A story about certain stroll

Hello, let me tell you a simple story.


There was once this little friendly shark girl, who had been asked by certain OP [over-powered] tsundere Shinigami [soul reaper] girl to make a certain delivery.

Because the little shark like strolls, she decides to accept this simple quest and went on a journey. Shark's friend was busy with schedule full of task, and the shark itself don't mind to help with this small favor, because the little one was eventually planning to visit the target destination anyway.


But even if the shark was somehow known for its long duration strolls, there was a little problem when a centuries passed and the damn delivery was still not made. Even with some ridiculous pit stops it shall had been done a long ago. Like when just peacefully walking from start's point to the target destination shall take just a few months. Maybe a year with closed eyes, or days on turbo mood. (Or even faster, using a high levels methods.)

Tsundere simply though that her friend just got lost somewhere, stall somewhere, got occupied by something important/ unexpected, or in worst scenario; simply forget. And so, when the tsundere got a free time: (She definitely not received an unexpected bonus vacation time, with a hidden meaning; that she shall go to find the shark. Especially when directly tasking this workaholic to go find her friend will be quite embarrassing for someone.) She departs onto Shark search # rescue operation.


This Tsundere's important investigation produced fruits right from the beginning, when from all kind of witnesses, she gets; that the Shark is still on her task, and certain journey became viral to general public. The little one was still dedicated to make that delivery, and was still walking (towards?) her destination.

Of course, the Shinigami got suspicious that this can be a more serious incident, and without catching her friend first she decided to figure out what shenanigans are going around, behind the main scene. 


On her investigation she decided to retract the shark-girl steps from start point and quickly ended frozen up in shock, standing at crossroads, in front of certain signpost under a lonely spiky mountain. 

Tsundere learned that when this signpost got damaged, a certain (not an octopus) priest-girl repaired it. But this one Troller decided to make an obvious prank, and point the repaired pointer that shall pointing toward the settlement, not in correct direction, but toward the top of the spiky mountain. 

Anybody, shall realize that this information is not a true, or see from the ground that there is no settlement on that barren mountain that was just acting like a local natural monument, and rarely someone vent up on it. Anybody shall realize that the pointer up is just a prank. And with just a little though, anybody will go with correct direction.

Except one friendly shark dint figure it out.

The priestess even left an obvious hints of the correct way, that one shall take to reach the settlement. She even goes so far as to turn the message on the misleading indicator into a pun.


Tsundere thought that anybody just by reaching the top of the spiky mountain, will learn his lesson and figure out the answer. But then with cold sweat covering her pale face, she realizes that she and her friend are "bone heads". Because normal boring stuff and limitations of time and space don't apply on those two. By that they have no need to look for shortcuts or cheats for easy solutions.

The Shark stubbornly don't cared about natural obstacles she must pass on her strolls, fully knowing that she will eventually reach the finish line, or find something else to do. Dedicated to her task to make the delivery done, she trusted the sign post, stick to the path, climbed up the mountain, go on other side, and continued in proposed direction, turning her stroll into the trip around the world. And when it happened that she will somehow reach the signpost again… she made the wrong turn once again, not realizing that she went on another turn around the world.

(Additionally certain phoenix girl, in occasions when she had a few encounters with the shark in question; she directed the (not lost?) little one toward the spiky mountain. But because she was not aware of the prank, her instructions ended on reaching that signpost.)


Shinigami figured out that this got out of hand and she shall ask for help. But when she imagined asking the priestess in question for help…

But… The Troller hearing that the shark got caught in her pun prank,-- will certainly make this silly gesture, with silly face expression, making this silly (Ah, you catch me!) sound, to over-boost the whole silliness of the entire story. (And grand succeed of pun prank.)


The Investigators eyes starts to spin...

Fully realizing that this smart innocent prank, has given the line "She got lost!" a whole new level of meaning, the Tsundere overact.

Yelling from her full lungs, losing control over herself, the Shinigami wipe out/ obliterate the innocent signpost from existence.

But… because she was so dam OP… [Over powered]

Then, not so accidentally…

She somehow manages to razed the spiky mountain (standing around), and leveled it to the ground.


And so...

In the end, when the shark reaches the crossroads once again, she was not been misled by the now missing signpost. She continued in the correct direction, reached her destination, and finally made her delivery.

And because the simple task at this point got so high publicity, (Including lots of complains about the destruction of the mountain. And the shark dint learned about them.), the task rises up into epic level of achievement. (Ironically, try to guess "Who was?" the recipient.)

Because of all this and that, a festival was hold to celebrate the succeed (or whatever...). With many tournaments game like events a certain shark shined brightly, while certain Shinigami occupied the bottom parts of the score board.


In addition, certain priestess teased the Shinigami when she mentioned, that the mountain of prayers which she was always able to see from her window is without an explanation; gone.



And this is how Amelia Watson learned the story, about how Ina's innocent pun prank, Gura's centuries long stroll, and Calli's tsundere level Power-Up, became a thing.

[By Dretnoth 29. May 2022 edited: 2. Feb 2023 and 12. Oct 2023 another edit 5. Jan 2024]