
The next day,

There was a knock at the door, Akamine was sprawled out on the bed with sheet around his waist like a belt. The visitor knocked again and Nagishima opened the door to see that it was Fujita. The two men moved to the lobby to start talking. "You finished your training early but we still have a couple of days until we arrive so take it easy." Yuichiro notified. "I would like to know something, the country I'm going to is it dangerous?" Nagishima asked in a serious tone. "It isn't but there are wild animals that will attack you if you're not careful." Fujita stated.

"That's why I was being trained, I understand." The hooded boy stated. "I was expecting you to yell at us to bring you back home but you haven't. Why is that?" Fujita asked curious about his actions. "I want to repay the government for helping my dad and myself. Also, my country is counting on me and I won't let them down!" Akamine stated with enthusiasm, standing up without noticing. He looks around to see the other workers looking at him silently before their expressions changed to happy ones applauding Nagishima's for his words. This made the hooded boy happy he then waved everyone.

 Days later…

Sargent Tanaka came to Nagishima's room and gave him a laptop with a budget of 5000 Usonian dollars to buy the equipment he needs with Bill helping him. After Akamine bought what was needed, Bill left the room. Later that evening, Nagishima was walking around the ship with Kashiwagi as he looked at the aircraft. "Tell me, what is the difference between a servant and a slave?" Kenta asked while continuing to look forward. "That's a strange question, I think a servant is a person who works for another in most of the time it's their free will. The servant paid and given certain benefits. However, the slave is forced to work, get no benefits nor pay, are punished when they make mistakes and are treated less than." Akamine explained. 

"When you say less than, what do you mean? You can say it." Kashiwagi asked. "Slaves are treated as less than human." Nagishima answered. "That is such a Nagishima answer. You know the difference which is good." Kenta stated with a smile. "Of course I know since…" Nagishima stated the drowsiness made him stop for a moment. "I think I should get back, Sensei. I feel a bit tired." Akamine walks back to the cabin room where he fell asleep on the couch.