Chapter Closing

"Yes" a horse inhuman voice resounded from inside the tunnel repling the young nan in the vine shroud.

"Ahhh, thank goodness, we heard about the attack and couldn't help but fear that the worse might have happened" the young royal said In relief before saying.

They weren't quick enough to determine where the battle with Damien had started until Alvin showed up and told them about the monster that they immediately sprang into action.

The faystone ancestor was awake and was in trouble, the royalty had an obligation to protect him and the passage to the royal Palace.

"I handled it," While still being in the dark covers of the cave, the Kaga puppet sat on the floor cross-legged as if trying to heal.

"Ah....that's good" with a slight nod, the royal agreed....the faystone ancestor was lord over the faystone household and controlled everthing in it, he would definitely be able to handle most threats.