Chapter 274: Luffy vs Wyper

A few minutes prior to the bright lightning bolt, Luffy found himself separated from Chopper and Zoro. The dense jungle surrounded him and a glimmer caught his eye. Luffy smiled and channeled his inner Tarzan. He swung across the jungle, soaring through the air. The wind whipped past him as he leaped from tree to tree.

Luffy could see explosions happening all around him. He landed on the ground and looked in front of him. He saw a man wearing a grass skirt and mask fighting a person wearing white robes. They both had small wings on their backs. "They look like Raki and Conis, part of Ben`s crew," Luffy remarked. He added, "He is making his crew bigger." 

All of a sudden, another man wearing a skirt came from the bushes. He aimed his bow at Luffy and shot it at him. Luffy took a side step and dodged the arrow. "Hey," Luffy commented. The man was in the middle of loading his bow with another arrow. "Gomu Gomu no Pistol," Luffy said as he stretched his arm back and then launched it at the man. It hit the man in the stomach and he spat his spit out. He went flying back and landed on the ground. 

There was another explosion in front of him. He saw the man wearing the white robes was down, his body was covered in gray scratches. "You blue sea people are not welcomed here," Wyper shouted. He had taken out a Divine Soldier who had beaten his men. 

"You attacked us," Luffy replied. 

"I attack all who are in my way," Wyper shouted. Wyper aimed the bazooka and fired it at Luffy. 

"Gum-Gum Balloon," Luffy said as he rapidly sucked in air. His stomach grew bigger and bigger until he was a ball. Luffy jumped into the air. The cannon ball raced through the air and hit Luff`s stomach. His stomach absorbed the impact and threw the cannonball at Wyper. 

Wyper moved his head slightly to the left as he dodged the cannon ball. It hit the tree and exploded. There was a loud bright orange explosion behind him. He looked at Luffy. Luffy looked at Wyper as he transformed back to his regular state. 

"Try all you want but, guns and cannon do not work on me," Luffy said. 

"Apparently not," Wyper replied. He paused. "I will have to change my style," he added.

He took something out of bag. He started to play catch with it using one hand. Wyper loaded it into the bazooka. He closed the hatch and aimed it at Luffy.

Luffy wrinkled his nose, catching a whiff of something putrid. "Phewww," he remarked. "What is that horrible smell?" he asked, glancing around the jungle.

"It is the breath dial, which contains gas," he explained, his voice low. "I've infused it into the bazooka and when ignited, it unleashes a devastating attack," he added. Wyper raised the weapon. "Burn Bazooka," he declared.

A blue light could be seen at the hole of the bazooka. A blue beam was fired and it went towards Luffy. Luffy jumped out of the way and narrowly missed the blue beam. He turned around and looked at the destruction. The beam went through the tree. "That was close," Luffy remarked. He looked around. "Where is he?" Luffy asked himself. Luffy looked around, trying to locate him. 

At that moment, Wyper, using his Shooter, closed the distance and came from the right. He swung his leg in an attempt to kick Luffy. However, Luffy ducked down and dodged the attack. "Gomu Gomu no Pistol," Luffy said as he stretched his arm back and then launched it at Wyper. However Wyper used his Shooter to kick his arm away. Luffy quickly stretched his arm back to normal. 

Luffy stretched his arm around a tree. He went towards the tree and flung off it. "Gomu Gomu no Stamp," Luffy said as he stretched his leg out and launched it at Wyper. Wyper used the Shooter to counter the kick. He managed to kick Luffy`s foot away. Luffy retracted his foot. 

He looked at Wyper and then launched a series of punches towards Wyper. He tried to punch Wyper in the face however Wyper dodged. Luffy then tried to punch him in the stomach, leg and chest however Wyper kept manovoring around his punch dodging the attack.

Wyper then aimed his bazooka at Luffy. He fired. A blue beam rushed towards Luffy. Luffy stretched his arm to a branch above him and yanked himself upwards. He had just missed the blue beam. "That was close," he remarked. 

"Gomu Gomu no Spear," Luffy said as he held his feet together with the bottom of each touching together. He then launched his feet like a spear at Wyper. Wyper used his Shooter to gain speed and dodge the attack. Luffy retracted his feet again. 

Wyper and Luffy looked at each other. "Bazooka don't work against me," Luffy said. 

"It will," Wyper replied. 

"Gomu Gomu no Bazooka," Luffy said as he stretched his arms back and launched them forward. 

At the same time, Wyper aimed his bazooka. "Burn Blast," Wyper said as he fired his bazooka. A blue beam fired towards Luffy. The two attacks went past each other. Luffy hit Wyper in the chest. He spat blood out as he went flying back. At the same time, Luffy got hit by the blue beam and went flying back. 

They both were propelled back on opposite sides. Wyper hit a tree. He felt his back take the brunt. He slowly got up and coughed blood. He composed himself and looked. "So you are the leader of the vermin," a voice was heard.

Wyper turned around and looked to see Enel there. "You, I will kill you," Wyper shouted. He aimed his bazooka and fired at Enel. Enel raised his hand and took the hit. 

"Was that all?" he asked, unphased by the attack. 

Wyper then dropped the bazooka and ran up towards Enel. He then locked his legs around Enel. "What are you doing vermin?" Enel asked. He looked unamused by him. 

"This," Wyper said, pressing the dial against Enel's chest, "is a reject dial." He added, "Inside lies a fragment of the sea itself, a sea prism stone."

"It may cost me my life," Wyper continued, "but it will also take yours." 

"Yahahaha," Enel laughed. "You think this trinket can harm me?" he sneered. At that moment, he realised sea stone. His facial expression changed. "Don't do it," he said.

Wyper's grip tightened. "We'll see," he whispered, and then, he activated the dial. The dial sent a compressed attack towards Enel`s chest. There was a bright light as Enel was sent back. He landed on the ground with a loud thud. Wyper landed on his feet. He was panting. 

He looked at Enel on the ground. His mouth was open. There were marks on his chest. "Finally over," Wyper said.

"Shinzo Massage," Enel said as he used his power to resuscitate his heart and laughed as he got up. "That was a cheap trick," Enel replied as he touched his chest. 

Wyper kissed his teeth. He looked in shock. His arm was hurting. "You all vermin should be wiped out," Enel said. 

"30,000,000 V Hino," Enel said as he tapped on one of the drums on his back with his gold staff. A giant, eagle-shaped mass of electricity began to appear from it. It flew towards Wyper. As it passed through, it electrocuted him with 30 million volts. Wyper screamed in pain. His entire body was burnt from the attack. He fell to the ground. 

"Vermin all vermin, no one can defeat a god," Enel said. He started to laugh. He walked over and stepped on Wyper`s head and rubbed the sole of his foot onto it. He kept laughing. 

At that moment, Luffy came and kicked Enel in the stomach. He bent over due to the force of the kick as he took a step back. "You took my fight," Luffy said. He looked mad. "You don't treat people like this," Luffy added.

Enel clutched his stomach. He looked at the man with the straw hat. "Vari 20,000,000 V," Enel said as he raised his hand. He started to gather electricity in his hand which glowed blue. He then discharged the electricity towards Luffy.