Chapter 30 - Mean Assassin? Frontal Confrontation

Chen Ming charged at the Dog of Calamity.

With an incomparable aura!

But the others couldn't see his confidence, and only felt that his actions were completely equivalent to committing suicide in search of death!

"Still not giving up? You have a head on your shoulders, don't you?"

"Without the Crush attribute, he still dares to go on in search of death."

"But can see boss fat beat this goods a meal ... also seems quite cool!"

"That's right, this bastard all the way open hanging, I have long seen him unhappy for a long time!"

"Finally, I can see this son of a bitch get beaten up."


The tone of a group of people was full of glee.

Who had let Chen Ming's crazy misses from earlier make people look at them with uncontrollable redness in their eyes?

Under the influence of jealousy, it was only natural that they wanted to see Chen Ming get deflated.


The Dog of Calamity watched Chen Ming lunge at him and did not retreat.

An extremely humanized contempt could be seen in its eyes.

He really looked down on this guy, that he could beat him to death with just two slaps.

The sharp claws smacked Chen Ming once again!

The faces of Ling Xue and the other sister changed violently.

The staffs in their hands swung violently.

The light of the healing spells washed over Chen Ming's body.

But how much recovery could a priest who hadn't even reached level 10 have by relying on the primary healing arts?

Two mouthfuls of milk fell on Chen Ming's body.

He was only able to restore around 60 points of health.

The amount of blood still didn't exceed half.

Chen Ming's brittle assassin, in a half-blood state, couldn't even withstand a single attack from the Hound of Calamity!

Seeing that sharp claw swing.

Ling Xue's pretty face turned white.

But at this very moment.

Chen Ming's right foot powered up and stomped violently on the ground!

The figure that was clearly heading straight for the Dog of Calamity was violently deflected, and as if its center of gravity was unstable, it violently fell to the right.

This fall ...

By chance.

It just happened to avoid the claw of the Dog of Calamity!

Ling Xue looked stunned.

Is this okay too?

She was a bit confused.

However, she did not show any joy over this.

She knew very well that the attack of the Dog of Calamity did not end there!

The Hound of Calamity had always been a two-part attack!

Chen Ming was able to dodge the first part of the attack.

But ... what about the second part?

Sure enough.

The next second.

Just as one claw of the Dog of Calamity passed by, another claw followed!

Chen Ming had already lost his balance.

It was simply difficult to receive the second claw!


Did Chen Ming really lose his balance?

The answer was definitely no.

He appeared to have fallen to the right as a result of losing his balance, but in fact ...

With the help of that right-falling condition, his entire body was rolling violently towards the ground!

This wasn't a loss of balance.

It was just the pre-stage of the rolling action!

The moment he did the falling action.

He didn't even bother to look at the Dog of Calamity behind him.

He wasn't judging its attack range.

It was just a confident roll.

However, he perfectly dodged the next blow from the Dog of Calamity!


The entire underground cave was filled with shards of stone from his slap.

Smoke and dust flew!

The Snow Moon crowd could only feel their feet shaking, and between the shaking of the ground and the mountains, they were even a little unsteady on their feet.

However, Chen Ming ...

was unharmed, calmly rising from his position a few steps in front of the Calamity Dog's claws.


Both of Calamity Dog's exits had been dodged by him!!!

Everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned, then exclaimed in unison!

"How is that possible?!"

"He's too lucky!"

"Twice, both times he was almost hit, what kind of luck is that?"


Everyone looked at him with a burst of curses.

It was okay for that bastard to have super awesome attributes.

How could his luck be so good?

This is too disgusting, right?


Taking advantage of the gap in the Calamity Dog's power.

Chen Ming tilted his head back.

Four consecutive slashes were struck violently!

The Calamity Dog's blood level dropped once again, and at the same time, its body turned an ethereal green color.

It was poisoned!

Every second, it would receive damage equal to Chen Ming's output of one slash.

Although it was not as good as Chen Ming's terrifying output of four slashes per second.

However, this output ability was still not to be underestimated!

After finishing this set, Chen Ming did not hesitate and turned his head to run!

When fighting a boss, one should never be greedy for a sword.

Especially this kind of boss that could kill itself with two hits.

A game master should be like a calm and wise hunter.

Feel through the prey, see through the prey.

Then focus on the hunt!

Chen Mingsheng had such an attitude.

But where could ordinary people see Chen Ming's calmness and serenity, and the game contained in that wave of retreat?

In their eyes, this wave was Chen Ming's decision to retreat.

This was coupled with the poison that had flooded the body of the Dog of Calamity.

The group of people then thought that they had read Chen Ming's mind.

One after another, they shouted.

"Holy shit, Pearl Emerald White Jade Soup is planning to use poison to consume the boss?"

"Wow, this tactic is too disgusting!"

"Why are there so many tricks in this Rao?!"

"Do you dare to fight the boss in a dignified manner?"

"Heh, there is no strength to fight him head on, so they play dirty, right?"

"The whole world is watching! How dare you fight a boss like that?"

"Is this the so-called Big Brother? The tactics are actually so shameful!"


When Ling Xue saw these pop-ups, she was furious!

She immediately wanted to type and send pop-ups to refute these guys.

These people's words were just too much.

Wasn't it normal to fight bosses with all the means at your disposal?

There were even some players who had developed evil ways of skipping classes, and when they shared them, they would get a bunch of raps after them!

Pushing bosses, relying on teamwork as well as individual Rao wisdom.

Fair or unfair ...

Just funny!

Can, these people are purely jealous of the Pearl Emerald White Jade Soup Great Collapse

They just don't want to see him help Snow Moon defeat this boss!

Unfortunately, there were a large number of people in the live room.

Even though Ling Xue was wearing a golden id, her speech was quickly drowned out by a sea of speeches.

"Sister, why don't you help them?" Ling Xue was worried.

While Ling Yue just glanced at her, she scoffed and turned off the live broadcast.

As the leader of a meeting, even though she was a woman, she still had the mentality of a lord.

She didn't care about these guys.

In her mind, as long as she could get rid of the boss, she could use any means she wanted.

She didn't care.

"Don't worry about them, after Snow Moon pushes out the copy and develops far beyond the other guilds to become the next number one guild ..., this group of rabble will naturally keep their mouths shut."

"The only thing we need to do is cheer for White Jade Soup."

"Let's just wait quietly while White Jade Soup poisons this boss to death ..."

However, Ling Yue's words had just fallen.

Chen Ming, who had already turned his head to run away, actually made a violent U-turn.

Once again, he was killing the boss!

Such a move, seeing that Ling Yue was violently stunned ...

What is this situation?

Why is he still turning his head to retaliate?

Directly kite and wait for the boss to be poisoned to death, right?

Not only Ling Yue.

Everyone was confused by Chen Ming's move to turn back!

Even the pop-up screen ..., which had been screaming and cursing incessantly before

also fell into a bizarre silence at that moment.