'A guy in a yellow suit with red spark. Fuck! Reverse Flash! That annoying fucker. It would be hard to catch him, but not impossible. For now, I need to stop whatever he is planning and have to recruit Barry before he tries something funny with his time travel shit and fuck up this timeline,' Bruce sighed as he stood up. 'To think he would be the enemy I will be facing of all those countless villains...'

"You know that guy?" Ivy looked at him.

"Yeah, I do," He replied.

"And?" She tilted her head.

"His name is Eobard Thawne, a speedster from the future. He goes by the alias, Reverse Flash," He explained.

"Future? As if from 'THE FUTURE'?" She blinked in confusion, "Like really? You are saying the dude is from the future like he can travel through time?"

"Yup. This guy is a menace and very hard to deal with. Anyway, I got a plan. For now, let's deal with these three," He looked toward the three thugs, "Don't kill them. Do some trial tests of your new medicines and poisons on them, and when they have lived their worth, turn them into your puppets" He ordered, "I will then hand them over to GCPD where they will try to escape on your command and will die from the encounter."

"You cruel bastard," The thug, Bruce and Ivy were torturing yelled. "You promised to kill me, you son of a bitch," He shouted in anger and frustration as tears flowed from his eyes. "PLEASE! KILL ME AND LET IT END!"

"I said I will free you. Never said, when," He pulled his jaw to look into his tear-filled eyes, "Besides, you shouldn't have stepped into this crime world if you can't stand such simple pain and suffering." He made sure he could hear him. "Your choice, not mine." He patted his cheek before leaving them in Ivy's care.

"Don't go, kill me!" He yelled.

"Sush, now, honey..." Ivy summoned a few vines, wrapping the three thugs, "Don't be a crybaby now. It will all end soon. Trust me," She winked. "Now, be a good boy and listen to my commands like the dog you are, and maybe, just maybe, I will show you what pleasureful pain means, obviously, it will all be in your head... Now, I got a movie night with my man, so I have to hurry."


"Let's begin without delay..." She snapped her fingers, controlling the plants and carrying them to the lab, "Do you know, I have been working on a cure for cancer? It's still in the trial phase and I had no way to test it on humans. Then, you guys came and made my stuck experiment move forward. Thank you, guys."


"Sush! I hate when weaklings scream like a fucking bitch," Ivy's tendril pierced their bodies and poured in sedatives, making them faint and silent. "That's better. Now, I need let's boost your bodies with cancer cells, shall we?"

'She is enjoying herself too much,' Bruce thought as he watched her smiling and performing the tests. 'But at least she is doing something good for humanity. A cure for cancer in our hands is far better than in Luthor's hands. If memory serves correctly, Luthor will invent a cure for cancer in a few years. But not if I can help it. Well, I am glad, she's on our side. Anyway, time to work on the 2nd gen nanites." He said before moving back to his lab.

[7 hrs later]

"Ohh! My arms!" Bruce stretched his arms, "It feels like I have been working for ages. I need a coffee," He stood up from his desk and walked over to the small cafeteria he made in that underground base. "Hmmm? Ivy?"

"Hey, Brucy~," She greeted him.

"How's your test going?" He asked, making himself a coffee.

"All is well," She replied with a smile, "I already injected the cancer cells and administered the serum. Now, all we need is to wait for a few days before I can do the next test. And you? What were you doing?"

"Making 2nd gen nanites. You want coffee?" He offered.

"Yeah, sure," She nodded.

He made two cups of coffee.

"Here you go," He handed her a cup and sat before her, pulling a chair.

"Thanks," She took a sip. "Any news from Selina's group?"

"Nope. Not yet," He replied as he looked at his wristwatch, "The deal should be taking place right now. Hopefully, we will get to know who's after you and that plant."

"You like Elana?" She asked.

"What's with that sudden question?" He asked, taking a sip.

"Nothing, just curious. You two seem close yet distant at the same time," She explained, "It's like you two are very close but also there's something that is separating you two."

"It's not like that," He shook his head, "It's complicated."

"Really?" Ivy transformed back to Pamela, "Did you two ever talk about it? A real talk?" She asked.

"No, not yet."

"Then, how do you know what she feels?" She asked again, "Do you like her?"

"I... I was holding back in the past because I didn't know how to break it to Selina, but after we figured things out among us about having multiple relationships, I was thinking of asking her out soon," He replied, "I mean, we're close and we understand each other very well."

"Hmmm? You never had sex with her, did you?" She asked.

"No, of course not. We just shared a kiss or two, months ago. Anyway, now that Selina and you have no problem with this polygamy thing, I need to find a way to explain it to her and maybe we can all have some fun in the future."

"Well, I don't mind if you have a good time with her," Pamela sipped her coffee. "But, the question is, how are you going to convince her?"

"I don't know," He replied, "I can't really think of anything."

"Hmmm? What about I take care of that?" She suggested, "I can make some seductive mixtures and put her under my charm and make her do things."

"NO!" He immediately refused her offer, "Absolutely not. No forcing or mind control. I hate that."

"Why? You could have sex with her and we all could have fun, just like you said," She smiled mischievously.

"I will do this fair and square, no manipulation," He stated firmly. "And besides, sex isn't everything. It's the chemistry between two people that matters."

"That's what you think," She chuckled.

"Oh? You want to bet?" He raised his brow.

"Sure, I do. If you can make her agree to your proposal, I will agree to any 3 of your demands. If you fail, I will get three demands from you. Deal?" She held out her hand.

"Deal," He shook her hand and nodded.

"Good. Now, what's your plan?" She asked, "I mean, you got to have a plan, right? I mean, you aren't going in blind like a fool, right?"

"I do. But first, we need to catch this guy or girl going on a murder spree and then we have to disrupt this speedster's plans," He stated as he thought about his plan. "After that, the new VR launch conference and your new cure to cancer..."

"Bruce, Bruce... Take a long breath. You are trying to do too many things at once. Just deal with one thing and let us deal with the other, yeah? You do know that we are a team now, right?" She reminded him.

"Right. Sorry, old habits die hard. And to be honest, I am not used to having people around me," He sighed, "It's a good thing I have you guys."

"Yeah, it is a good thing to have a team," She replied as she finished her coffee. "When I got these powers, you have no idea how scared I was... Without your help... I don't know what I would have done. So, just like you helped me, let me help you."

"You don't have to worry about that anymore," He assured her, "We will work together from now on, and if I do something stupid like not asking for help, you have full permission to punch me in the face."

"Then, I am already looking forward to it," She chuckled, "Now, let's finish our work and then wait for Selina's team to return. We will get to know who is behind all of this."

So, they returned back to their work.

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Next Chapter: LexCorps