
When Red Demon was conscious again he was small and next to him a dragon warrior with pale scaled skin and black horns protruding from his forehead. He had black short hair. Piercing blue eyes and two swords upon his hip. He was dawned in a dull grey breastplate with dried blood and damage. He wore a white uniform underneath with his Corrosio's sigil of a black dragon upon his breastplate. The uniform had seen better days stained with blood, dirt, and soot. His swords differed in size. He had a odachi and a wakizashi. He had a scowl upon his face as he and Red Demon walked through the desert of the Fire Realm.

"Stay close young master. With your mother gone and my master imprisoned we remain alone. My warriors are all gone and those that didn't die will sell us both out to save themselves" he stated. Red Demon knew this warrior anywhere. He knew what this memory was. This warrior was Spark his grandfathers right hand man and greatest knight. This memory he lived out personally and it was the day his life truly went to hell. He remembered when they were running they were set upon by Dragon warriors and Sparks had to kill his own. "He is half demon Sparks let him go save yourself and us" one of the would be captors said. Sparks were stout and cold when he answered back "I swore an oath and an oath is held till death" after that Sparks killed all of them. He seemed broken after that.

Only good thing was Spark's was more loyal to his grandfather other than his mother. Corrosio had entrusted him to protect him and Sparks took an oath to protect me. But sadly this would be his last day, or it was his last day when this occurred. This was the day he was kidnapped and enslaved by his father to become the next Demon King after him. Red Demon assessed his body and he was in fact within his own body only younger. 'This is too cruel…I see my mother die and now I have to see Spark also die. Again!' He shook his head. 'No! This time I won't freeze I will kill all along side him. But perhaps until then I ask questions I didn't before this temple has me reliving all this for a reason?' He looked up at Spark.

"Why is everyone after me?" He asked in his child like voice. 'Was my voice always that annoying?' He thought to himself. "From what my master explained. It is your blood and the true name given by Sister Spinner marking your soul with a great destiny. More than that your genetics are why everyone wants you. You are what we call a Dramon. Dragon and demon hybrid that is capable of holding multiple elements. And like my people have an endless soul core filled with an ocean of chi. Back in the past Demons and Dragon Folk did cross breed. But the offspring were powerful and were a threat to the balance. Dragon Folk and Demons alike hunted them down killing them giving way to two kings that ruled the Fire Realm. Chosen by the World was the Line of the Korōjonburesu Dragon line and the Burakkuhāto Demon line", He knew that information somewhat from the books he grew up reading. But what intrigued him most was the 'True Name? I do remember from my first master's teachings that most if not all receive a true name during the Celestial Step. This being the name recognized by the universe giving that individual power to shape the world around them. But to have one from birth is an omen of a great destiny' Red Demon thought as he stared at the ground. "I possess the ability to control all elements? How?" He asked. "Cause your true name and nature gives you the ability to take others powers. Element wise from what your mother told me you have three at the moment…but one is sealed away by your mother so your father can never harness it" Spark explained. "What's my true name?" Spark paused a this. "The Walking Ruin…the very name is full of dark omens young master. Along with you being born with a True Name. Let's say your important" Red Demon fell silent. The very name seemed to spark something writhing his soul. He felt a jolt run through him, and he became coated in red light. His eyes began to glow. "The Walking Ruin…" this is the piece I felt was missing in my life. This very information puts everything in perspective. This ability he speaks of seems similar to the Chi Leech technique. I will be consumed by that madness that came with it. As my power grows will my appetite become so out control I become a mindless monster. He also felt fear grow in him as his mind raced with these negative thoughts.

'I fear the things I'm capable of and I'm worried of losing control! I need to expand my mind to levels up from where I am. And fast! Last question I need…' he turned to look up at Spark. "What's the element?" He asked bluntly. Spark looked down and scowled, "you surprise me kid. Most children your age would be in a panic. Yet…your more curious than scared?" Spark joked. Red Demon sighed, "Yes, well I don't have time to be a child anymore. With this doom looming over me. I need to think forward so I can be ready" Red Demon said in a cold tone. "Bedlam" Red Demon's eyebrows arched. 'Chaos! I possess Bedlam the element of chaos! By the gods…Shadow, Flame, and now Bedlam. Something else to work on I guess. How do I remove this seal?' He thought. He had a feeling Spark wouldn't even know. Hell the real Spark probably didn't even know.

'So why didn't I ask these same question? Being a stupid eight year old how do I not remember this information. I have three elements? One is sealed?' He thought his mind racing. "You very much asked this same question as a child" Spark said as he stopped walking. Red Demon froze on the spot hearing this. He turned and face the entity that took the form of Spark. "You must be the Temple?" Red Demon asked relaxing.

