Talia slashed through the air with her sharp blade. The blade created a spark with Nyssa's blade when their attack clashed. Both their hands quivered as they used all their strength to push the other's attack.

"What's wrong? Are you challenging me with just this much strength," Talia shouted as she continued pressing Nyssa's blade.

The edge was just about to hit Nyssa when she slipped past, avoiding her attack and creating distance between them. She spun around, throwing a barrage of poison needles at Talia, each needle's destination aimed at her vital organs.

But it was useless. Talia used her incredible speed to dodge those needles like a speeding bullet. "Humff!" She pressed forward, as she deflected the rest of the needles with her sword.

"Is that all?" She continued running to Nyssa's side with her blade flashing as it reflected the last rays of the setting sun, drawing an arc in the air. Her strike met a sword, which parried her blade, and an edge pressed towards her body. Talia blocked Nyssa's strike with her dagger, holding her sister's attack as they stared into each other's eyes.

Their blades separated as they took a few steps backward, keeping a safe distance from each other.

Nyssa's arms were almost numb. She couldn't believe that her sister's attack were that hard and powerful. Despite her speed, Talia's attacks were strong and precise. However, Nyssa refused to give up. She refused to lose to her big sister. She always thought that Talia got everything she wanted from their father, while Nyssa remained unnoticed.

She couldn't accept this. Even if it meant that she had to die here today, she would at least leave a scar on Talia's body to show that she existed. She charged again with all her might, spinning around with her sword and attacking Talia with everything she got.

Meanwhile, Talia stood still. Her sister's movement seemed slow to her as she easily dodged her attack and cut Nyssa's arm, leaving a long, bleeding wound on her forearm.

Blood poured out of Nyssa's new wound, but a wound like this is nothing to League members. She ignored the pain and continued attacking. Her sword flashed across the sky as she kept attacking Talia. But all of Nyssa's attacks failed to hit Talia as she dodged everything with ease, causing Nyssa to grow desperate and frustrated. Her movements were getting sloppy with each passing second. Her breathing became erratic due to exhaustion.

"Give up Nyssa. It's over," Talia swung her blade, stopping Nyssa's attack. Her voice sounded cold and merciless as she pushed Nyssa away from her zone. Nyssa's sword shattered as Talia's kick on her stomach sent her flying meters away. Nyssa rolled over the ground painfully until she finally stopped near the mansion's wall. Blood dripped from her forehead and mouth as she slowly tried to stand up. She raised her hand to grab the broken sword that lay next to her, but before she could take it, Talia kicked it away from her.

Talia pointed her sword at Nyssa and spoke, "This is enough, sister. Surrender. There's nothing more you can do."

"Never..." Nyssa spat out the blood from her mouth and stood up, trying to grab Talia's sword. However, Talia kicked her knee before Nyssa could even touch it, breaking her knee bone in the process.

Nyssa screamed in pain as she knelt down on the ground, her broken leg unable to support her weight. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she gritted her teeth from the pain. It wasn't only physical pain that she felt. It was emotional too. To be beaten like this by her big sister in front of everyone, Nyssa felt ashamed and embarrassed.

She couldn't bear such humiliation, so she flipped out the hidden blade from her wrist and tried to stab Talia's feet, but Talia was ready for it.

Talia stomped Nyssa's hand, pinning it down to the ground. Then she grabbed her hair and lifted Nyssa's face to meet her gaze. Talia's sword touched Nyssa's neck as she whispered softly into her ear, "Please, surrender. Don't make me do this."

Nyssa spat the blood mixed with saliva at Talia's face, refusing to surrender. "Kill Me!" She shouted, staring directly into Talia's eyes. Her eyes burning with hatred. "You have gone soft, sister. Compassion? Mercy? Those feelings will only lead you to your death. You're a fool!" Nyssa glared at Talia with a smile.

Talia touched her face with her left hand.


Nyssa used the suicide pill that all assassins carried inside their mouth. It was the League's failsafe, in case they got caught by their enemies. Its effects are instantaneous and deadly. It melts the user's organs and causes instant death. She crushed the pill and spat it on Talia's face, hoping to poison her. 

