Ontop The Giant Serpent





The serpent's sides collided with the walls of the tunnels as it made its way down the tunnel. With the extra space now, it could twist and turn easier. This in turn made it 2x faster than it was previously.

Now it was catching up to Liana's carriage at an unprecedented speed.

"Are we really going to do this ?" The first elder asked Liana with a fair amount of skepticism. What she had just proposed was the wildest thing he had ever heard, and he was someone he had lived so long that not a lot of things could shock him.

"Having cold feet huh, old man?" Liana mocked the first elder while strapping her leather amour tighter. She was about to do something very dangerous.

"Hmmm, I hope you know what you're doing, little girl. Slow the carriage down, " the first elder shook his head a commanded the carriage rider. They were slowly descending into a more open area, but before that, Liana had something else in mind.

Soon the carriage became slower and slower. It was inching closer to the giant snake by the minute. This excited the giant serpent.

His prey was getting weak and succumbing. Soon it would get its revenge.


As it got close enough to the carriage, it opened its mouth wide, as if wanting to devour Liana whole.

What it didn't expect was that as soon as it opened its mouth, Liana jumped into the air and threw out a blood spear directly at its other eye.


Seeing Liana make this move, the serpent immediately turned its head to a certain angle that allowed the blood spear to miss its eye and pierce the ground beside it.

However, it was mistaken as, this, was not Liana's original goal. Just as the spear landed on the ground, Liana's figure landed on top the serpent's head.


The moment the serpent noticed this, it went berserk with anger. Liana had tricked it.


"BloodSerpent work: Blood manipulation"

While standing on top of the serpent, Liana summoned a javelin made from her blood. She then proceeded to look around.

"Hissssss" the snake soon began throwing a much larger tantrum. It started hitting the walls harder in hopes to throw Liana off, but try as he may, Liana still stuck to him like glue.

"Hehehe, let me see if I can tame this beast" Liana had a crazy look on her face while caressing the back of this serpent that was trying to throw her off.

Everyone feared the monster, but not Liana. She thought she had a good chance of taming it.

And to that effect, a red snake slithered out from her amour and directly pierced into the body of the giant serpent.

"Slow and steady" Liana smiled

Oblivious to her, she wasn't the only one who had boarded the serpent. From the tail. Kilian, Arian, Dorian, and Leon could be seen making their way on top the serpent's back.

"Hmm!!" Kilian turned to the commander Alaric from on top the serpent and nodded with a big silver bow in hand.

The plan was for them to get to the head of the serpent then, they would shoot Liana with an Arrow from this bow. It would weaken her enough for Kilian to capture her with a chain technique and drag her onto the head of the serpent.

From there, they were basically home free.

"Is there a reason you brought the warlock boy with us?" Dorian asked Arian with a look of annoyance. He was here with the hopes of causing problems for Leon and Arian, but he was constantly being placed in dangerous situations because of the crazy decisions of Kilian and the commander.

But, he wouldn't dare state any of his grievances out loud, least be become an eyesore to them. They could kill him if they wanted to. It would just be an accident, so he decided to focus his anger on Arian once again.

"Mind your business loser" Leon sneered at Dorian. He had to be here, if they captured Liana, it would be over for him and Arian, so he had to make sure it didn't happen.

Slowly they ascended onto the back of the serpent and started walking forward to the head.


"Need to be faster" Liana sat cross-legged on top the serpent's head with her blood javelin impaled halfway into its scales.

The tunnel was getting wider, and wider with each passing minute. This meant that they would soon come Into a big pocket underneath the mountain. If this happens the serpent would have the chance to coil.

If it did this, she would fail. In actual fact, the tunnel was the only thing saving her right now.

"Faster!!" She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes. The snake she had sent into the blood stream of the giant serpent was working hand in hand with her to force the giant serpent to give in to her control.

Unfortunately, As she sat there trying to overtake the giant serpent, she was being stalked in the dark by another.


From behind, a brightly lit arrow pierced through the dark cave and barreled towards Liana's figure.

"Hmp!!" Liana felt it coming and dodged it abet it grazing her skin.

"Here, keep this for me. You two, provide support" Kilian handed over the sliver bow to Leon and commanded Arian and Dorian to prepare for battle.

Actually, this was born from necessity. If the other squads of their troop were here, he wouldn't need Arian and Dorian to join in. But he wasn't confident in taking Liana down himself.

"Okay" Arian pulled out her sword and entered a fighting position. She could only try her best to make sure they didn't harm Liana, it was Leon's job to make sure Liana escaped.

It would take only one mistake, just one.




Three figures dashed at Liana with their swords drawn.

The first to strike was Kilian, he raised his sword to the sky and brought it down with a might that seemed to rip even the air around.


Liana used her leg to kick her blood javelin which was impaled in the serpent's, causing it to flip in the air and land in her hand. And with this she blocked.


However, there was no breathing space for her as immediately after she blocked, Arian appeared from the side, threatening to cut her side open.

But Liana was able to block this too by summoning a blood shield with round edges from her blood.

Right now, she looked like a spartan warrior, with her round shield and javelin.


With a simple thrust, Liana pushed back Arian, and then she proceeded to kick Kilian in the stomach, forcing him back.

"Let's do this!!" Liana smiled and rushed them by herself this time.




Not long after they began exchanging blows, meanwhile Leon stalked for an opportunity from behind.

But contrary to what he had agreed with Arian. Leon had another target in mind.

He drew the bow in his hand, but he wasn't aiming to create an avenue for Liana to escape.

No, he was surprisingly Aiming at Kilian