



On the streets of Duan city, Leon and Arian and The elder Half-moon made their way down the streets on a wooden carriage.

The carriage was average looking at best, being made of a substandard wooden material. For a man of his status, such a carriage should be looked down on. But Half-moon seemed not to care even in the slightest.

After a few minutes of riding, they appeared before an estate gate. Half-moon waved his hand and the gate swung open automatically, and they drove right in.

They then stopped before a brick house two stories long.

"Come on down" Half-moon invited them in.

this was his home.

He was a long-standing member of the faceless mercenary company, a lot of people knew him already. So hiding his home was not really necessary, in fact, his face was already well known in the company too.

He would only wear his faceless mask on missions that demanded him to.
