Chapter 2 - Open Trail

Akamine kept walking along the trail bordered by trees on each side. It has been over an hour since he started, feeling thirsty he took a drink from the water bottle while hiking. A few minutes later, Nagishima heard a sound from coming from the tree line. Akamine was put on guard, he stared at the brush as something moved toward him. 

A strange canine-like creature leapt onto the trail. The animal was red in color with a white underbelly, large pointed ears and jagged teeth. It snarled at the robed boy before charging him. Nagishima threw his bag to the ground, reached into his sleeve, pulled his Tanto sword then ran toward the canine. Akamine connected with two slashes then a kick which knocked back the wolf.

The dog grabbed his leg sinking its sharp teeth into his skin, Nagishima shouted in pain then pulled the canine off by its ear then slammed his fist repeatedly onto the dog's head. The creature moved away, growled then charged again. Akamine stood in the middle of the road watching the canine coming toward him, he pulled his Victory handgun, disengage the safety then fired four shots all of which hit the target. The wolf howled after being shot but continued, it tried to attack by jumping at Nagishima. Before it could do any more damage, Nagishima pulled his survival knife then whispered in a firm but low tone "Kashiwagi Art: Icepick" the robed boy jabbed the dog multiple times then kicked it away.

The creature laid on the trail not moving. Akamine checked on his wounds, threw the animal into the brush, picked up his bag then continued his journey. He arrived at the cabin during the afternoon then limped inside. The cabin looked exactly like described by the Director. A woman was pruning the flowers when she saw the state Nagishima was in. She ran over then assisted him to the veranda where he sat on the stairs. The woman seemed to be in her early 20s with a slim body and dark green eyes. She was wearing a thin orange cloak with her head covered. "I will get something to treat your wounds!" the woman stated before running inside the cabin.