Demon lord LaPlus M Skill

On some occasion a certain trio of pseudo Lolly like girls chan meet up in a waiting room. While ignoring the others Holo-members who rest around; the trio: Chaos-rat Hakos Baelz [Hololive Council/ Promise], Atlantis shark Gawr Gura [Hololive Myth], and Laplace Demon LaPlus [full name: "Laplus Dia Highest Death Thirteen Daina Art of Impact Sign Emperor Road of the Darknesss."] [Secret Society holoX]; stands against each other in a circle and stare with great focus as if they were in stare competition.


Especially prankster Gura, deep stare at the dark lord LaPlus with somehow serious, but curious expression. "Okay you highness, you make promise to me. So I want to see that L cup of yours! Show it to me!"

But the LaPlus was getting annoyed by that demand, frowning at the duo. "I keep telling you, that I currently cant! And why in the hell, are you two ganging against me?"

Of course Bae as harbinger of chaos was just chilling in high spirit: "Oh, don't meant me. I am just a chaos rat. I like to be at the source of chaos. Or like in this moment, be part of an interest topic for a chat."


The sharks give the rat a quick suspicious side glance with raised eyebrow, until she returned her focus back to demon-lord. "Okay-- Listen! You promise, to show me."

But the horned girl was quick to defend herself. "Its was more like an open ending of that discussion with a probability of showing in a possible future. So, I dint promise nothing!"

In contrast Hakos who was tilling her head from side to side, while x-ray like stare at Laplace (flat?) chest. "Why are you so against that idea? Its not that you honest costume is hiding something extra gorgeous."


This make the shark to jump a little. "Hey, I not asking for something perv [yabay] or such. I am actually a very curious, because LaPlus said that she have L cup bu~ba."

As contra statement, the demon stomp with her feet on the floor. "And I keeping telling you, that showing it to you: is momentary not possible. So stop being so persistent about it! When I will be capable to show it to you, then I will and you can stare from extra close!"

On this Rat nodded her head respectfully. "Understandable. But what happened?, that you cant show us, you prime deluxe choco-bons? [Egg shaped chocolate with a child toy inside as surprise.] Or, what dint happened? For which you cant show them to us? You dint expect from us to wait until they actually grow up? Dint you?"


Gawr open her eyes in sudden realization. "Wait!-- Don't tell me that she refusing, because I dint say: (Yes my darkness!!)? Am I being scammed here?"

Laplace suddenly got flustered, or just restless, as is if that was an insult. "Hey! I dint lied about the size! Its just that I, cannot do it at this moment, even if I want! Its-- Its a medical condition."

At that statement Hakos gasped for an air. "Bruh!-- [Like zoomer will say in amazement: "Oh my Bro"...] are listening to yourself? Just the bare logic behind that idea is breath taking.-- If we take for a fact, that a bra cup size will add a 3 centimetors [3 centimeters = 1 inches] to you chest circumference… And a (L) is 12. letter of the alphabet… It will be 36 centimetors! [12 inches] Loosing something that big, is beyond a medical condition! Whats happened!?-- Had you acted as a landing gear for a space shuttle, when it re-entered the Earth atmosphere!?"


By a whim Gura pulled up from her pocket, prepared seamstress tape measure. As she set it around her chest, she vent ahead to add that 36 centimeters to her chest circumference to actually see what it will look like, if she have an L-cup. And she was surprised. "Holly molly guaca-molly. That's gargantuan! In LaPlus chan case; it will be like two of them." With concerns, she glanced at the purple girl. "Are you okay?"

But demon-lord reply her with a sarcastic rhetorical question. "Do I look as if I am okay, to you?"

"Now I starting understand why Calli sissy speaking respectfully about stacked laddies with a back problems." As Bae think about it, she suddenly realizes something. "Oh no-- Can you?-- Can you imagine?; that it was, a medical condition, and her b-- boobs were surgically removed,-- and now they are in some vitrine to display. Or-- Or they are floating in some preservation jar. Put into museum as a world wonder heritage protected by UNESCO" [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization] Baffled, she nearly gasped for air. "(Witness, here is: the L-size pride of certain proud Lolly. Bow and pray!)"



As for convenient moment a Sakamata Chloe, a clumsy orca girl as Gothic assassin, sneak into this room. As if that was a call of predatory food-chain: she was interested in the short shark girl. She was toe steeping silently toward her target from behind, ready to stretch out her grabby hands.

