan for the rest of the day. Marianne nodded and headed to her room to work on something. 


Honey headed to the deck where she went back to the ship. Honey thought it was necessary for her to create fire against Simon. She wanted to help her Captain out. She loved Ben with the bottom of her heart. She helped him out against Crocodile. She was scared but Ben was with her. Her crew or friends were there as well. She thought of her red liquid. She raised her hands forward. She started creating the red liquid. She tried to make it more intense. She tried to create heat by moving the liquid particles together. "Liquid Ignition," Honey said as she fired the liquid from her hands. It hit the ocean. There was some smoke on the way. However, there was no fire.

Honey sighed. She practised for more than an hour. She was getting more and more tired, however she was making progress. The liquid was catching on fire as it left her. However the fire was small and sometimes extinguished itself before even reaching the ocean. She sighed. She was making progress however slow. She thought of trying it a few more times.