Broken Hunter

The Hunter moved through the streets and was met with resistance by some soldiers only to die by his hands. The latest one stood in front of him with a blade stuck in his chest from the Hunter's vambrace. He pushed the soldier off his body and fell to the ground with a thud. He kept moving and the amount of people alive had dwindled. But there was an abundance of dead littering the streets. Far off the Hunter could see explosions and could sense strong chi coming from that direction. 'Seems there's a battle taking place?' Turned to two more directions sensing powerful chi. "Make that a few battles?" He kept walking and stopped seeing an entire street riddled with blood and corpses. It was a horror show of the highest flashing back to the purge seeing the carnage from that was very reminiscent of that day. He saw a little boy laying on the sidewalk. He had been stabbed and lay in his own blood. Hunter turned with a disgusted look on his face. He turned and left the body. His steps got faster. He then started running with a determined look. He tucked the flask into his jacket and jumped onto the side of the building scaling it and then jumped to the roof.

He started running, seeing the arena not far from him. It loomed like a big target taking up a large part of the city. He stared at me with contempt and anger. He would finally hurt the king and hopefully weaken him to the point he could be killed. He was now a block from the arena when a soldier shot at him from the street. He jumped and then turned the corner drawing his pistol. He shot the soldier before he could aim. He wasn't alone; ten more soldiers were with him. They opened fire at him, causing him to take cover. He then pulled out two smoke balls. He threw them erupting into clouds of smoke.

The soldiers began to cough and shoot widely. 'Pepper can be a bitch on the kings' he thought standing up shooting three more soldiers who were running. One was yelling and running at him shooting wildly. The Hunter then quickly caught the gun pulling it up and wrenching it from his hands he used the gun to kill five more soldiers. He then hit the unarmed soldier across the face twice and then shot him.

The three remaining soldiers were in the middle of coughing fits unlucky enough to be stuck in the cloud of smoke. He picked them off with ease from the soldier's gun. He threw the gun down and kept walking after this he met no resistance. He approached the gates of the arena and found them guarded by several soldiers behind the grated gate. They were huddled in the tunnel entrance around a fire pit. "Man the screams have finally died down. What are we even doing right now to this city?" one soldier said, staring past the gate at the city and plumes of smoke billowing up to the sky. "We do as ordered. Lord Torrent asked us to keep this arena safe during this inspection is what our superior told us. So we do as ordered like good soldiers" another more gruff man stated. He did sigh and looked sad, "But having said that this is a dark day. Seems this city only produces dark days" he lit a cigar and puffed on it staring at the flames of the fire pit. The Hunter was climbing the walls of the arena and was listening. "So why are we guarding this place? Not like any one will attack us, all fleeing for their lives. Along with the Ghost Demon being hunted right now do we really need to keep people out? The sacrifices are in cages and aren't going anywhere?" This made the Hunter pause; these men were truly hypocrites believing that this present slaughter was worse than the imprisonment, and execution of others to be more acceptable. This infuriated him and he kept climbing till he came to a window cut into the rock he slid through and was now walking the ramparts of the arena. He produced a short sword and a blade erupted from his vambrace; he pulled a mask up over his nose to avoid anyone seeing his breath on this cold night. 

He dropped down and one soldier was pacing. He was smoking and staring off into space as he walked to stay warm. Hunter came up behind him, grabbed his mouth and drove a blade into his neck while pulling him into the shadows. The Hunter kept moving and found the entrance to the underside of the arena. Two guards stood there bored and were leaning against the wall on both sides of the gate. One was blowing hot air into his gloved hands to stay warm. The Hunter from the shadows picked up a rock and then threw it hitting one soldier in the head knocking him to the ground out of surprise. The other then held his gun up and was looking for the culprit. He couldn't see anything and felt nervous. "You alright?" he asked his friend, covering him pointing the gun in all directions. "Yeah...what the hell was that?" The fallen soldier retracted a hand from his head and found blood upon the glove. "God damnit! I'll kill whoever did that!" The soldier with blood now running down his forehead got up holding his rifle. He began to walk around. "You go that!" he told his partner who nodded and obliged. The injured soldier stepped into the shadows and then felt a ping of pain as a blade stuck up into his chin through to his brain. The Hunter directed him to a corner, removed the blade with a jerk and threw him to the ground. The remaining soldier was shaking with fright and was looking around sweat beading off his head. 

He was then grabbed from behind as the vambrace blade went directly into his spine killing him instantly. With a hard tug the blade was removed and soldier began to fall to the ground. The Hunter threw the body over his shoulder and walked to where his buddy was. He threw him down and grabbed the keys from one of their belts. He unlocked the gate and descended down to the lower level. There he was greeted by a sight of other depravity. The people all huddled in the cages young and old was the majority. He saw another section of the cages with beasts inside all huddled in the corner they looked defeated and injured. They all stared at him with confusion and looked have a glee of hope. He wasn't going to disappoint he unlocked all the cages one by one. "Go fight your way out and find a way out of the city" he told them. He then approached the Mythical Beast cages and unlocked them as well. One giant wolf looked weary of him staring him down with gold eyes. "I'm not your enemy. Maybe at one point we would be, but not now. Now I want to save you and the rest of your kind" he looked at the wolf with no fear. Being a hunter for years he had stared down beasts at this size and he was himself a predator like this wolf. The wolf seemed to understand him and gave him a nod. It then walked past him, "Hey don't kill the people I just saved please. Take the soldiers" The wolf looked back at him stared and then stalked away. He let loose more beasts that were all too eager to leave the cage as fast as possible paying him no mind. He threw the keys to the ground and followed the scent of blood. He went down a tunnel and at the end of it he found the lake of blood with the Chaos worms writhing in the depths of it. "Alright time to get to work" he looked at the worms in disgust. He heaved the bag off his back and opened it finding explosives inside. He removed a cylinder looking bomb and back at the worms. "Cleansing with fire will do the trick" he smirked under his mask and his eyes were filled with malice.