Great search

One time Gawr Gura a short hydrodynamic shark girl, was looking for her friend Ninomae Ina'nis the chilled out priestess of the ancient one. For that the shark was strolling around and in certain very fine wooden family house or a mansion, calling her friend name as if it was a cat. "Ina~a!"

As she was searching that place, she was opening wardrobes, cabinets, boxes and shelf. She even glanced into a large decor vase, nearly putting her head in. And of course the calling word 'Ina~a.' resonate through it in a deep voice. The shark was not giving up as if it was some hide and seek play and she continued to stroll the house.

She visited the bathroom and look into the empty bathtub. "I~ina."

Then as she opened door to the WC/toilet and she lifted a little bit the lid on the toilet seat. "Ina?"

Shark even visited the attic where loot of antique and relic of questionable origins and age were covered by a dust and white blankets. We ignore that it give of aura that it look like a sheds shows. [little or cute monsters]

She even put her head into a chimney, still calling for her friend. It was like a steam whistle with a deep voice that big ships have.

Randomly she visited the down-stairs dungeon in theme of questionable cultist temple. As she glanced out of the corner she whispered to that holly silence that place had. ("Ina~a!")


Eventually she returned to a certain bed-room that shall be the room of Ninomae. A first place to look for the priestess, but it was the place where the search itself started. Whit a puzzling expression on her sharky face, she look around the room once again. Her gaze went around staring on the bed next to the wall, cabinets, wardrobe, tables, window, and so on. Eyes wandered randomly until her glance fall down on a fluffy carpet. Or more precisely, when her glanced moved onto the dark shadow, that was the narrow space under the bed. It was not much on height but in optimistic condition a flat chest skinny person can slid (or roll) under the bed, where regular cat can stroll without any problem. A drop of sweat gathered on Gura's face as she stated the obvious. "You cannot be a serious."

So the shark got down on her four [on elbows and knees like a cat], putting her head onto the carpet in order to look under the bed. But all she saw was a deep shadow going onto infinity. (Ask for a better hide spot for all bed monsters.) "What the heck is this?"

Thinking that the shadows and lack of light were playing tricks on her, she full flatted herself [belly down on the carpet], and position herself to face the entrance to the underworld under the bed. Or she just waned to check something or reach something that rolled under it and became forgotten. At start she only reach her hand in. But that was obviously not enough.

So she start crawling under the bed, making a 'unseiso' [not pure] noises as if it was intense workout. As she was crawling in, at first; only her head and hands disappeared onto the shadow world under the bed. But it was still not enough. So she moved in until only her blue shark tail and skinny legs were pooping out. At this moment she realized that she having an acute problem. "Uh-oh! I am stuck."


On this moment of important realization, lets look at this situation from the ground point of view and form side angle. On one side of the picture, is that bed with fog of war shadow that preventing us to see what beyond. From it a legs of young maiden came out of it. And as the picture of this scene move a little away from the narrow space under the bed in opposite direction…

We will realize that behind the shark feet and tail, there is an another pair of feet standing solidly on the carpet.


And guess (What?)! Those feet belongs to Calliope Mori, a workaholic adult woman with (ulala) body and a Rapping [Rap music singer] Soul Reaper. She arrived to the bed-room just in moment when her shark friend was already crawled in and uttered that suggestive line.

As we focus on that woman face with a shocked up expression, we must clearly state, that her mind exploded with thoughts, because she have a thing for a short people and she is Moe tsundere. [stupidly cute and not honest to her feelings]

For that a little 15 cm tall angel pop up from the white cloud and sits on one of her shoulders. It was Amane Kanata a polite pure-hearted angel in training. She start to persuade Mori with an angelic presence. "Calli chan, at this moment a pure intention shall be the base of yours action. You really want to help your friend in need. Right?"

But as one can expected a little 15 cm devil pop up from the white cloud on the other shoulder. It was Yuzuki Choco a former school nurse with a way of speaking that blurs the line between maternity and seduction. Sitting on that shoulder she cross her legs and look at Mori face with (Are you serious?!) face expression. "Calli, my dear… For what are you waiting for here? Until she phone text you, (that invitation), she just uttered aloud?"

Maybe you know (or not), about the brute side of Mori and her tsundere freaking out power-ups, mostly knew as her outburst of (rage?), where everyone (who know) just going out of her way. Even now those two advisers forced this side of her to get triggered. For that her face blushed in red colour and she with more strength that was necessary, grabbed the shark girl tail where that tail connect to its fin.

Gura fells that shock and the shiver vibration (the jitter) visibly went through her entire body. "Uh-oh!"


(Now we shall give a moment for anybody who heard the famous jingle of certain website, or simple a moment for everyone who want to reach the 'report button', thinking that this story belong to the red section of library. [adult section])


But not today! Calliope Mori simply decided to hasty pull out Gawr from under the bed. But because there was a resistance that prevent her to do it softly, (Gura said it itself that she is stuck.), the reaper used a brute force to rip the radish from the soil on which it was growing from the age of a little seed.

A~and… we shall mentioned that Mori have a thing to swing a small person around, and throw it into a distance.

So even when they were indoor and in bed-room, the reaper pulled out the shark with so plenty force that she practically swung the Lolly around in air like a baseball bat during a match.

But it was not been just Gawr who had been pulled out from mystical shadow under the bed. This shark was ferociously holding onto someone else. And that person was holding another one and so on.

So, it was like if Mori was slashing around a leather whip made of from a chain of persons.


But it was unthinkable that this can go for a long time and an in mere seconds a loud crash echoed in that bed-room and noises of some stuff falling all around to the floor, interrupted the peace of the house.


In the end a Calliope Mori was standing in middle of the room. She was holding in her palm, a Gawr Gura by her tail, as if it was a caught trophy during fishing. (The eyes of the shark was spinning around.) And with dumb-fooled [stupid] expression on her face the soul reaper was staring at (like good 10 or 15) female members of Hololive idol group crash-landing spread around the room. (Incudes Ina. And yes; many of those girls received a really rough awaking to the (Beaten up) point, were they lay motionless.) The rapper was confused "What the F*?!" Puzzling at (How is this possible?!), this woman glanced at the bed and at that narrow entrance under that bed. So after she put down her fishing trophy, she went on her four [limbs] to peak what the heck is under that bed. But, because she had a very nice a high volume rack, she doesn't had a good angle of view and it was difficult to look inside. Plus it was on spot obvious, that she will (Not!) fit in.

At this point the still presented little devil Choco uttered an under-skin/ teasing comment addressed on the premium size of Mori boobs.

As instant response the blushed reaper snap grabbed those two 15 cm tall characters into her palms. "If you two are so smart to give a pointless advices, then you two shall go there to check it for me!!" And, she tossed the duo in.


There was a sound of them crashing somewhere and in few second the little devil spoke up in flirty voice. "Oh my~y. ♥ You are surprisingly brave today. If you want, we can move this ship a little bit forward. Or as far, as you wish to pursue (that part) of you education. ♪"

Whit a seductive giggle of teasing woman and after a sound of phone camera taking a picture; a screaming-yell of pure [seiso] maiden [that angel] in trouble, echoed through the bed-room, went through the entire house, until it pushed the scene itself outside that building.

And with that Mori give herself a face-palm slap on her face, marking end on this story as the scene view followed the maiden scream, as it flew away onto the sky.