Fake Spark nodded, "I'll explain. See I have created these illusions plucking moments from time and space. A lot you were never privy to see of course till now. I can however erect illusions from memories of the person who comes in here. So right now the memory we stand in is directly from you. And here a mile from this very spot you will suffer a head injury that will make you forget all of this. Hence that scar on your face. Spark dies and your torment that made you into the person you are begins" the area changed as they were a third party watching clones of themselves walking further into the desert. They watched the conversation progress as young Red Demon asked about Spark training him to fight. Spark smiling down at the boy. When they looked ahead from the sand rose a giant worm. Then more and more came out. All around them and from the sky descended the Shadow Cohort in a flying battle ship. They were completely surrounded and demons came riding in from the desert on mounted lizards as they came from the mountains not far from their location.

Spark had lightning flash over his body. "Stay close to me and when I say run you run! Understood?" Spark said unsheathing both his swords. Red Demon's younger self nodded as he created two daggers with his forging ability. Spark sprang forward attacking the members of the Shadow Cohort. He became locked in battle with them as more demons came from behind trying to take Red Demon. He spun around even as a child fighting them off and dodging their attempts. He jumped onto one mounted demon climbing up the demon's back. He rapidly stabbed the neck of the demon repeatedly. He was then hit from behind. A mount running up alongside the dead demon. He fell from the mount and rolled away. He tried to rise before the two demons came upon him and began to club him into submission. He felt his body beaten from all directions till finally the right side of his head and face exploded with blood. Gash opened up under his right eye extending to his forehead. He was then saved by a bolt a lightning that came overhead striking both demons sending them flying. Little Red Demon turned around to see Spark standing with weapons piercing his body from all sides wielded by the Shadow Cohort. His last action was in the defense of Red Demon over himself. And this right here was the only memory he did remember from this situation. "He died saving me. I had absolute respect for that warrior. I wanted to be like him. I even tried to emulate his fighting style. I'd see him train and go off in seclusion to practice what I saw…." His face sunk to his chest. 'Seeing this again brings it all back. Was this her plan to light a fire in me again and become the villain I was meant to be?' He thought. "In a way yes" Temple Spark stated. "Forgot you can read minds…" Red said turning to him.

With a wave the scene they were in changed. It resorted to a circular room made of stone. Red Demon remained a child and the temple remained Spark, "So what am I supposed to do for this Sister Spinner then? Am I to be her weapon? If you can't tell I am in no mood to be under anyone else's thumb" Red Demon stated with coldness. Spark arched an eyebrow, "What's your role again? The World's King Slayer? Seems you have failed at staying under someone's thumb?" Spark smirked. "Yeah irony. Good for you. Means to an end. That deal ends in freedom and power" the eight year old retorted. Spark nodded, "You truly believe that?" He asked with a shrug. "What's the truth?" Red asked. "You not listen to Spark. Your a Dramon which makes you a threat to all species. But makes you useful to the World's agenda till it doesn't" Fake Spark explained. 

A chair appeared behind the temple spirit he took a seat. Red had a chair appear behind him he stared at then sat down. "Sister Spinner mentioned the Regime? What do you know of them?" Spark asked. "A council of Primordial beings isn't something that is spoken about in public. What I do know about them is that it's the goal of every cultivator. To travel through the universe freely, to harness creation itself, and the mind to control all of it. There are many who have achieved this feat. I want to be one of them" Red Demon was resolute. "A goal to shoot for. Your already reaching immortality as you get closer to the Celestial Step. Well the Regime will not allow this even if you did. Like I said your species is a dangerous one you could be more powerful than the top ranked Primordial" Spark explained.

Red Demon was taken aback. Mainly cause once a Primordial most if not all leave their realms. And most are never seen again and this explained that. "Then I guess Ill have to prove myself as a true threat then?" He asked. "That roster you will need to convince are quite a few. The founding members are ten, but the ones who have joined the ranks have now reached one thousand. And if your powerful enough then you become one thousand and one. The King's test is truly a show and to put potential Primordial in situations to see what they got. In your case your special and one to watch. The current reigning kings are not only full of potential, but they are more a threat to stability. So when that occurs a King Slayer is chosen to wipe the slate clean. The cycle repeats itself and is disguised as progress" Spark was blunt and serious.

"To what end? Why have this system in place?" Red asked. Spark shrugged, "I don't know their motives next to what I said. Could be competition, initiation, control, or all the above. All I know is that this was organized by their leader. The World leads them they control everything and the only one above a Primordial" Spark explained. "What's this rank called?" Spark held up hands, "Cosmic. I was once a Primordial before I died and became a spirit for my own temple. See I built this place to expand the Mind Palace. Yes you are right if you feed your Bedlam power and grow stronger you will become over whelmed for the thirst for chi. You will kill friend as well as your foes. But perhaps I can help you with that?" It was Red's turn to arch an eyebrow. "How so?" He asked with intrigue.

"Simple I have a technique that helped me elevate it through living through others memories. Others experiences feeling what they felt all while keeping myself from going mad. That's the trick to it" he stood up. "See the technique I give you is already defined and you won't have to go and do all that. I'll imprint it in your mind all you would need to do it meditate somewhere so thick with chi it'll make your mind burst. Once the spell is activated it will expand your Mind Palace along with it I give you a new element as well" he flattened his palm and a blue orb formed from it. "What element is that?" He asked staring at the orb. "The Mind Element of course"