Granite Mountain

Nagishima continued along the trail until he came across a large wooden gate with two cloaked personnel on each side. As he approached they began pulling their respective ropes which slowly opened the door. Akamine waved to the Gatekeepers as he walked through, on the other side was a lush forest with many different species of birds flying above the trees and a mountain in the background.

The sky was a deep blue with minimal clouds there was also a path going through the forest leading to mountain. After taking in the scenery the hooded boy entered the forest using the road.

A few minutes afterward, there was a loud screech was heard causing Akamine to take a fighting stance, he then scans the area to find the source of the sound. There was another screech, Nagishima turned around then raised his arm before being scratched by something that flew by at high speed.

The creature landed on a bush as it looked at the hooded boy. The creature was a large peacock-like bird with multicolored feathers which it puffed up to intimate. Learning his lesson from the fight with the Murder Turkey, Nagishima pulled the Victory then shot at the bird. The peacock evaded by flying into the treetops before dive bombing Akamine in the shoulder while he was trying to locate the creature.

Nagishima shot at the avian once more before it flew into the leaves again. Akamine reloaded the weapon then listened closely, he heard distant flapping "There you are!" he stated before lying on his back pointing his gun upwards as the bird was coming down to attack, the moment the peacock showed itself Akamine fired upon the monster knocking it out of the sky.

Nagishima got to his feet then holsters his weapon "Take that you stupid Pride Chicken!" he stated before adding the peacock to his inventory and continuing his trip. An hour later, Nagishima arrived at the foot of the mountain and decided to take a break. He gathered wood then made a fire on which he placed a few pre-seasoned fish fillets to cook. Nagishima sat on a nearby rock as he waited for his meal to be ready.

Heard a rustle but paid it no mind as he continued to rest. A few minutes later, Nagishima turned the fillets then looked up "You know I see you up there, right?" he asked. There was a figure dressed in a blue cloak standing on a cliff overlooking the campsite. The person slid down the ledge then rushed Akamine.