From all Corners

"Have a seat there" Zaldris pointed Leon a table in the center of the grassland. Just like the others, it was wide and long with several people seated all around it.

"Hmm" Leon walked towards the table with Arian and Ember shadowing him. These were two level 3 mages!!! Even though warlocks dispised them, the power of a level 3 mage couldn't be taken lightly.

How on heavens earth was this guy being shadowed by these powerful females?

Naturally, not everyone here could see that Leon himself was a level 3 warlock. But those who did, understood that there was something special about this kid.

"Outer clan trash" back at the table, the young man whom had attacked Ember sneered in dissatisfaction.

He was a genius of the clan and a sentinel of the enforcement unit. But he couldn't even punish a random kid from the boonies because of some stupid clan politics.