But LaPlus notice her colleague from her work group generation and without any respect or concern to what the hunter was trying to archive, she spoke that she is finished with those two and Chloe is free to take them away with her.



In normal, we will expect from the shark, that she will scare jump so high, that she will leave the room through the room ceiling. Or that she will make a panic jump toward the window and actually break it through. But in both cases, she will leave behind herself a hole comically shaped as her silhouette. But the shark himself is a wicked one, and she make a quick flip of the situation: With a smug expression, she raised and wave her finger in (No! No! No!) gesture as some kind of detective who crack the case. "Dear Chloe chan; don't be deceived by LaPlus chan and her wicked tongue! She using you, to get away from this argue that she is obviously loosing. Be smart and don't let her to sway you from you feet. We want from her to reveal for us her L-sized bobbies. But all she gives us, are only an excuses."

This make the orca girl to stop as she think about it with a confusion on her face. "Eh?-- Founder?-- L-sized milkies?..." She look at Laplace with a (Whaaaat?) expression. Then she just walk in front of the purple girl and placed her palms on that chest, actually searching for the hidden world wonder. After few second she smiled wildly, putting her hands on her own hips, as she was proud on herself that she figure out the answer. "Oh founder, you are trickster. There is no L-sized milkies. Its all a pun on founder name. But Sakamata is a smart orca: She will not be deceived so easy."

Of course this force a pulsating blood vein into LaPlus chan forehead, as she nearly bark at Chloe. "Even in my current state, I can vote that everything from that yours statement is hardly debatable thing! No!-- Its not even debatable; and all of it, is just a silly wish. Enough! Intern!-- Move from my line of see and stay still at the side of this cycle of discussion!"

Even now Bae was more that an observer with one eyebrow raised high. "Lets be honest, all you need to do is giving us a valid explanation: (Why?) Or a photo..." Suddenly she have a moment of poetry. "Lets hear a tragic story of the legendary L-sized cups for a champions. Maybe we will additionally figure out, that a certain black-purple puffy-horns, are actually made from a paper or cotton, filed by a squishy wool, so she will be prevented from changing position during a sleep. Maybe they whole existence is preventing her to turning to side. So she will not lay on her chest and reset certain bust development, or suffocate with her face burred in pillow."


This make the demon girl snap, clicking her tongue in annoyance, making her declaration. "Tcs! So you want a story? Then you will have a story! I admit that I screw up so badly that I ended up like this, and it embarrassment. In short, I neglected the importance of caution. First of all it started, when I update the overall RPG-magic system, by (at that time) new general update, to get aces to new spell trees and skills sets. I suppose that I don't need to speak out the difficulty of learning a whole new language. Its not perfect and from the start there are mistakes in translation, misunderstanding of meaning and such. So... As I was scrolling through the options of (what to add to my collection), I got interested in this (?Something?)-Milking skill. My first though of understanding was a skill of some kind of management for my milkies. But I greatly underestimate the sheer range of unladylike tricks this skill can do." As she take a breath she stop on her thoughts as she realize something that raise her frustration. "Did I really just use the word milkies? Dammit, Sakamata!!"

Gura tilled her head on side. "That's sound like a theme for a video game, when the busty main heroine got robbed of her massive sexiness and her giant boing-boing. Then the player must recollect her power and sexiness. Then after every boss fight, or an evolution step, her boing-boing will grow by cup-size. Only on final boss battle she will be this ridiculously large, that she will beat the final boss with her own chest alone."

On other hand Bae was baffled as her head was up on clouds imagining things: "Oh mi Gash! Can you imagine the chaos, if someone will post on Reddit a survey poll; if this kind of game-plot will be enough for players to want play the game?"

Chloe, who was now in the circle of four, got interest in the idea of rising chest size and direct her attention to her duo of pride and use her palms to raised them little so they seems a little bigger.


We shall not forget that Laplace by corner of her eye, saw how Sakamata was playing with her woman pride and it push a second pulsating blood vein on her forehead. "Enough of this commentary that making me angry! Its seems to me, that for some non believers, I shall make a little demonstration of this particular skill. Of course on safe level."

This raise an interest in the Gawr and Hakos, who act as duo. "Shall I provide you a bucket?"

"Not that it will have some useful on the trio of us."

