Chapter 229: Na Island

All gazes were towards the sky as a brown object steadily descended towards them. The collective anticipation heightened as the object drew nearer. It was of a substantial size and round silhouette. Bits of soil and rock cascaded from the descending mass. They finally saw a small island descended from the sky and hit the ocean. 

The ocean waves rocked at the impact of the island. The rock that Ben and the girls were on rumbled. "Ben," Marianne shouted as she jumped into chest. Ben caught her in his arms. 

"Ben I am scared as well," Honey said as she held his right arm. 

"I am as well," Zala said as she held his left arm. 

One by one Ben they hurdled up around him. The girls were all around him, each of them holding onto Ben. The ground stopped rumbling. The girls kept their hands on Ben. 

"Girls, it stopped," Ben said. Ben could feel their hands on his arms, face, legs, back, stomach and butt. 

"And my love?" Alvida teased. 

"This feels nice," Saphir said, hugging his back.

"You are hogging his back," Rubis remarked. 

"Sorry," Saphir replied. 

"Captain is very popular," Robin said, holding his cheek. She smiled. The girls laughed and got off. 

"Even you BM?" Ben asked.

"It is safer together my lord," BM responded. 

"She is right there," Nojiko pointed out. 

"Well, he is a pervert," Kaya remarked. 

"Weren't you the one touching his butt?" Vivi inquired.

"You don't need to say that," Kaya protested. 

They all giggled and saw the side wall of the temple collapse. Robin and Zala walked to the collapsed wall. They looked out in the distance. Emeraude approached them.

"It looks like there is a bridge," Robin pointed out.

"Bridge?" Mikita asked

"Yes, it looks like the island had some bit of land which was meant to connect exactly to this rock," Zala responded.


Ben approached them. "You are right it is a bridge," Ben added. They saw a slim rocky path to the island. 

Vivi and Nojiko approached them. "I guess we are walking there," Vivi said. 

"That we are," Nojiko remarked. 

"The ocean looks rough," Mikita commented. 

"Don't worry, even if you fall you will only sink to the bottom of the ocean and get eaten by the large sharks," Robin giggled. 

"No-one is falling over," Ben stated. Robin and her dark humour, Ben thought. 

"Even if they do, me and sis will fish you out," Saphir said. 

"Yes we will," Rubis and Emeraude said together. 

They all nodded and walked towards the land bridge. They formed a single file line and held each other's shoulders and walked towards the island. They slowly walked towards the island. 

Agreeing in unison, they proceeded towards the land bridge. Aligning in a single-file formation, each person placed their hands on the shoulders of the one in front, creating a chain as they made their way towards the island. Ben led the way followed by Alvida, Honey, Kaya, Nojiko, Mikita, Marianne, Zala, Robin, Vivi, Saphir, Rubis, Emeraude and finally BM. With each step, they advanced gradually, across the land bridge. 

They got to the end and saw the small island in front of them. The colossal trees surrounded them on both sides, their presence looming large. The aged trunks, reaching skyward like stoic guardians. The tree has many large and thick branches. Vines had covered the trees from head to bottom. 

"Let's explore but stick together and be careful," Ben ordered.

"We can split up and cover more ground," Mikita suggested.

"No, the island is not that big and I want us together for Shushibaruba," Ben said.

Mikita nodded in response. They walked through the forest. They jumped over fallen branches and large tree roots. Ben had to help Marianne going through the jungle. The crew kept walking until they reached the otherside of the island. It took them 20 minutes in total. 

"This island was very small, my love," Alvida noted. 

"We did not see anything interesting either," Kaya remarked. 

"It has to be here somewhere," Saphir added.

"Yeah, why else would they go to this trouble to hide this island," Nojiko commented. 

"Captain look over," Robin pointed to. 

Ben approached Robin. He looked and saw an entrance. There were four logs around the opening. "Looks like an entrance to an underground place," Ben said.

"Good spot Robin," Vivi congratulated. 

"Let's go," Saphir said.

"Yes, let's go," Ben confirmed. 

They approached the underground entrance. "It looks dark," Mikita observed. 

"It sure is," Zala confirmed. 

"We had torches, but did we leave them on the Miss Love Duck?" Ben asked.

"No, I brought several torches for us all," Marianne said as she took off her backpack and opened the zip. She reached in and started handing out the torches."

"Thank you," Alvida said. 

"This was good thinking," Honey added.

"It sure was, good job," Ben said.

They turned on their torches and started looking around the entrance. They saw stairs going downwards. Guided by the luminance of his torch, Ben descended the stairs, the beam cutting through the darkness. The girls followed him. They walked down the stairs until they reached the bottom. Ben used his flashlight to see around. He saw what looked like a tunnel in front of him. 

"Follow me girls," Ben ordered. 

"Yes," they all said back. Ben walked slowly down the tunnel. As they walked closer, they saw a light appearing in front of them. They walked closer and the light got brighter and brighter. Eventually they reached a room which was fully illuminated. They turned their torches off. 

They saw the room was made of a stone floor. There were two gold statues at the back of the room. The wall on the back was a blue and green pattern. The other walls were a light blue colour. At the centre of the room was a large pedestal. The pedestal wrote, "Nu Sivan Kuru Chamber."

"Wow," Marianne exclaimed.

"It's quite bright in here," Mikita remarked.

"I wonder how," Ermaude pondered aloud.

"Perhaps there's a generator," Rubis speculated.

"Here?" Vivi questioned.

"Or maybe another power source," Robin suggested, peering ahead of her.

To the front of them, hovering in the air was a large transparent egg. They saw a large mouth at the front of the egg. It had sharp teeth. The body was a circle with large tubes and towers on its back.

"So here it is," Ben said.

"It is definitely scary," Marianne commented.

"It gives off some seriously bad vibes," Honey added.

"I'm getting chills just by looking at it," Vivi confessed.

"There's something not quite right about it," Kaya chimed in.

"My love they may be right," Alvida said. She was looking at it and she did not want anything to do with it. 

Ben thought about it for a second. The reward for the quest was another ship to help sail around for his girls. He needed that so they could be protected in the harsh sea. This weapon is powerful and could help him out in future helps like Lexie and the Mech does. He trusted Emeraude and Rubis in the remote building. However, his girls did not doubt their capability, they did not like Shushibaruba. 

As Ben thought, a flying man came through the tunnels and into the chamber. "Sefer Ha-Bahir," the man said, as he threw a bunch of paper near Ben and the girls.