[Bonus chapter. More POWERSTONES]


Twelve rays of heat visions shot forward at the same time, tearing apart the darkness of the space.

The ships flew through the space, dodging the oncoming assault. Wednesday took control of the ships, maneuvering them with precision while Thursday took control of the nanorobots and weapon system, wreaking havoc. However, it wasn't enough to stop those Kryptonians. They charged in, blasting those robots left and right like bugs. They are pro fighters and had the power advantage over those machines and thanks to their arrogant nature, they kept busting through those nanorobots, but the thing they didn't predict was that those robots' job wasn't to fight them, but to invade their bodies and start killing them from the inside.

Yeah, Kryptonians have microscopic vision, but thanks to the synthetic material those bots were made of, plus the added power of Skylar's magic, it blurred their senses. Just like how Diana killed one of them back in the ship, they won't be able to avoid those thousands and millions of nanites around them.

The Kryptonians stopped blasting, looking at each other as they could feel a burning sensation coming from inside their bodies. Their flesh and blood were being ripped apart by those tiny little things, and their bodies weren't healing fast enough.

"Uuughhhh!" One of them screamed in agony as he tore apart his armor and began to scratch his body.

"What's going on?" Faora asked Zod as she tried to use her X-Ray vision, but couldn't see anything. "My powers are not working. It's like something is blocking them."

"Nanorobot invasion!" Zod, who was staying far away and watching the battle muttered. He used his X-ray vision and checked each of their bodies and saw countless nanites inside their bodies and he could tell the familiar Kryptonian tech touch in those bots. "Ice breath. Freeze those pesky bugs," He instructed Faora.

Faora was almost gasping for breath as she released a ray of ice breath, but the nanorobot kept attacking. She took a deep breath again, and again, and again, but nothing worked, and she was starting to get weaker and weaker.

"We must fall back," She flew back, and coughed hard, grabbing her chest as her muscles started to get shredded apart.

"You've got to be kidding me," Zod grumbled in anger. These humans are better than he thought. But he refused to accept defeat, not like this. His pride won't allow him to escape and where would they go with their ships destroyed? Besides, considering their condition, they are going to need time to regenerate their bodies. At the very least, he would kill a few of those humans.

Zod activated his emergency armor. It was made in Krypton from nanites. The other fighters flew back. They were barely flying and holding their bodies together.

[Booom!] Zod flew so fast that he left a huge boom in the space behind him as he rammed into the carrier. His fingers dug into the metal and as he tried to throw it, "Huh?!" To his surprise, his hands were frozen. Mr. Freeze had shot cryo rays at him from inside, "You think this will stop me?" Zod broke through the ice with ease and hurled the carrier into space. Mr. Freeze flew out.

"Haaa!" Diana flew toward Zod with her sword and shield in hand.

Zod easily blocked her attack and headbutted her. As she flew back, he appeared behind her, kicking her hard. The kinetic absorber inside her suit instantly went on overdrive, trying to cope up with the impact. Diana felt as if someone had broken her spine in two. She tried to fly but couldn't move.

The others attacked him with everything they had, but Zod's armor deflected it all.

"Shit!" Elana and Oliver threw everything at him, but it was useless.

"I see you've put quite a bit of effort into your body," Zod commented as he grabbed Diana by her neck, "But sadly, you are still nothing but a human," He said before throwing a punch at her face.

[Crackle!] A burst of lightning ripped through the space. Diana disappeared from Zod's grasp, instead a man was standing in her place, stopping Zod's attack with a single finger.

"Yo, motherfucker, we humans destroyed everything you had. Killed your so-called army. So," He punched Zod in his face.

[Booom!] Zod's body flew backward. He tried to fly, but...

That man appeared behind Zod with a spark of lightning, "So, yeah, we are nothing but humans who kicked your sorry ass." His words were followed by a hard kick, that threw Zod into the void.

"He's here!" Elana shouted happily.

"Bruce," Diana's lips curled up into a smile. Skyler's power teleported her back inside Selina's ship.

"Uumm... How is he flying in space without his suit? No, how the heck is he even alive in space? And the power behind that punch... Just what did he do?" Oliver wondered.

"Does it even matter?" Pamela commented.

"Took you long enough," Selina said to Bruce.

"Yeah, well, I had a lot to take care of before I came here. Now, let's finish this bastard," Bruce looked at Zod with hatred in his eyes as the latter slowly regained his composure.

Zod looked at Bruce with rage. He couldn't even see what had happened. One moment he was punching Diana, and the next he was being kicked by someone else. Not to mention the speed with which the stranger moved. It was faster than him.

"Who are you?" Zod asked, trying to maintain his composure.

"A human who's about to kill you," Bruce replied with a smirk. He had been waiting for this day for so long, to finally get to face this bastard and rip him apart. His genetic evolution was successful. He has eliminated the Kryptonian gene's weaknesses and reconstructed his own body, making it far more superior to that of a Kryptonian.

Zod gritted his teeth in anger. He couldn't even see how this guy was flying. Even if he used X-ray vision to check his anatomy, he could only see a blur.

"So, shall we dance?" Bruce disappeared from Zod's vision with the usual spark of lightning.

"Haa!" Zod released a powerful scream.

An explosion of energy erupted from Zod's body, releasing shockwaves into space. He calmed down his anger and decided to focus on the man before him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, focusing his senses to ready Bruce's movements.

And just like that, a spark of lightning flashed.

Zod threw a punch to his right, colliding with Bruce's punch. The shockwave generated from this single punch was big enough to push the other ships back.

"Let him take care of the big guy," Elana flew her ship toward the injured fighters, "We will take care of these chumps."


A flurry of punches and kicks followed between Bruce and Zod. Shockwaves echoed through the void as they kept hitting each other with full force. Their fists collided and sent shockwaves in all directions, ripping apart the void. Zod used his heat vision. Bruce extended his arm, absorbing the energy with the help of his nanite absorbers, and threw the attack back in the form of a concentrated ball at Zod.

"Humff!" Zod swiped the energy ball with his left arm and flew in, punching Bruce in the face, "Your body is impressive, but sadly, you are still human. A being far below my race and power."

Bruce smirked. He disappeared, and a kick appeared out of nowhere, hitting Zod's neck. But he swiftly flew down. Bruce blinked behind him, "I know how to kill you, Kryptonians," He grabbed Zod's neck, and a sharp burst of electricity ripped through his body, causing him to scream in agony. "I know all your weaknesses and strengths. Or, why the fuck do you think I came to fight you? To die?" Bruce then hurled him toward Mars.

Zod's body ripped through the atmosphere of Mars, leaving behind a trail of smoke and flames. Bruce also flew behind him at super fast speed.

Zod screamed, creating a hurricane in the mid-space.

"Such weak power!" Bruce yelled as he punched the hurricane with his fists. The hurricane exploded, sending both of them hurling on the planet's surface.

Zod didn't say a single word. Instead, he began to take off his armor, tearing it apart. His body was badly damaged, but his powers were still working. He was trying to heal himself by absorbing the sunlight.

"What a stubborn bastard," Bruce watched Zod's attempt to regenerate himself. "You think I'll let you do that?" He blinked before Zod and punched him hard. But Zod caught his punch with ease. The shockwave generated from his punch shattered the ground behind Zod. The red dust rose and surrounded the two, as both of them looked at each other with a smiling face as if they were having fun.

----[Powerstones & reviews]----

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[Exclusive r18 contents] [No double billing] 


Next, Ch: 126: New Allies

Ch: 127: The battle continues

Ch: 128: Human or Monster? [Vol-2 ends]

[Vol: 3] Ch: 129: Suit of Sorrows