The entire trio of Lollies turns they gaze towards the fourth member of this cycle who had somehow useful chest size. Chloe notice they stare and because she was high from her (success of figure out LaPlus trick?); she realize the (answer to the silent question?) once again and grinned proudly. "Oh founder, you are bad, bad, trickster! I know that, one must be a mama to have many, many milk. But,-- Chloe no mama,-- so no milk in her milkies." Then she stop smiling and glared at Laplace with serious look on her face. "Founder, please do not pierce my milkies with yours horns to check if there is a milk."



This time the little dark lord got an unhealthy stress tick into her eye. "First! Stop describing me as if I am some kind of fake goddess! And about that horns, they are real. Even if I cannot disconnected my horn from my head, I can show you this trick; to shut you mouths about them."

She raised her small hand toward her somehow large horns compare to her body and she grab one from it. Then she pulled out her horn from her head... No!,-- it looked like she just remove a some kind of layer that formed around some horn like structure. But, it was more like a removing a sock from a feet by pulling it at the end. What ended in her hand was a hollowed copy of the horn, while the original stayed on her head. The copy was something like a cup or funky amphora for a vine or such ceremonial liquid. Then the size reduced base of horn that stay on her head; regrow back to its full size that was before.

Chloe was amazed by that performance to such amount, that she clapped her hands in applause as if it was a magic trick that entertained her. For that: Laplace, smiling gently and radiating confidence, walk in front of the Orca holding that horn in her hand. "Sakamata, do you want to see an another trick?" As the Gothic girl was oblivious to any danger that can be hidden behind that line, she agreed excited.

So LaPlus step forward to Chloe getting to close to Orca woman pride. Of course Bae and Gura sided the demon lord to observe from close whats going on.



We cant see it. But at last, we are able hear... That well know sound of (Milking?), as the (cow milk?) were poured into metal bucked by a farmer. [If there is some problem (to imagine the scene), just try think about sound effect from Minecraft when bucket was used on a cow. Or just think about water pouring into a glass bottle.] At the end, when Laplace backed a step back form Orca, everyone can see that she had that horn filled by a warm milk.

The shark-rat conspirators duo exchanged a quick (Are she serious?) glance. They know, that they must speak out. "Oh, nice magic trick."

"In other words; where is the hidden bottle?"

But from Sakamata blushed and confused expression was clear that Orca lost this round of reasonable thinking. She was unable to figure it (How it was done?) or (What just happened?). Especially when her cloths stay the same as if no nipple got exposed from fabric cover to fill the cup. No, the costume was totally fine as if magic was involved, because there was no trace that something even happened.


At first, LaPlus ignore they comments as she take a sip, valuating the taste of the fresh, warm milk. She even don't pay attention on Chloe full confused expression, who got full blush when she saw founder, to drink (her?) milk.

But Orca girl get into a little panic when she saw that the founder, after short thoughtful ("Hmmm…") just force that horn of milk into Gura's hand. Sakamata even partial raise her hands after that horn, but her embarrassment stop her in half of the motion and she ended with desperate expression of open mount and sweated cheeks. We must address that the Gothic girl start to shake as she received a shock from seeing a shark drinking a orca milk. [Usually is the orcas who saw sharks as a vitamins snack.]


Laplace on other hand was still on the roll to prove her story to be truthful one. "Its seem to me, that I must provide an another sample to break the doubts."

At this moment the only busty girl in this circle of four females receive for her (self preserve instinct) a kick start and she fold her hands on her chest in protective gesture. Being embarrassed and worried, she make a valid step back out of the circle of action. "Dear Founder, I feel-- empty. So, please chose someone else."


This make a LaPlus bark at her companion from Holo-X. "Of course you feel drink up. On this level, the (?Something?)-Milking skill only draw from you current daily potential, even if you actually dint have any production. This skill don't require that the source for milk must be host mass or matter. And even if you will hardly understand the concept of using chi, spiritual pressure and manna to materialize the milk through alchemy, aura and that skill; whats got suck up from you is you own energy and stamina. That's why you feel empty like it was real release."

Duo Gura - Bae, look down at they modest bust, then cross look on the bust on the other one, until they raised theirs head to meet in eye to eye. They finished by returning they gaze at Laplace and her flat chest. It was obvious that they want to state an objection that using them, will be to embarrassed to the amount that will be received.



