The hunter got to work setting up the explosives. He could hear the roar of the wolf and scream of men in the far off tunnel. He created a claw out of his Bedlam chi. It extended out grabbing the ceiling. He was pulled closer to the ceiling. A worm's head popped out to grab him as he was swinging over the lake. It was huge, resembling the size of a building. It roared and spewed blood about. The hunter shot the creature a few times and it seemed to get its attention. And also seemed unphased by the bullets.
He clung to the ceiling away from its grasp and now hugging the rocky ceiling. He pulled our two explosives as spikes extended from the bottom of them. They stuck into the rock on both sides of him. He then looked forward and his free hand became engulfed in an energy claw it shot out digging into the rock far from his position. He was then fluttering over the rocky surface and came to a stop implanting more bombs. He planted bombs in one more spot and now came the hard part. The ceiling was far enough away, but on the side walls he was easy pickings if they decided to come at him. If We plant bombs we're going to get trickier. He took a deep breath and exited a clawed hand at the side wall. He flew through the air towards the sides hitting the rock hard. He could see the surface of the blood lake rippling as the worms writhed and were catching his scent.
He planted a bomb and quickly turned, feeling their presence getting closer. He upholstered the big gun off his back and shot at the surface of the blood. He then scrambled up facing the lake and worm shot from the lake. It screeched and howled as its skin burned. 'Yeah dealing with you fuckers will take poison! Hence the use of Sting Powder' he cocked the chamber and shot the worm in the rim of its open maw shattered teeth and flesh creating a hole that began to bleed into the lake. It was purple in color and gave the red lake a weird tent.
In a way it looked like a swirl of colors that was quite mesmerizing. Only to be destroyed by worms erupting from the lake and attacking the weakened worm. They began feeding on it. Hunter planted another bomb and one more for good measure. He used the claw to land on the other side with the magic circle. He stared at the seal burned into the ground. He could see a symbol of a Primordial that he recognized. It was in the center, it was a single sword with eyes upon the guard, behind the broadsword were three blades each that made a wings, and the as enclosed by a circle. Around the rim of the circle were runes. He began to read them, "I will my power to elevate me into dethroning the War Prime. My will and my power are my sword" this is where he stopped. The runes stop at a diamond symbol to separate and space the runes out. "War Prime?" He placed a bomb upon the center. He stood up and saw a chaos worm emerging from the lake and was now towering over him. He cocked the gun and fired, making a mad dash away extending a claw attaching to the wall. He kicked off the wall right when the chaos worm struck the stone, erupting it into an explosion of rock. He rolled to a stop on the other side and grabbed his bag. He ran out the entrance and pressed the remote. The cavern then erupted into an explosion.
The ceiling, walls, and the magic circle all exploded falling into the lake. The chaos worms screeched in pain and a low guttural growl coming from the depths of the lake. Behind him the entrance collapsed, closing off the source of the growl from him immediately. He knocked into a wall stopping him from moving further as he stared at the wall of boulders.
He pulled out a smoke and lit the end with a match. He could hear roars from down in the tunnel. "Wolf still lives. Small blessings indeed" he took a long drag from it and heaved the big gun upon his shoulder. He crossed the bag over his chest and he began walking towards the roars to assist the wolf.
Under his feet he felt a rumble. It was subtle at first, but began growing stronger. Rocks began to shake, the torches then fell off the walls, and metal chains chimed throughout the cages. He could hear shouting, "What is happening?!" He heard them scream. He was thinking the same thing as he looked back at the former entrance.
With a loud boom a massive Chaos Worm erupted from the ground. It was bigger than the tunnel and its body caused the tunnel to lose its structure. It started collapsing as well. The Hunter got to his feet and wasted no time as he ran. The worm screeched and could smell him. It began to follow him through the tunnel. Rocks fell all around them as they travelled through the tunnel. Hunter looked back and shot with his gun. The word screamed in pain but kept moving trying to catch the Hunter. He popped out empty shells and quickly reloaded five more shells. He cocked the forearm of the rifle and then shot and ran. He passed the entrance threshold and saw the wolf killing soldiers but was hurt. He shot two soldiers and hit another with the butt of the gun. He cocked the forearm and shot the downed soldier. The worm was set upon by soldiers and devoured them. "Get moving!" The Hunter screamed at the Wolf who gave him a nod running out the gate into the streets. The Hunter left the worm to battle the soldiers that were now pouring into the entrance hall of the arena. He ascended the walls and ran across the ramparts. He then stopped catching his breath and looked back seeing the worm killing numerous soldiers. He saw the men struggling and seemed to crack a smile. He then pulled out a big explosive. It had a jewel glowing center and radiated a dark chi. "Took me a bit to find this in the old master's room. But a weapon he made himself being one of the rare users of Light and Shadow. He bottled a black hole, it seems fitting that I set this off here and see the whole arena crumble" he poured chi into the jewel activating the bomb. It started to glow and sparks of black lightning danced around it. He then with all his might there it into the entrance hall. He then turned and ran jumping from the ramparts down below.
The worm was winning as it thrashed and ate men. The men fired upon it and even pulled out explosives. This seemed to weaken it and became aflame. The man cheered and was cut short. An explosion with the hue of black erupted all around them engulfing all in it. It morphed into a perfect sphere as it grew. It then engulfed the entire arena and with one deafen whistle it exploded. The whole city was then hit with an aftershock that broke the sound barrier. A large black cloud bellowed off the explosion.
Dark lightning danced all around the sky. What was left of the arena was a percent outline of a circle burned into the ground. It was miles wide and perfectly round. This seemed to shake the whole city that was thrown back by the after shock. No one in the War Realm had seen such a weapon.