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"Fucking asshole" Leon couldn't help but spit out in the crouched position as he inspected the bled out corpse of the guy he impaled.

Actually, bleeding out wasn't the problem here, it was the fact that he bled out from several serious wounds and not all of them were caused by Leon. There was no way to rule on who actually killed him.

This little formality ruined his plans, it was annoying. Of course, Leon suspected this was just one of the faceless mercenaries messing with him because of some sort of prejudice....

"Take that one away too" the faceless waiter commanded. They were cleaning up the bodies, as the battle was over.

People, actually eat in this place so they couldn't have it smelling like rotting corpses.

"Ahhh we have a live one" one of the faceless mercenary said all of a sudden

In front of him, one of the corpses fell to the floor and squirmed, revealing that it was actually alive.