Of course this only offended the little dark lord. "Annoying." And she look around...

We shall remind, that in the waiting room, were others Idols. For example Ouro Kronii, The Warden of "Time" [Hololive Council/ Promise], was napping on the sofa like a pro.


So, LaPlus went toward her… She reach for the other horn on her head and do the same trick by pulling out a copy of it. Then,-- we can hear the sound of milking for a second time.

Even if the girl with crow colored hairs starts to awake from this unusual event with (after sleep confusion) face expression, the little rascal was already on its way back.



As she returned to the trio she make a sip from that horn, valuating the taste. Then she hand over the horn to Gura, who second ago quickly hand over the Chloe milk horn to Bea, so she will get the new one. [Because she is an opportunistic eater.] So Hakos make a comment in half voice: ("That's Kronii' milk. How could you?") The line was more addressed to Gura, but Laplace take it as if it was addressed to her, and she make her answer: "Simply,-- like this."



She left the circle once again, and aimed to Nephilim [half-demon, half-angel] Iris [(?Something?) IRyS] [Hololive (Council/ Promise) and (Project Hope)]; who was siting behind the meeting table on a chair and reading a book. Actually she was for while only holding that book, because her attention was taken away by LaPlus and the gang. Additionally; she was stunned with a full blush from the shock, of what she witness. She only managed to little ghost jump when LaPlus make third copy of her horn, step next to her and the milking happened for a third time. As the rascal finished her business with Nephilim (chest?) and vent back; IRyS jaw on face dropped down as she was fully confused from what happened. IRyS even look at now waked up Kronii who saw what happened. Then they observe as the little girl returned with the filled horn in the hand to the shark - rat duo (plus Chloe). It doesn't take long, for the Kronii - Iris duo, to stand up and walk toward the little trio. Those two with Chloe, they formed like a second circle around the smaller one, who were (enjoining?) the (legendary rare drinks/ potions?).



Standing in the inner circle, Laplace take a sip, once again valuating the content of the horn. But from her (pleasantly surprised?) expression, one can tell that she got interested in this (brand).

Bea, ignoring Gura who was drinking silently, got really interested on what had LaPlus in hand. From Hakos expression was clear that she starts to panicking, because from her point of view, it looks that the demon lord will not share this one. She knew, that she must act quickly. So she yell: "Trade with me!!"


But purple-hair girl give the red-hair a doubtful glance. "Why shall I have? The proof of my telling is already in your hand. That shall be enough to prove me right."

This finally triggered the rat to get into argument with the demon-lord. "I am IRyS wife!! If nothing else, I am the one who shall have the right to the brand, which you hold in your hand. So trade it with me!"


Of course this explanation dint melt the hart of the demon lord. She, showing no-interest in that demand, she just hand over the horn to Gura, while not breaking her stare from rat.

Shark just switch from previous drink to new one. Handing the previous horn to Bae: "Here is that Kronii (brand) you wanted."

We shall mention that the trio Chloe, IRyS, and Kronii was still trying to overcome the mental stunned effect from the absurdity that was happening in front of them.

Hakos, quickly realizing that this will not lead anywhere change her tactic to urge Gawr to change, as she moved the Chloe brand back to LaPlus. "Listen: All you did is just make a point, that you can extract milk from female current potential of motherhood. You dint explain nothing from the initial question. ((Why?) or (where?) are yours L-cups breasts?!!)"


This make Laplace to frown. "Did I must explain even this in detail?-- Then so be it.-- As I told you before: I picked the skill without making proper translation of what that skill actually can do. Then I neglected the proper validation of pross, conss and side effects. [Game terms: active positive effect, active negative effect and withdraws or possible consequences.] And because I had a loot of unused skill points,-- and I already meet a mix of requirements to level it up from the start,-- I on one go, maxed out that skill. Then-- You can already imagine what I do next…" There was a few sound of gulp when the girls around swallow on empty. "I-- Unfortunately for me-- I, without a proper testing-- I, unleash the (?Something?)-Milking power,-- on me, at a maximum of its power. I though, that I will be granted the full control over this body parts. But..." This little demon lord become suddenly sad, as her shoulders sink/drop down. " I was wrong... Because-- To this day, I do not overcome, the final side effect of this ultimate power. But hey, now we have a milky way."

