
"Use caution when proceeding, those birds have been known to disembowel a person with one kick. They are good at jumping, one must be careful not to get their throat slit." Keiko advised as she continued watching. Nagishima's expression was a mix of anger and nervousness. "I know what you are asking. The answer is yes, they can kick in midair." the cloaked woman divulged. 

"Got it. I will go handle business." Nagishima stood up then calmly walked over to the fowl, touched its back which caused it to turn around. Akamine proceeded to hit the turkey with a five-finger vibe check to the head which is another way of saying he smacked the face. The yukata boy then stares at the creature with a blank expression as if to say "Do something about it." The bird trilled menacingly to which Akamine reacted by scratching his head then shrugging his shoulders looking bored. Nagishima became annoyed at the noise and vibe checks the creature again causing it to stop abruptly. 

"Nagishima-san, you shouldn't do that!" Keiko advised as she looks on. She noticed the other birds were about to get involved and steps in with an improvised staff. The cloaked woman stuck the other three foes while dodging their attacks leaving the fourth for Akamine. The raptor attacks with a slashing kick which Nagishima anticipated, he blocks with his left arm his sheath absorbed most of the impact but his sleeve was shredded. The scratches on his arm began turning red but didn't bleed much. The turkey continued its attack by hitting Akamine with dozens of successive pecks to the head and chest. 

Nagishima became enraged grabbed the bird throat as it was coming in for a peck and squeezed tightly with one hand. He pulls back the other hand as far as he was able to and delivered the hardest karate chop he could to the Murder's scrawny neck which made the fowl stumble for a bit. Sensing his chance, the yukata boy sprinted toward the creature who hits him with a slash kick to the chest, it was a direct hit. The blow cut through his yukata and he falls to the ground motionless.

"Nagishima!!" Keiko screamed as she held off a bird while looking over at the robed boy.