[Present time]

[Waller's office]

Nothing was going according to her plan. The amount of money and manpower she used during her plan was just immense. From taking down H.I.V.E to losing Deadshot, two alien ships, and an alien girl, not to mention the recent attack on her from an unknown assassin organization, it was not in any way looking good. The pressure from the top was getting to Waller, and her usual cool personality was being overtaken with agitation.

To make things even worse, the recent attack from aliens that was supposed to happen was stopped by insanely powerful beings before they could reach Earth. Now, she has even more pressure being laid on her shoulders since the Government leaders have realized how futile it is to think that they can easily stop the supposed armadas that will be headed their way.

"Superman..." She looked at the screen of her laptop and said his name. "He has too much power in his hand. Should he decide to turn against us... we will surely fall." She couldn't think straight and didn't want her brain to break down like this.

It was already on the news, thanks to the released footage by an anonymous person. The footage shows how Superman single-handedly stopped an invasion. Although it was just a few minutes of footage, it was enough to cause a stir among people around the world. No one cares if it was a fake or original. They now believe Superman to be an unstoppable savior, but some believe him to be a threat to the world.

The power balance was tripped. Now, everyone with power was wary of Superman. especially the government and the military. But what could they do before such an overpowered existence? They couldn't even touch him.

"This is not good." Waller sighed as she sat back on her chair.

"Would you look at that? Amanda Waller, worried and frightened," A man's voice came to her ears. She looked toward the door. A hazy figure in some kind of yellow suit was standing before her. Flickers of red lightning could be seen around his body.

"Who are you?" Waller frowned as she asked.

"Reverse Flash," The man replied. "A pleasure to finally meet you."

"Reverse Flash? That's new. A speedster like Flash? You must be a fan of his," Waller chuckled.

"I'm nothing like Flash." The man said as he walked toward her. His voice carried a hint of arrogance and pride. He sat on a chair in front of Waller, who was looking at him with an intense gaze.

"Now, tell me. What brings you here?" Waller asked with a straight face.

Reverse Flash took out a box out of nowhere and placed it before her. Waller took the box and opened it. Inside, there was a glowing green crystal. Her eyes flickered as she saw it.

"And this is?" She asked.

"A very valuable thing for you," Reverse Flash replied. "It's a piece of Kryptonite, an extremely valuable substance. There are no more than a few of them in this universe. In short, Superman killer. Make a bullet, gas grenade, or anything you want from it. Or, just take it up close to the Man of Steel and watch him writhe in pain. He will become killable when exposed to it." He explained.

"And what is it that you want from me?" Waller asked again.

"What do I want?" Reverse Flash chuckled. "The ring from Bruce Wayne's right hand."

Waller frowned. She didn't expect him to ask for something like this. Why would a speedster like him who can just go and steal something that trivial like this ask for it from her? Any, why a ring of all things? Considering the value of the kryptonite, he could have asked for anything from her, but why Bruce Wayne's ring?

"Of all the things, you want a ring?" Waller frowned again. "May I ask why? You are a speedster, you can just steal it outright from his hand without him noticing." She pointed out the fact.

Reverse Flash just smirked, which made Waller doubt her reasoning.

"Or can't you?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Waller," He zoomed behind her and placed her hand on her shoulder, "Don't try to take the hand when I'm only offering you one finger. You need to control Superman, I need to have that ring. If you try something funny, you won't even realize when you died." He threatened her.

[Splatt!] Blood and brains splattered everywhere.

"Huh?!" Reverse Flash stood there baffled as Waller's head just exploded before his eyes. Her blood and brains were all over him. He never expected something like this to happen. This wasn't supposed to happen yet. Waller was supposed to die after she stole that ring and gave it to him. That's the future he saw and based his plan around, but things had changed.

He was about to take the kryptonite box and run away but it wasn't there on the desk. It has disappeared just right before his eyes.

"Damn you, Batman!" He screamed in rage before running away from the scene.

[Location: Classified]

Deadshot was holding a remote with a red button. He has just pressed that red button and splattered Amanda's head across her office. His revenge was finally complete. He controlled the micro nano suit, Bruce put after her and placed a bomb, shrunken with the help of Pym Particles, into her ears. All he has to do is press the red button when he needs revenge, and Waller's brain would explode like a fruit in a fruit blender.

Well, he did get his revenge, and what's more, he even got some new information and a kryptonite crystal. He used the Pym Particles in the suit to shrink the box when Reverse Flash was momentarily stunned by the sudden exploding head of Amanda and placed it inside the suit, then hid it using stealth mode.



[Location: New Base] > [The building where Selina asked Bruce what if she gets pregnant.]

Floyd brought the suit and the kryptonite to Bruce.

"Here. That Reverse Flash guy tried to rope Waller into killing Superman and he seems to be after that ring of yours," He put it before him on a desk and waited for him to take it.

Bruce opened the box and saw a glowing green crystal. He picked it up and held it before his eyes, "Keep it a secret between us." He looked toward Floyd. 

With this, he won't have to go on a wild hunt. Now, he can synthesize synthetic kryptonite. And the other Kryptonians who are still in cryo sleep won't be a problem anymore. Besides, in various versions of the DC universe, Superman turned rogue and almost destroyed Earth. Like the version where Joker makes him kill pregnant Lois, resulting in Superman going berserk, and the other where he becomes a corrupt government dog, and so on... So there will be no harm in having one extra insurance.

"You got it," Floyd gave a nod, "What about this Reverse Flash and why is he after your ring?" He asked, puzzled.

"As I told you before he came from the future, so, if I were to guess, he failed to defeat me in the future and decided to take a quick trip down the time-space stream," Bruce explained to him. 

"But wasn't he after Barry?" Floyd pointed out a fact.

"Yup! That bastard is a menace. He can't come near me thanks to my nanites, so, he wanted to rope Waller in, and had he succeeded Waller might have sent her strongest metahuman, Enchantress, and I would very much like not to deal with such a powerful ancient witch if possible," Bruce said as he rubbed his finger on his lightning ring.

"Yeah, about that..." Floyd smiled awkwardly as he took out another tiny box and placed it on the desk then used the Pym Particles to bring it to its original size.

"No... You didn't!" Bruce's face twitched.



[A.R.G.U.S. Facility]

"I can't feel it anywhere," Enchantress spoke in June's mind as she couldn't feel her spirit heart within the facility.

It was supposed to be in Waller's grasp. Why did it suddenly disappear? She wondered. She felt something wasn't right. As far as she knew Waller, that crude woman wouldn't let her spirit heart outside her hand's reach.

"Something is wrong, June. We must go to Waller's office, now."

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[Exclusive r18 contents] [No double billing] 


Next, Ch: 134: New threats

Ch: 135: Gift or Curse?

Ch: 136: On the way to Nanda Parbat

Ch: 137: Seven Men of Death
