Chapter 314: Quest 13

Vivi's stern voice cut through the tension. "That seemed reckless, Captain," she chided.

Robin, chimed in. "We could have been squashed, and all died," she deadpanned. Ben thought she was being herself. 

Alvida, smiled and replied, "My love will never put us in danger knowingly." 

Ben, in true melodramatic fashion, held Vivi's hand. "I would never endanger you all," he proclaimed. "Vivi, I love you," he stated. 

Vivi blushed, her heart fluttering. "I love you too," she replied. She thought he was too good as usual. 

Zala couldn't resist a comment. "How cute," she teased.

Mikita leaned in,saying, "The princess always finds a way to the captain's heart." The girls giggled. 

"How did you know there was a ramp there?" Raki asked.

"I had a gut feeling," Ben replied. Raki thought this could be mantra. She thought her Captain certainly had the potential for it. 

"Impressive for sure," Saphir said. 

[Quest 13: Curse of the Holy Sword

Description: The once sacred sword is cursed. 


Defeat Saga (0/1) 

Defeat Toma (0/1)

Defeat Bismarck (0/1) 

Defeat Boo Kong (0/1)

Defeat Willy Pirates (The more crew members you defeat the higher the reward)

Defeat the Jellyfish Pirates (The more crew members you defeat the higher the reward)

Recruit Maya

Help Tashigi purify the Cursed sword (0/1) 

Make love with Conis (0/1)

Have a foursome with Alvida, Mikita and Honey (0/1)

Have anal sex with Vivi (0/1)


Tori Tori no Mi: Caladrius 

Mushi Mushi no Mi: Arthropleura

Cobalt Cobalt no Mi 

Rapier : Aurora's Kiss 

Long Sword : Succubane

(Another quest. Thank you Sweetie, there are less conditions however some of them are a bit harder.)

[There are hidden rewards for doing this quest. I can't tell you now but they will be really useful. ]

(Okay, Sweetie. I trust you.) 

"Did you get a quest, Captain?" Honey asked.

"He did have that look," Vivi added. She smiled. 

"Look?" Ben asked.

Alvida giggled. "Yes my love, it is unique," Alvida replied. 

Ben thought that was interesting. "Well, yes I did get a quest," he responded.

The girls' faces lit up. Some more than others. 

Alvida winked at Ben. "Is it everyone, my love?" she asked, her eyes dancing.

Ben's responded, "No, Sweetie usually gives difficulty based on threat level."

Mikita couldn't resist teasing. "So who is it this time?" she asked. 

Ben leaned in. "We have to defeat the people cursed with the holy sword and a pirate group called the Jellyfish Pirates," he replied. 

Saphir chimed in, "I can handle them if they're fishmen."

"Speaking of fishmen," Ben continued, "we'll have to face the Willy Pirates again."

Nojiko's abrupt exit spoke volumes. "Those scums are back," she declared. They were like Arlong, the people who caused her and her sister to suffer. 

Vivi stepped forward. "We'll help you," she added. Vivi could feel her pain. 


"They're evil," Honey commented. 

"You can count on me since they are fishpeople," Saphir nodded. Nojiko smiled at Saphir. 

"But there's one thing: we need Tashigi to cure the curse. She's the key," Ben explained.

Alvida leaned closer. "She's joining us soon," Alvida said.

Zala, curious, asked the crucial question. "What's the link between her and the curse?" she asked. 

Ben's answer was uncertain. "She's a sword user." He shrugged, pondering the mystery. "Beyond that, I'm not sure," he added. 

Raki and Conis took in all the information. "The cursed sword, and a sword user, how is the link to you then?" Raki asked.

"I don't know for now," Ben replied. 

"We can figure that out later my love, you have not answered our question," Alvida teased.

Ben thought he knew what she meant. "Conis, then Alvida, Mikita, Honey then Vivi," Ben replied. 

"What?" Conis blurted out as she blushed. 

"If you don't want to, then," Ben replied. 

"No, I want to help the crew," Conis said. 

"He is not bad," Saphir added. Conis went red but smiled. 

"Three women at the same time," Zala teased. 

"He can be a monster sometimes," Nojiko added. She had a smile on face. 

"A wild beast preying on innocent girls," Robin said.

They all nodded. "Hey," Ben said.

"We are kidding my love," Alvida said. She leaned in and whispered, "I look for to it my love."

Ben cleared his throat. "There is someone we need to recruit as well," Ben said. 

"Another one," Honey said. 

"The more the merrier," Zala said. 

Conis and Raki thought the crew was very friendly and welcoming. They were also very open. 

"My love cares for all," Alvida said. 

"Who is it this time?" Nojiko asked.

At that moment, they heard a splash into the water. The crew looked over to see if someone had just dived in. Then a long blue-haired woman emerged from the water. Her hair was partially held up by lavender barrettes on the sides, with side-locks in large pink beads. She had worn light pink panties and a matching pink bra. She walked out of the lake carrying three pink orbs in her hands. She approached a statue and presented the orbs to it. 

"Guess, we found her," Robin replied. 

The girls smiled. "The crew grows again," Zala added. 

"That was quick," Vivi said. 

"Our Captain draws girls like a magnet," Nojiko commented. 

"Maya is her name," Ben said. 

Maya extended her arms like the statue. She had her eyes closed. She then moved her hands over the pink orbs and they started to glow. 

"More orbs," Mikita commented. She thought about the orbs on Nanatsu Islands.

Maya's eyes snapped open, and she spun around, her gaze locking onto the approaching pirate ship. "Pirate," she muttered, her heart racing. She snatched her clothes and spirited away into the trees. She hastily donned a long, light-yellow shirt and a white-tasseled orange skirt. Brown sandals secured, she clutched the pink orbs and fled.

Saphir observed her flight. "She's running away," she said. 

"We're friendly!" Saphir called after her.

Robin's voice was calm. "She might mistake us for evil pirates," she stated. 

"That's likely what she sees," Raki agreed. 

Ben's decision was swift. "Let's go after her," he stated.