Chapter 256: Strawhat and Love Pirates

Ben looked to see the Going Merry on its side. There was a large hole in the hull. The ship looked damaged, it was looking rough. Ben felt sad, looking at the ship. The Going Merry is one tough girl, she was doing her best but she was not designed for the Grand Line.

He saw Luffy at the bottom of the stairs on the altar. 

He walked up to the Bridge. "Nojiko, HQ drop anchor here and tell the girls to be ready. The Strawhats are here and they might need our help," Ben ordered.

"Yes Captain," HQ and Nojiko answered together.

"What help would they need?" Nojiko asked. She thought they were strong.

"Nothing in particular, maybe some medical attention for one of their members," Ben replied. 

"That does not sound good," Nojiko responded.

"They are tough but like all of us need help," Ben replied. Nojiko and HQ nodded. 

Ben walked down the stairs of the Bridge and got to Second Floor. He headed to 2L3. He opened the door and saw Kaya back to her usual clothes. She looked flushed and had a smile on her face. She was treating Mikita. Robin had a small bandage. Honey looked fine. Mikita had a few more bandages. 

As Ben approached, a warm smile graced Robin's face. "Hello, Captain," she greeted.

Ben inquired about their well-being. "Are you all doing okay?" he asked with genuine concern.

"We're good," Honey affirmed, a spark of resilience in her eyes.

"Never better," Mikita chimed in, her smile resilient despite visible injuries..

A shadow crossed Ben's face as he looked at Mikita. "I should have," " he began, expressing a sentiment of regret.

"Don't you dare say that," Mikita retorted, her tone firm. "We are not fragile," she added.

Honey joined in, emphasising their solidarity, "We want to help you, Ben."

Robin, chimed in, "She's right. You need to have faith and trust."

"I do, I trust you all to make your decisions. It's just... I love you all, and seeing any of you hurt gets to me," Ben admitted 

The girls smiled. Mikita and Honey's smiles grew wider. Robin felt her heart move. "I will be there to treat them all," Kaya said.

Robin looked at Kaya finishing the bandages on Kaya. "Her outfit was cute," Robin teased.

"Too bad only Ben gets to see it and get treated," Mikita teased. She saw it was on the floor when they walked in. Kaya looked embarrassed but happy. However she quickly wore her normal clothes and started treating them. She could be bossy when she wants. 

"Can I get one?" Honey asked. She was having some thoughts. 

"Pervert," Kaya said looking at Ben. She was still smiling. She looked happy. 

They all giggled. Ben sighed. 

"Kaya, I need your help, the Strawhats including their doctor looks hurts," Ben requested.

She looked at the three girls. "We are fine," Mikita replied. 

"Captain asked you," Robin added. 

"You should go," Honey urged. 

Kaya looked around. "Okay, we need to help them," Kaya replied. Ben nodded. Kaya grabbed a small bag. They both headed upstairs. Ben did think some of the girls should be here however they must have gone for the ladies talk. 

They got to the deck. Ben transformed into the hybrid form. He picked up Kaya in the princess position. "Pervert," she remarked. Ben started flying towards the altar. He got close and dropped Kaya off at the bottom. 

Luffy saw Ben flying over and ran over. He smiled. "Ben," Luffy shouted.

He stretched his arm and grabbed Ben. Ben thought something bad was going to happen. Luffy then retracted his arm. Ben was pulled towards Luffy. He collided with Luffy and they both fell onto the ground. "Luffy," Ben muttered. He sighed. He has good intentions but his action may not, Ben thought. 

They both got up. Luffy smiled. "Ben, this place is awesome," Luffy said. 

"It is I brought Kaya along to help the injured," Ben replied. 

Luffy's smile changed. "I will beat them for hurting my crew," he said. A shadow casted his eyes. 

Ben could feel the chills. "We will, in fact those priest we beat one," Ben replied.

Luffy smiled. "I will kick his ass," Luffy stated.

"I know you will," Ben replied.

 Zoro and Nami looked at them talking. Nami was trying to treat Chopper. At that moment Kaya came running up. "They look bad," Kaya remarked as she saw the bloody body of Usopp and Chopper. She got mad that someone hurt her childhood friend. 

"Beautiful lady, Kaya-saaan" Sanji said. He hoped towards Kaya.

"Knock it off," Nami replied as she punched Sanji who was launched back.

Kaya took out bandages and medicines to clean the wounds. She then wrapped them up and cleaned up. Kaya had treated them both. "They should be okay," Kaya remarked.

"Thank you," Nami replied.

"I am always happy to help," Kaya said. 

Zoro looked on. Ben and Luffy were chatting. "Luffy lets camp here, we would need to just do a debrief on today. We need to know what happened here and what we did," Ben explained.

Luffy looked at the altar. He saw a shark swimming around. He stretched his hand and grabbed the fin. He pulled it out and punched it. The shark went flying back and landed on the ground. 

Ben and Luffy walked to the altar. "We should head to land and stay there. It's a bit cramped here," Ben said.

"Okay, "Luffy replied. Luffy then stretched his arm. He swept Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Chopper and Ben. Kaya transformed into her beast form. She flew up. "Luffy not again," Zoro shouted.

"No," Nami said. 

"Don't do it," Sanji said. 

He flung them all including himself towards the land. They were all in the air. Ben got his bearing and grabbed Nami in his arms. He flew them and landed her gently. Nami held tight and looked at Ben. "Thank you," she whispered.

"No problem," Ben replied. Kaya grabbed Chopper and Usopp and placed them gently down. Sanji and Zoro face planted in the ground. Zoro looked at Ben carefully handling NAmi. He gritted his teeth. Sanji looked furious.

"Ben," Sanji shouted. He was about to walk across when he landed on him and his face planted on the ground again. 

"Shishishi," Luffy Laughed. 

"Not funny," they all replied. 

"I am going to get my crew, then we can talk," Ben said. 

Sanji got up. He thought beautiful ladies would be coming. "I will make food for them," Sanji said. 

"I am hungry, Sanji," Luffy remarked. 

"No food for you," Sanji said. 

Luffy looked disappointed.