Main Clan Talent vs Outer Clan Talent— 2

"What? Don't look at the boss like that. You attacked his companion not too long ago right? And now he's interrupting your fight. Clearly he's provoking you kid, the boss is only giving you the chance to fight for your honor." At the side, Gion stood up to speak with a kind smile.

It was clear Gion was the one provoking these fights, so he wasn't surprised that he said something like this. However, he was a bit shocked that the High Arbiter seemed to be in agreement with him..

Normally, he would be in voice of reason to Gions trouble making, but now he seemed to be the main instigator.

"Thank you for clearing this up your honor, I'll teach the boy a lesson for defying the main clans bloodline" with an evil smile one his face, Sith looked to the High Arbiter and bowed.