The War King walked into his chamber and began to clean his hands. A man standing next to him in dirty gold armor was holding a towel. The king cleaned his hands and took the towel. "Torrent. What is going on with my army?" he asked. "It is the people sire they are defecting. The rebel hero Ghost Demon has created great influence among the people causing more unrest. Soldiers that are loyal are tired and weak from the daily incursions from the Tech Realm and Chivalry Realm" the servant explained. The king was silent in contemplation. He sat at a desk removing his mask and pouring a drink in a glass. He was a handsome man with striking features well groomed face with an undercut haircut. He had piercing red eyes as he stared out of the oculus over looking the city. "In my bid to cut out discontent I may have crippled my own army and city? Is that what your telling me?" He paused, "Just as well I knew using the prisoners in the battle arenas for my cultivation would create problems I knew the risks. It was all worth it though. Soon I will be taking the Celestial Step after ten more matches in the fighting rings. Then I will be above that fucking Void King. First thing I'll do is visit his realm" he sipped his drink.
He then looked at Torrent who was silent, "Torrent? Something on your mind?" he asked annoyed by his silence. "No sire. Just that once you leave what will become of this realm?" he asked concerned. The king was silent for a moment. "Yes…that is the true question isn't it? That would depend on the World blessing the next king. I haven't been a good king anyway. Started a civil war, created my own selfish path, and dragging my people along the way. But that is my nature and the World knew that I was a warmonger. That's what they wanted in the first place. A hundred years I've been tilling this land with blood and violence" he sipped his drink and drained the glass. "I'll give you your freedom and money Torrent. You have been quite loyal to me which is more than I could say for most of the court that is left. We both know what happened to them?" Torrent bowed "Thank you sire. Serving you has been a great honor. Once getting you to evolve will be my greatest achievement" he said dripping with respect and gratitude.
The king said nothing as he poured a drink. "Now that we have covered that. What of this vigilante. What do we do with a symbol who has a purpose? Gives them hope in a world that isn't supposed to have hope. A world that is about strength and a status system" he asked.
Torrent approached closer, "We turn the symbol against the people? We begin to target those he protects?" He suggested. The king took a sip of his drink. "We do that we prove the point to his purpose. We are the enemy which will cause more action to uprise. Right now we have apprehension because they know our forces power. Ghost Demon has even practiced some restraint from attacking us directly at the palace. He is more patient and that can be dangerous. A man who waits for the right time to strike and uses surprise is usually successful" he drained the glass. He then turned to Torrent. "He's playing the long game. He's hurting vital spots in our operations and minimalizing any witnesses. Minus leaving one to tell the tale. He wants us to hunt him and when we finally find him he will be ready" he then paused mid pour. "Yes. That sounds right? Okay….I have it. Find out what black markets are supplying him. We hit those he will be forced to retaliate by stealing from our stores. Double security in all and make them aware of the plan. We also use this time to find any rats among the ranks" he paused to drink. "Find our most loyal to be inserted amongst the guard rosters. I prefer some from the War Dogs or the Battle Dragons they have been most loyal. Along with proving to be the strongest soldiers" he then walked to oculus. "Torrent what do you think?" He asked. Torrent approached the oculus looking out at the realm. "I think it is a fine plan your majesty. I will hand pick the men myself. I will make us succeed and bring you the Ghost Demon" he said with pride.
Back at the Brigade section of the city housing all nine brigades of the War King. The Battle Dragons, War Dogs, Splitters, Hellhounds, Snake Bite, Battle Rhinos, Gunpowder, Blood Sword, and the Amazons. All proud soldiers of the War King's army and led by the strongest among them overseeing them was Torrent the Bludger the King's right hand man. He was also in charge of the City Watch and the defense of the city. The brigades were given their own big section for he capital city Dread City. Each was sectioned off with walls and housed houses, barracks, training grounds, chi chambers, libraries, and a mess hall. Along with opersting businesses protecting by their brigades. All ran by the commanders like mayors.
A particular brigade was the favorite with the King. The War Dogs were a bunch of battle maniacs who were the worst to work with among the army and also the best warriors. For what the lacked like numbers and professionalism they made up for in true grit, will power and tactics. They were a squad of twenty and each were demented along being strong as the next. Only one reigned supreme in the group. They were led by a tall man with a Mohawk and eyepatch. He had tattoos of magic circle upon his arms and wore gloves that went up to his forearm.
He stroked the triangular beard and flicked blood off it. He had a bloody sword in his hand and cleaned it with a rag. He was called Broken Sword; for being the only one who ever killed double digit enemies with a broken sword. It cost him an eye, but his legend grew spreading out the realm. "Let's drink up! Another successful defending of our realm men!" He shouted as women came up with jugs of ale. With being their own section they had servants that served the War Dog's brigade. All were women and who suffered these brutes because of their status as serfs in the past. In the past they were abused and birthed bastard children and girls that continued a cycle for many generations,
But unlike the previous leaders of the War Dogs Broken Sword was not a fiend to the women and had made a compromise. Any were willing to sleep with any of the men if they so choose. No man was to force any woman into anything they refused to do. And the women were also given combat training and wages. These women were not just servants but the guards of the War Dogs headquarters. Broken Sword saw their value more than anyone ever had. Allowing them to flourish and make a life for themselves. Along with freedom if they so chose. Some had families with them making it a true community.
