AN: This chapter is Selina's narration or like a diary where she is explaining things that happened over approx 4-6 months or so. So, you might see some changes in how they converse with each other. You will get the gist of it as you read the next few chs from Bruce's POV.


[Selina's 1st Person POV]

The next few weeks were a whirlwind of activities. Mr. Thomas had admitted Maggie, and me to the best academy in Gotham. The academy was a far cry from the streets I was used to. The pristine halls, polished floors, and the neatly dressed students were a world away from my former life.

It was challenging to blend in. I felt like a stray cat in a world of pampered pedigree pets. The students came from wealthy families, and I couldn't help but feel like an outsider. But I will make the most of this opportunity, not just for myself, but for Maggie too.

My classes were demanding, and I found myself studying late into the night, trying to catch up with the curriculum. Bruce was a constant source of support, helping me with my studies and guiding me through the complexities of the academic world. He was patient and encouraging, making me believe that I could succeed.

Mrs. Martha played a crucial role in my adjustment to this new life. She not only supported me academically but also took care of Maggie and me like we were her own daughters. Her nurturing presence reminded me of the mother I could barely remember, and it filled my heart with warmth.

During exam times, she would sit with me, offering her guidance and encouragement. Her calm and reassuring demeanor helped me manage my anxiety and perform to the best of my abilities. Martha made me feel like I had a family again, a sense of belonging that I had longed for during my days on the streets.

I couldn't help but admire her for the strong, loving mother that she was, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that my own mother might have been a lot like her. This thought brought a bittersweet comfort to my heart.

I was slowly getting the hang of the academic routine and the social dynamics of the academy. My life was changing in ways I never imagined. I made a few friends. Some of the students were kind and accepting, seeing past the rough exterior I had developed on the streets. It was a relief to have people to talk to, to share my thoughts and dreams with.

One of my newfound friends, Lily, introduced me to the world of fashion. She was fascinated by the way I moved and thought it would be interesting to experiment with different styles. She helped me pick out outfits that were more in line with the academy's dress code, though I still held onto my love for black.

Loneliness crept in as my days became consumed with studies, adapting to this new world, and my newfound friends. Bruce's absence was particularly felt.

I missed our late-night conversations, his guidance, and the way he encouraged me to excel in my studies. Oh, and mostly our chats on the roof where he would bring me wine and snacks. The bond we had formed was special, and I yearned for more of those moments.

Bruce's physical training had been intense, and his progress was nothing short of remarkable.

I watched as he pushed himself through his training regimen. He is just amazing, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and envy. The sight of him running around the garden, his muscles growing more defined with each day, stirred something strange within me. It was a feeling I couldn't quite understand. I don't know this feeling... This weird squeeze in my heart. I have never felt anything like this before.

He had come a long way from needing a cane to walking confidently and running with strength. I had witnessed his transformation firsthand, and it left me in awe.

As I watched him, a part of me yearned to be as strong and capable as he was. I wanted to stand beside him, not as someone in need of protection but as an equal, someone who could contribute to our shared goals. The peculiar feeling in my heart was a mix of motivation and a longing to be more.

Yet, I couldn't let my feelings of loneliness hold me back. I will do whatever is necessary to become useful to Bruce in the future.

My friends noticed my preoccupation, especially Lily, who had become a close confidant. We are having a group home study at home. She nudged me and asked, "Oh, how you long for your lover when you see him across the room, and you say, 'How do I tell him how much I care?'"

"Huh? Wha... What?" I managed to blurt.

I looked over at Bruce, and my eyes locked with his. There was something about the way he looked at me. It was almost like... He was smitten... Wait! Smitten? As if he wants me... As if... Nope. Not going there. Nope. He just nodded and said, "Evening ladies," and continued on with his running. I think my mouth fell open. That was definitely something. Maybe Lily was right.

