
Nagishima became flustered "I'm sorry, didn't mean to stare. It's just…" he explained then trailed off. "It's just what?" the monochrome girl asked as she placed a tray of food in front of him before setting her tray at the other side of the table then taking a seat. "I noticed there was something different about you and I was looking to find out what that is." Akamine explained.

"Something different could it be my clothes? That's the only thing I can think of." Keiko asked with a while tapping on the table. "Yeah, that's it!" he stated. She was wearing a cloak all day which covered her whole body. She was now wearing blue slip shorts which hugged her hips leaving her upper thigh and slender ivory legs exposed. Also, a green tank top with a floral print that extenuates her buxom chest. The moon shining through the window bathed her in silver light making her previously mentioned features even clearer.

She noticed he was looking in her direction "You are doing it again, are you sure it was my clothes were looking at?" Keiko asked teasingly with a smug expression then a matching smile. "I was thinking about what changed but got distracted by those thighs. I didn't mean to, it won't happen again." Akamine assured nervously. Keiko stands up "Wait! Wait! I didn't say I had a problem or anything. You were honest, I appreciate that." she stated before patting his head.

Nagishima enjoyed her act and shows it with a rare smile. "I'm Nagishima Akamine, from Ryukyu Dukedom in the southern Japanese territory. Again, nice to meet you." The boy introduced. "I see, that's a nice sounding name." Keiko stated. "Keiko is a cute name, it matches your face." Akamine stated as he looks at his meal as the monochrome girl blushes deeply at his words. 

The food was on a wooden tray served in fancy ceramic bowls which were white with green decoration. There were two small bowls each containing rice and miso soup. Along with two larger bowls with grilled fish and udon noodles. Akamine tried the udon "This is so good!" he stated then continues eating. Those words caught the attention of Keiko who was a bit sidetracked by what Nagishima said earlier. "Why, thank you!" the monochrome girl replied happily.

"I wonder if he will feel that way when he learns who I am. Akamine said I look nice, will he still look at me that way once I tell him?" Keiko thought as she picked up her chopsticks the started eating with a somber look on her face. The next day, Keiko was on the horse wearing a brown cloak similar the orange one she was wearing the day before. Nagishima ran out of the cabin with a small pack slung over his shoulder. He locks the door then rushed over to his teacher where she reached out her hand to pull him up. Once she did, they rode through the gate and headed north.