Sensei's Idea

Nagishima woke up in the log cabin room "How did I get here?" he asked as he looks around. "Nagishima, you should have some breakfast. Training will begin after you are done." A voice stated over the intercom. "Cool, I wonder what kind of stuff they have." Nagishima said as he got out of bed then ran outside. After running for a few feet, he realized that he doesn't know where breakfast is being served. Akamine walked back to the lobby where Fujita was then asked "I would like to know where I can get breakfast." 


"It's down the hall to the right." Yuichiro answered. "That, man." The hooded boy stated then ran to the cafeteria. It was a green, open and in a buffet style. There were white tables and chairs with a few crew members sitting at them having their meals. Akamine took a plate then looked at the trays deciding what to get from the abundant selection. He opted for Miso Soup, Shrimp Salad and Tamagoyaki which is an egg dish with rice. He brought his meal to and free table then sat down and began eating.


He quickly finished his meal and went for another as he ate he thought "I was hungrier than I thought, the only thing I had to eat yesterday was the rice crackers I got from Sensei." After finishing he said "Thank you for breakfast." He walked to lobby area and entered the bathroom were he brushed his teeth and showered before getting dressed in a training "Gi" which is a martial arts uniform that was by the door with a note reading "Put these on." Akamine ran toward the training area at the back of the ship.


"I am ready to start!" Nagishima announced as he arrived attacking Kashiwagi. The two trained all day and throughout the night until dawn "You've improved this much in one day, I think it's time for the next step but first I must teach you a few techniques." Kenta stated happily. "Please teach me, Sensei." Akamine stated. The elderly man began to explain how to perform each move while doing the forms so his student can know what they look like. It was now morning and they had finished martial arts training. Akamine waved to his teaching before going back inside to take a shower he then changed into a T shirt and shorts before lying in bed. "I completed one, let's keep it going!" the hooded boy stated before falling asleep. 


Three days later, Nagishima had finished bow training it was because the boy's hard work and Kashiwagi's teaching style of showing him the techniques but letting him perfect the moves later through practice. Next is Kendo (sword training). The student and teacher's wooden swords collided then both did a back step before running toward each other both men switched between slashing at and blocking the other but the teacher came out the winner. "You have now completed your training with me, I am happy you did it." Kashiwagi stated as he applauded his student. "Thank you for the kind words. It was fun training with you." Akamine stated then walked back to the cabin room.