But now, I could not seem to shake that thought. Just looking at him ignited something deep within me. Shit! I can't think like that. I just want to help him and stand by his side, that's enough for me... That is, after all, the whole point, to become a tool, a useful object for Bruce to accomplish what he wants. A weapon...

Besides, there was so much at stake. I couldn't allow my feelings to distract me.

We had a deal. I will study and train in everything he tells me to. And that was enough... or so I thought.

Little did I know how my feelings were only just starting to take root, to grow...

After weeks and weeks of demanding practices and an unforgiving academic load, exhaustion had overcome me. But the good news is that the exam is over. I was given a few days to rest, all thanks to Martha. She pulled Bruce's ears for making me work too hard.

"Don't you dare put my daughter under the same intensity as you. Her exams just ended and you want her to learn martial arts? Are you insane? No dessert for you tonight! Be glad I didn't ban you from leaving the mansion."

Her reprimand made the other maids chuckle, while a few secretly winked at me. Seeing her scold Bruce always lifted my spirits. But, she has been calling me daughter all this time... I... I felt a sense of joy every time I heard those words. Should I call her mom instead of Ma'am? My mind has been thinking nonstop these days.

So here I am, lying on the roof, gazing up at the night sky as a soft, summer breeze brushed against my face. I should sleep, but sleep seems to evade me. I miss those old days...

"Hey," A familiar voice made me jump up. It was Bruce, standing near the roof entrance with two beers in his hands. "Wanna drink? It's pretty strong."

I can't help the smirk on my face, "How could I ever say no to you." I smiled as he handed me the beer.

"You have no idea how hard it was to sneak past Alfred," he muttered as he took a seat beside me.

"Cheers! The end-of-exam is the best-flavored wine of the year," I joked, before taking a big gulp.

"So, how are you doing?" He asked and took a sip.

My eyes gazed upon his handsome face, his beautiful clear blue eyes, his thick and messy black hair, his toned muscular physique, he is... He is absolutely gorgeous... Damn, did I say that already? And then, our gazes connected, our eyes speaking what we were struggling to speak out loud. My heart skipped a beat.

Shit. What is this...

"Good. I am sure I will top the exam," I replied with a grin on my face.

"Not exam, how are you doing?" He urged to know. His smile slowly faded into a frown.

My mouth stayed ajar. I was at a loss for words.

"Have you been eating well? Are you sleeping soundly? I noticed you have been a bit withdrawn lately... Your face has grown pale. Is there any problem?" He reached his hand to touch mine but quickly stopped midway and placed it back on his lap.

Seeing him a bit flustered made my heart go all warm.

"Oh, it's nothing bad. Late night studies and all got me a bit worn out."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" He asked, his eyes searching mine.

There is something you can do. Can I tell you the truth, though? I think...I am starting to fall for you.

"Don't worry," I gently bumped him on the shoulders as I tried to stay composed. I sighed, and my head tilted toward him, "A good night's sleep will probably get me back to normal."

"Alright," He stood up after finishing his drink, and extended a hand, "You can't get a proper sleep outside."

I took his hand to stand.

We stared at each other for a bit before he quickly pulled his hand and coughed a bit nervously, "Erm, shall we? Wouldn't want Alfred to catch us up here with beer, huh?" He awkwardly pointed his thumb towards the stairs.

"Definitely wouldn't want that!" I giggled at his awkwardness.

This night feels different somehow. We hid the bottles near the trash and went down the stairs and to our rooms. Before I went inside, I glanced behind me and noticed his eyes on mine... Before we could catch what we were feeling, a huge yawn escaped my mouth, and we burst into a loud laugh.

"Haha, good night, Selina," He shook his head, chuckling at our awkward encounter. "Sweet dreams," With a wave, he opened the door to his room and entered, closing it.


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Starting next Ch we will see some training, action, Gotham's situation, stuff building, and last but not least some small r18 scenes. Harem building will start from Vol-2 (Ch: 60 or 65) starting with someone green, planty, and a female warrior from distant land coming to Metropolis for the first time.