Right now, Nyssa's mouth was burning like hell from that poison's effects.

Talia blacked out for a moment as the acidic poison melted her right cheek. She stumbled back and put her back on one of the pillars of the mansion. 

Nyssa stood up and quickly took the antidote, barely saving her mouth from melting.

Talia wiped the poison from her face, revealing burnt skin underneath.

Nyssa smiled triumphantly, believing that she had won this fight. She picked up the broken sword and dragged her broken legs towards Talia. Her steps were unsteady and heavy. Her breathing was ragged and rough. Her broken knee was hurting so bad that she wished to tear it apart. But none of this mattered to her as long as she could beat Talia today.

After what seemed like forever, Nyssa reached Talia. She raised the broken sword high above her head and swung it downwards towards Talia's head with full force. But her victory was short-lived as Talia moved faster than light, grabbing Nyssa's face and slamming her on the ground. 

"Impossible!" Nyssa noticed that Talia's skin began to heal on its own which shouldn't be possible. The poison was crafted by Ra's al Ghul and it even affects those who have been to the Pit. Yet Talia's skin regenerated itself rapidly. How did she survive that poison? Nyssa wondered. Grabbing the broken sword, she tried to slam it into Talia's stomach.

[Clink!] The sword struck Talia but didn't pierce through Talia's body, instead, Nyssa heard a metallic sound as though she attacked armor rather than human flesh.

"Are you done?" Talia grabbed Nyssa's hand and twisted it until she heard bones cracking loudly. Nyssa screamed in agony as Talia threw her aside. She landed heavily on the ground. "It's over..." She walked to her and placed her sword on Nyssa's chest, "Blinded by arrogance and delusion... Controlled like a puppet till the end. You let him win... But don't you worry, sister. I'll soon send him to your side..." Talia looked sad as she raised her sword, preparing to finish Nyssa off.

A Batarang flew through the air, hitting Talia's sword and knocking it out of her hand. Batman jumped down from the rooftop with Diana following behind. "Enough Talia! Killing her won't solve anything. Besides..." He blinked before them and scanned Nyssa's body, "It would seem, she's under the influence of a hallucination agent similar to Mad Hatter's toxin."

"Drugs?!" Talia frowned, glaring at Nyssa, who lay unconscious on the ground.

Batman nodded, "Yes. A drug that took too many lives back at Gotham a few months ago. It would seem, your daddy was behind it after all. To think he played Lex too... Hahaha... That old coot." He chuckled, shaking his head.

Talia clenched her fists tightly as rage burned within her. She was planning to kill Ra's, but after hearing this, her desire intensified tenfold. She swore to kill Ra's as soon as possible. He was inside that mansion, sitting without a care in the world, confident in his ability to somehow reverse this impossible situation.

Diana bent down next to Nyssa's unconscious body and checked on her condition, "Her pulse is weak and her heartbeat is unstable."

"That's obvious. That drug isn't your regular Joe. It puts a command in the victim's mind that forces them to follow it." Batman explained. "However, the side effects... Well, it causes immense strain on the user's body resulting in heart failure and brain damage. Luckily, I'm here to save the day." He manipulated the nanites around his palm, forming a little rectangular device.

It's a nanite suit. 

Batman placed it on Nyssa's chest and activated it. The nanites began to gush out of the device, covering Nyssa's body entirely. They seeped inside her skin through the wound Talia inflicted upon her and started the anti-toxin program, purging the drug from Nyssa's system. Plus the added cell regeneration function helped heal Nyssa's injuries too.

"It would take a few hours, considering the amount of damage she suffered, but she should be fine once the process ends," Batman stood up and turned to Talia. "Now, why don't we pay your dad a visit?" He smirked, pointing towards the mansion.


AN: How did Talia's injuries heal? Obviously, because of the nanites Bruce injected into her body that night after she got injured by Enchantress.

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Next, Ch: 140: A challenge

Ch: 141: Ra's vs Bruce- Revelation

Ch: 142: Velocity 9

Ch: 143: Perfect Plan & a Ring?!
