Bruce and Pamela spent a few hours eating and chatting. After finishing their lunch, they decided to take a drive around the city. They talked a bit, laughed, shared each other's embarrassing childhood stories, and got to know the people they were a bit more intimately. The sun was already setting down, and the sky was painted orange as dusk fell upon Gotham City.

Bruce drove back to Pamela's apartment. The people from Wayne Enterprise installed the TVs, sound system, security system, and two VR pods in the penthouse. The things they bought were already being delivered, it was fast, all thanks to their reputation and an extra bit of money. The team of workers had already taken care of the bed and everything they bought. The penthouse now looked pretty modern with all the equipment and devices installed.

"So, how's it looking?" Bruce asked Pamela.

"All neat and just perfect," Pamela took a look around and her expression says she's satisfied with the new look. "So, I assume those two are the new generation VR pods you have been working on?" She checked the VR pods which had an orange-ish glow and a semi-translucent look.

"Yup. Come on, put the headset on and lie down," Bruce motioned his hand over the VR Pod. "Relax and enjoy the ride... You will experience the real feeling, Pamela." He smiled as he sat inside his VR pod.

"Alright, Let's do it!" She strapped the headset and lay comfortably inside.

In the blink of an eye, Pamela found herself, standing in a white empty space. Soon, Bruce connected and appeared before her.

"Welcome to the future of all technology. The digital world, where you can feel and experience everything as if it were the real world," Bruce announced as he opened the VR Menu.

Pamela walked over to him and touched his arm, "Wow! I can feel you, your presence, your body, you look so real!" She observed closely.

"That's how it's designed, to stimulate all the senses and provide the most immersive and realistic feeling in the virtual realm." Bruce pointed towards the VR Menu that opened before them. "You can open it up by simply thinking of opening the menu option and it will appear before your eyes. Now, from here, you can choose what you want to do here. Play the pre-installed games that I have personally developed, watch movies, just sit and relax, maybe you want to go for a swim or wanna visit another country. How about traveling through time to a different planet in space? Go ahead." He then removed his hand from the floating menu.

"Space?!" She exclaimed with widened eyes, she looked at Bruce, who nodded with a smile. She then turned back towards the menu and her lips curved into a beautiful smile.

"Yes. You can experience real space travel, maybe visit a few planets or jump around on the moon and have fun," Bruce explained. Pamela is really excited now, she can't wait to explore this new world. Bruce smiled seeing her enthusiasm and continued to explain.

"Let me show you how to use this menu first," Bruce placed his finger on top of the 'Planet' option and pushed it gently. The menu reacted to his action and opened up another menu with lots of options. One such option was 'Mars', Bruce clicked on it and the screen changed to display a beautiful picture of Mars along with information regarding the planet. He then selected a space suit from the equipment section and equipped himself with it.

"Wow!" Pamela also followed Bruce's steps and equipped herself with a space suit.

"Now click the Teleportation button."

"Okay!" Pamela did as instructed and the next moment they both teleported to Mars. She looked around and noticed that everything looked like the real thing, even though there wasn't any sound. "Everything looks so real, Bruce! So cool!" She said while looking at everything around her.

"Right?! This is truly amazing!" He exclaimed.

They jumped around for a few minutes, enjoying and exploring the red planet.

"Hey, wanna make things exciting?" Bruce suddenly asked Pamela.

"Hmm? Sure." She replied with curiosity written all over her face.

Bruce smiled mischievously, "How about..." He selected a giant sandworm and two spaceships that looked like those from the space racing games, "...A race!"

"What?!" She exclaimed upon realizing what Bruce just said. Before she could say anything else, Bruce pressed the start button and disappeared. Both of them found themselves inside the racing spaceships. The tutorial on how to control them was displayed on the holographic screen before them. Pamela quickly read through it.

"All good?" Bruce's voice came from the earpiece inside the helmet.

"Yup, ready when you are," Pamela answered confidently.

"Alright then, the race will start as soon as the timer runs out. A giant ass sandworm monster will chase us and hurl chunks of rocks at us. Our goal is to avoid them and win the race before the others," Bruce explained as ten more AI-controlled spaceships appeared around them.

"Ten opponents?!" Pamela exclaimed.

Bruce chuckled, "Yup, better focus." He teased as the timer counted down to zero. As soon as the countdown ended, they heard a loud horn sound coming from somewhere behind them. They glanced back and saw a giant ass worm chasing after them while hurling giant rocks.

"Holy crap! It's huge!" Pamela shouted.

Bruce laughed, "Time to see what this baby can do!" He increased his speed to maximum and then activated the turbo booster, leaving everyone behind, but Pamela stayed close. The others are struggling to get rid of the worm and to catch up to them.

"You're gonna lose to a girl, Bruce?!" Pamela's teasing voice came from his earpiece as she hovered over the giant rock before her and crossed the checkpoint.

"Hmm! Alright, let's make things a little bit harder," Bruce made a sharp turn and headed towards a canyon. The worm dug into the ground and chased after them. As he was about to reach the canyon, the worm showed up behind him. "What the fuck?!" He cursed and immediately applied the reverse thrusters. The worm slammed into them and knocked the AI-controlled ships out of its way as it sped forward.

"This is so fun!" Pamela yelled cheerfully as she flew past Bruce, gaining more distance.

Bruce gritted his teeth and followed after her, "Yeah, but this worm is no joke! Look!" He pointed at the worm, which was now charging towards them again. Around twenty chunks of giant rock were hovering in the air around it and were preparing to launch at them.

"Holy crap!" Pamela exclaimed. "If you were trying to scare me, you definitely did a good job! Good luck surviving the worm's attack!" She chuckled as she increased her speed and flew away from the worm.

"We will see about that," Bruce too picked up the speed.

The sky above them was filled with giant rocks as a massive shower of meteorites began raining down on them. They dodged left and right, weaving through the chaos, evading the obstacles thrown at them.

After several minutes of dodging meteors and outrunning the worm, Bruce and Pamela finally saw the finishing line. Both of them pushed the engines, trying to win the race. Pamela used the booster a bit early and started slowing down while approaching the final stretch of the canyon, meanwhile, Bruce timed it perfectly and accelerated.

They were neck to neck at the finish line, both trying to cross the finish line. They could hear the pre-recorded cheering voices and clapping from their earpiece as they reached the checkpoint. Bruce won by ten seconds.

They returned back to the white space after the race.

"Oh, come on. There was definitely something wrong with my ship. It slowed down just around the finishing line," Pamela protested and complained to Bruce about losing the race.

"You used the booster too early, and that cost you the victory. You didn't time it well," Bruce explained to her with a smile.

"Shit! Fine, another race... I'll win the next one!" She proclaimed with a pout, which amused Bruce.

"Alright, let's do a few more."

After ten races, Bruce got 6 winnings and 4 wins for Pamela. Well, truth be told, he kinda held back a bit, trying not to discourage her too much. And he knew that she would suspect him for taking it easy on her if he lost to her, he made the games after all, of course, he would know some tricks. So, he played safe for now.

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[Exclusive r18 contents] [No double billing] 


Next Ch: 108: Movie night

Ch: 109: Pain & Pleasure 

Ch: 110: Master & Slave

Ch: 111: Bruce Wayne meets Clark Kent


AN: Guys, Vol-2 has approx 25 chs left. And Vol-3 main story is in work. The first will be the Reverse Flash mini-arc and the main focus will be Atlanta vs Human world. No Aquaman, but Aquawoman.😎 She is prideful, ruthless[In bed as well], and Tsundere. [PS: I think this will be my first book to cross 200 chs. If I were to count Vol-4, then easily over 300 chs. Dang!]