Chapter 396: Blueno vs Kaya Part 2

Blueno smiled. "You are foolish," he said.

"Moonwalk," Blueno intoned, as he leaped into the air. Kicking off the very air itself, he seemed to defy gravity as he soared upward. With each kick, he propelled himself forward, closing the distance between himself and Kaya in a matter of seconds. His eyes locked onto her.

"Iron Body Smash," Blueno announced, he hardened his entire body, focusing his strength into his fist. His hand transformed into a weapon of iron. With a powerful swing, he brought his fist crashing down toward Kaya.

Kaya stood her ground. "Angel Smash," she replied, her voice firm as she channeled her inner energy. Her fist began to glow with an white light, radiating warmth and power. As Blueno's iron fist descended upon her, she met it with her own, swinging upward.

The two fists collided. The force of the clash sent shockwaves through the air. The ground beneath them trembled as the opposing energies surged against each other. They both jumped back and looked at each other. 

Kaya thought she was going to need more power to beat him. She had been working on new abilities secretly and on the Miss Love Duck. She thought they were all draining on her body but that does not matter. "Angel Volley," Kaya said as she formed white orbs around her wings. They were small but grew in size to a tennis ball. They had a white glow. Kaya looked at Blueno and fired a barrage of angelic energy orbs that went towards him. 

"Paper Art," Blueno said as body instantly became flexible. His form shifted with the wind, slipping to the right as Kaya's attack hurtled past him. His movements were smooth, his body bending and swaying as though it had no bones.

Kaya saw him dodging all her attacks. She thought blunt attacks at close range were working however it put herself in harm's way as well. "Angel Wing Slash," Kaya said as she started to store energy in her wings. Her wings glowed brighter and brighter. She then sent a wave of energy in an arc shape towards Blueno. She got the idea from the thing he has been sending to her. Blueno saw it coming. However, it was too fast. 

He got hit in the chest and went flying back. He landed on his feet. His shirt was ripped from the top where the arc hit. There were scratch marks which had blood stains. He was panting. Blueno thought she was getting stronger. He thought he had to end this quickly. He looked at Kaya, she was panting for sure, however there was no guarantee she would.

"Storm Leg," Blueno said as he kicked at high speed and strength which launched a sharp compressed blade of wind towards Kaya. 

Kaya flew into the air and dodged the attack. "Moonwalk," Blueno said, as he leaped into the air. He flew towards Kaya who was in the air.

"Finger Pistol," Blueno said as he pulled his index finger towards Kaya. He penetrated her shoulder. Blood came leaking from her wound.

Kaya winced in pain however she stared back.

"Angel Rapid Smash," Kaya remarked as she channelled her energy into both of her fists. They both glowed white. She then launched a barrage of fists at Blueno. Despite her shoulder being stabbed she quickly punched Blueno. Kaya unleashed a flurry of punches, her fists moving with blinding speed. She struck Blueno's stomach and chest. The force of her punches reverberated through his torso, the impact of each blow sending shockwaves. Kaya's fists became a blur. 

Blueno felt the pain. She wanted him to get close. She felt all the punches destroying his insides. He spat blood out as he felt the force of the punches. Blueno went flying back as he landed on the ground on his back. He slid back, panting, coughing blood. He felt his bones in pain. She packed a punch. 

However, he was not down. Blueno got up. "We did underestimate your crew. We did not think your crew would come this far," Blueno added, "However, it will end now." 

"You are right, it is time to end this," Kaya said. She could see Blueno was tired. He was panting. 

"Then come at me," Blueno said. He added, "I will show you my ultimate defence." "Iron Body Strength," Blueno said as he hardened his body. There was a different mist from his body.

Kaya saw this. She closed her eyes and gathered all her energy. "Giant Angel Heaven`s Arrow," Kaya said as she formed a giant white arrow shaped projection. She put everything into it and hurled it at high speed towards Blueno. 

Blueno saw a massive arrow shaped weapon coming towards him. He knew this was his ultimate technique, there was nothing to worry about. The arrow hit his stomach and he felt pain. The arrow pierced his ultimate defence and stabbed him in the stomach. He went flying back as he spat blood. Blueno thought he lost. He could see darkness as he dropped to the ground. He closed his eyes and lost consciousness. There was a gaping hole in his stomach. He was losing a lot of blood. 

Kaya walked over and saw he was losing blood. She saw the key on the ground next to me. She picked up the key and transformed back into her human form. She was panting, and sweating. Her body felt exhausted. However she had to keep going. She was about to move when she saw Blueno bleeding. She saw a sheet next to them and put it over him. She took some medicine from her pocket and put it next to him. 

Kaya thought she had some humanity left. She knew Vivi would have done the same. She did not have any energy to transform back yet. She started to walk off, to find Robin and give her the key. "Wait for me Robin, we are coming," she muttered to herself. 

Meanwhile on the Miss Love Duck, HQ continued to rain down shells. Several shells hit several buildings and exploded. Huge explosions could be seen everywhere. "Where is this coming from?" a Marine shouted. 

"Watch out for the Mech," another shouted.