Inside Draven's Mind Palace was a fading landscape of open ocean and blue sky. In the center of his Island was a black skull that floated and around his head was an ivory colored dragon. His ethereal self stared at the glowing ivory crown. "Do you wish to bargain? Death has you now?" A voice came from the crown. "Yes. Make us one. Start anew and become one mind. You get your freedom you once spoke of and I get power" Draven felt confident in this deal. "And live my life as a human? Your body will need to go through a transformation for us to be one boy. Can you take the pain and become a new kind of Dragon Folk?" The voice stated. "Yes. I am. I became a cultivator and warrior to shed my humanity for greater heights. This happened to me!" The voice began to say "hmmm" when the eye sockets of the skull started to glow with white orbs in the center. "Let us bond!" The voice said as two beams shot from the sockets like zig zags till they struck Draven. From crown turned to mist and then enlarged forming a dragon with three horns cascading on each side l its head, massive tusks, four big eyes. It then flew at Draven and the souls of both began to fuse. He felt his soul being flayed and resculpted to balance two out. He felt the body that he had being shriveled and a husk. It twitched as he gave it life again with this pact. He felt his mind flooding with memories.
The newest showing nothing but pain in the Fire Realm. The dragon folk he possessed was fighting demons with a big blade made of the bones of his father. A great dragon that once shattered steel with a roar. He fought and scrapped through the desert till he finally met a match traveling amongst the realms of a wanderer. There he fought the Sword King and lost. His body was then trapped in the armor and strapped to a human. Draven gripped the dragon by the throat. "YOU SERVE ME!" His ethereal self screamed as the dragon became chained to his soul and was then swallowed by it. The great dragon is no more forever lost to the ego of Draven. Buried deep in the subconscious. The last glimpse of the dragon's soul was swallowed by the Mind Palace. Draven now held all the power and control.
His eyes opened and his shriveled body began to regain color. The hole in his chest began to close. His heart pumping wildly and his soul core rejuvenating his body. His muscles and skin started to have a silver shine to the pale skin. His eyes were bright green and reptilian. His tongue forked and fangs protruded out. He sniffed the air and felt tremendous strength building in him. He sat up slowly looking around for his knights. All he saw was dead bodies of his men, no live ones remained. He looked over at Red Demon and his group fleeing to the tank with a woman in a mask. He scowled collecting himself and was noticed by the automaton armor coming out of the palace. He picked up his sword and using his sword aura sent out a crescent of light from his sword. It was extremely long and thin cutting through buildings, automatons, vehicles, barricades, and anything else standing in its way. The attack's devastation was far reaching. Draven looked taken aback and grinned. He then looked at the Red Demon who was staring at him with wide eyes. "Yeah. Coming back to life was worth that look you're giving me now" he then slashed with his sword forward sending a light wave towards the group.
The group moved quickly and tried to escape the attack. Two of the crew were not lucky enough. The big casualty was the tank as the wave cut through it. It exploded into shards of metal and smoke. Scarab cursed in anger and pulled out a spell from his grimoire. "Get ready to run!" He yelled. "TURTLE SHELL BARRIER!" He shouted as a shell of a turtle manifested in front of them created from purple chi. The group ran the opposite way as fast as they could. Draven laughed, "Ah man. That dropped you points in my book slayer" he then winded back and then slashed towards the cutting through a block of buildings, streets, all in the attempt to reach out and kill them from a distance.
He was still not in full control of his power output, staring at the crumbling buildings in front of him he shrugged. Wings outstretched from his back and he took to the sky floating above the city he saw the world differently now. From before he had to focus to see the trails of chi that weaved throughout the universe. Now it was more clear and he saw the chi being controlled under the city in pipes. The sight was radiant and beautiful in his eyes. Parallel lines under the city moving about like bright lines of lights. He could see the energy spreading through the very air around him.
"Yes. I'm truly reborn! NOW FOR SOME FUN!" His fangs enlarged and his mouth elongated and from his mouth a beam of light shot from it as he drug the beam through the city destroying it. Explosions erupted from the carnage.
He seemed to delight as the beam cut through the ground like a laser. He then followed a parallel line all leading to a center area, a sphere building hidden by buildings. 'What's that?' Before he could head that direction he saw the city shift. The walls began to turn and then layer upon each other making a thick wall. Guns came from towers lining the walls. Then they opened fire at Draven. 'Seems that spot is more important than I thought' he dodged a massive shell fired at him. Exploding mid air sending off balance, till finally one hit him exploding. This sent him flying towards the ground of the city crashing into an apartment building.
He found himself in the middle of a living room and looked about seeing a family cowering in fear. His body was smoking and smoldering. He had burns upon his body that were quickly healing with silver strands under his skin. He locked eyes with the father as he looked at his sword. He paid them no mind gripping his sword tighter and then spread his wings out flapping into the air leaving the apartment.
Red and his companions rushed through the streets into a collapsed building. There were still automatons moving about the city merely keeping busy finding people and killing the enemy. They seemed to have one track mind. Sun Demon stared at them from her hiding spot. She felt sorry for the souls trapped within. She looked at her would-be rescuers and addressed Scarab first. "Why aren't you at the Hideout?" She asked him point blank. He clipped his mask to his belt and scowled at her with confusion. "You're welcome for showing up by the way?" His answer was sarcastic and cold.
"Scarab, I look to you to lead the people when I'm not around. If we're here then who's leading them?" Scarab seemed to get her meaning but shrugged. "They asked for my help and I couldn't leave you in that palace. Which brings me to my rebuttal: where the hell have you been?" Sun Demon shrugged. "I was held prisoner…" She then removed her mask. Scarab now had a look of anger. "The fucking princess this whole time? So this is all a game to dethrone your father?" He clenched his fist around his wakizashi. She looked saddened by his reaction. "No. It was never a game. Nor did I do this for only selfish reasons. I did this for you and the people we brought together. I did this for my sister, the real ruler you deserved. But now it seems both hopes are lost. I saw an opportunity to change things for the better Scarab. Our friendship is real and the only thing you know is my real name. I'm still the same person" Scarab shook his head. "Trust? That only works both ways with mutual trust. You didn't trust me with this knowledge which means you never trusted me. So how can I believe you, Lady Farrah?" He felt nothing but rage. His men died to help Sun Demon if they knew they died for a royal it would tarnish their honor. People like him and them the royals only saw as fleas that needed to die.
All the years they suffered under their rule and here a hero came to them. A hero that would change their lives and protect them. Only it was another lie like always. "Scarab only did that to protect you? And probably myself. I wanted to be the hero for this city" Scarab shook his head. "Well you did save my life multiple times. Eventually I can look past this, so I'll save my admonishment for later. How do we get out of this?" He asked Red and Smiling, looking to them for guidance. This had to sting Sun Demon as Red looked at her.
"We should ask her" Farrah flinched at this. "What do you mean?" She asked, looking at him with wide eyes. "Well for starters you had an end game to this didn't you? So how do we get to the Topaz King?" Farrah seemed to ponder this question.
She then looked at Scarab, "Powerplant" he then acknowledged with a nod. "Yeah where he's controlling everything. We go there" he put his silver demon mask on. Farrah did the same and the four left taking the streets towards the power plant.