They also had a nominated leader to keep their interests. And the head of the women that made this trade was named Shira. She and Broken Sword had sealed this agreement with marriage. After years of romancing her and showing her respect of course. Shira was a black haired beauty with a sword upon her hip and a black silk robe. She approached Broken Sword kissing him and bringing water in a bowl with rags slung over her forearms. She led him to a table and she began to wash his hands cleaning the gore of battle from them. "So your battle was a success?" She asked. "Yes my dear. But these incursions are becoming more frequent. The Void Faction has come with more vigor lately. These battles show confidence and purpose" he said taking a drink with his free hand. "Well it's just as so. The Dreaded Faction has lost many allies to the King Slayer. Its weak and our leader has grown mad" she said in a whisper. Broken Sword merely nodded, "Even me a mad man can see the craze on some of his decisions. His paranoia is growing, but the War Dogs are paid to fight. We live for it so we must follow the crazed path with our King" he said with doubt.
"You do remember the plan if the city should fall?" He asked her with a serious tone. "Yes my love. I am to take our son and the rest of the families through the designated route discussed. But I'd rather think of you fleeing with me over me going alone. Who would teach our son to be a warrior?" She said looking at his blue eye. He smiled, "I need not worry of that. My greatest student is his mother. Liam will be fine in your hands. He asleep?" He asked. "Yes he waited up for you wanted to hear a new tale of the battle. You know how he is. But little guy fell asleep before he could" she smiled. "Well just as well boy needs his sleep to grow big like his father" he kissed Shira's forehead and downed his beer. "I am going to go see him before bed to make sure he has enough blankets. It will be a cold night ahead of us" he said walking to the stairs. "Shall I draw you a bath" she said waving her hand over her nose. Broken Sword looked back smiling, "Only if you join me?" he said back in a flirtatious tone. "I wont join you, but if you take a bath and smell better maybe you'll have better luck?" she said back jokingly.
Broken Sword chuckled as he made his way to Liam's room. He was the ten year old son of the War Dog leader and the biggest thing he cared about next to the boy's mother. He cracked the door slowly and quietly as he looked in on a little boy snoring with thick black hair and holding a warrior figurine toy holding a sword and shield. He lay out uncovered as the blanket lay on the ground. Broken Sword knelt down and placed the blanket over the boy. He then gently patted his head and turned to leave smiling down at his son. He then stopped when he felt a presence in the room with him. He instantly went for the handle of his sword and turned. In front of him was a man in a full tight suit that was greyish blue and covered his whole body. He had a cloth skirt over his legs and a shirt over the torso. He had a large sized chopper blade sheathed on his lower back, two holstered fire arms resting under his arms. He wore a mask with hollow eyes, a demonic elongated Oni mask that was blue and gray. He held up his hands and whispered, "Just me" he said innocently. Broken Sword relaxed his grip and stood straight facing the masked man. "Ghost what are you doing here? Were to meet tomorrow not tonight?" he whispered back walking closer to the Ghost Demon. "Hey when I need information you said day or night. Not to mention we are allies now and I need to warn you that the King will task you with killing innocent people?" Ghost Demon warned. Broken Sword sighed, "If you would just make you're move already this madness would stop" he said bitterly. "Vengeance is only applicable if it has suffering behind it" Ghost Demon explained. "You and your vengeance. I don't care about that do you remember? I only came to you in hopes of protecting my men and their families. Don't think I am not grateful for the tunnel maps to escape the city, but this is getting risky my men cant know of this alliance" he warned. Ghost Demon shrugged, "That isn't my problem Broken Sword your men should learn the harsh truth as you did. He puts the people into the battle arenas and feeds his cultivation through blood sacrifice. He is so close to the Celestial Step it has caused him to lose his mind. His obsession will be his undoing when the plan goes off" Ghost Demon explained.
Broken Sword folded his arms, "What is the task the King wants from us?" he asked. "To slaughter my allies starting with the Underground Market. You and your men will be asked to kill them and then work your way to the other allies I associate with. Your standing with the people will be torn to shreds when I free them from the King" he said with concern. "What am I to do? This particular organization has already a tarnished reputation with the army and the people" he explained with clear annoyance. "That's why I will strike first to end this direction. I need you later on to help with reshaping this city, so I will throw myself into the fray" he said with a cold tone. "Who's your target?" he asked confused. "Battle Dragon; they wont be missed, but from my information gathered he only favors your brigade. But they will also be tasked with going after my allies. So I will eliminate a brigade that wont be missed, but will cause great turmoil with the King. He'll begin working internally. Me attacking a brigade he was going to task with a mission before the order is even given will make him think he has a spy. Which he's not wrong, but my informant will be fine" he said with confidence. "I understand you not telling me this source so I won't ask. But their leader wont be an easy fight?" Broken Sword warned, "We'll see" the door then slowly opened to Liam's room and creeping in was Shira. She looked confused, "You talking to yourself?" she said with confusion. Broken Sword looked about seeing that Ghost Demon was no where to be seen. He then looked back at Shira, "No just saying a prayer for our son. Let's head to the bath" he said with a smile.