Suddenly IRyS and Kronii do the same protective gesture as Chloe was doing.

Gura stopped over-drinking from Iris brand. As she was ready to move the drink to Bea (Who got supper excited about this development.), she make the initial movement but retract the hand back as if she was teasing her red-hair friend. She even turn her attention to demon. "Well, that will certainly come handy on cows farm, to raise the production."

Rat saw through this mocking and she force the Kronii brand to Laplace. Then she reach for the IRyS brand and forcefully take it from the shark. Now her eyes get sparkly, unaware of the tomato red face on real IRyS.


LaPlus staring at the duo of horns in her hands moved the Chloe brand once again onto Gura. Then she sighed. "The Geneva convention already put a limit on this powers. [core of international humanitarian law] So you are not allowed to get closer to them if any of you (forbidden) skill exceed the level limitation, to work there. Another business idea got shut down by single presentation." She shake her head in denial at first but then she frown. "And Shut up!! Or I show you right here, what terrified power is it, when I will release it on all of you, at full power." The external circle make a mandatory step back. But the speaker don't pay them a though as she sigh once again. "I tried to compensate for the side effect, or at best tried to reverse it, but-- as I initially freak up-- I misunderstand many skills description-- and in the end, I accidentally sealed out my power myself. It affected my (intelligence) and my (vessel) [body]; so I ended as something like this. Also, the extra copies of horns, will disappears the moment they got empty or in time. That ruined my business plan to monetize them."

Suddenly a silence echoed through the room.

Only Gura spoke up after moment. "Damn, I dint expected something like this… I only hope that Calli will not find this out, or there will be trouble."

At this point they were near to finish theirs milks, so they tilt the horns more and more, emptying the barbarian cups.



We can say that coincidence is powerfully element of life, when it happened in the right moment of destiny.

Suddenly, they heard a door being closed and for so, they all turned they faces toward the entrance. They saw a Big-Sis daddy Tsundere Rapping Reaper Mori Calliope [Myth] standing there, holding some cardboard box, full of stuff. As she entered the room from outside, and as she take a proper look onto the room, she received a shock and stop like petrified. From her point of view, she currently staring at the trio of lollies that have a milk mustache and trio of (confused?) or (offended?) busty girls, protective holding they female pride. This new-arrived girl/woman with sexy figure was blank-staring so hardly at them, that she stopped breading and even blinking.

On the contrast, only chaos rat Bae break the (Oh shit!) silence as she bark at her (big sister?): "Oh my gosh!!-- Calli!!, breathe!!! We just messing around and you fall for the prank!! So start breathing already!! Breathe, dammit!! Inhale!! Exhale!!" As if it was flip on some switch Hakos glance at Laplace and with calm but serious conspirator tone, as she spoke her demand. "Also LaPlus chan, keep you hands away of those gems of her. The entire English branch line holding onto theirs existence."

The demon lord, who observed cleavage on Mori chest; make ("Hmm") noise on agreement. "Don't worry. Its not my style to undermine the horse who caring the team."


Suddenly a chill priestess of The Ancient one Ninomae Ina'nis [Myth], walk towards Calli (from side?) and slap that pink girl across check, successfully undoing the petrifaction as the reaper gasp for air. Then Ina successfully dodged the question (From where you had come/ arrive?) as she spoke up to the group, as if she was telling an important tale, she even raise her finger in (Pay attention to me!) gesture. "If nothing else, I can testified a certain fact about LaPlus chan original woman pride. Lets say, that certain curiosity always occurred during her eye-candy exemplary entry into the story plot. During her stage entry move… Imagine a giant rising up from lake, as she was taking nap on the bottom…

First, it was like a silent surface of lake or pound. This vastness, suddenly dull up, hinting that something big is reaching the surface. Then, imagine this swimmer who was chilling right under the surface, motionlessly letting its body just float, while with opened eyes staring up at the sky, through mirror like barrier of water surface.

Next, this swimmer decide to rise up, to slowly stand up from that lying position. As the dull-upon water line break, a pair of whale like hills resurface. As that swimmer still rising up, soon the lake step aside to make space for the shoulders and bend back head. Rising up body, reveal a torso, and that head was pulling from bottom of the lake a long hairs, fully soaked in water, that they looks like waterfall on a mountain. The sheer mountain size of her woman pride, make them to swing on side due the gravity and stuff, revealing the sacred road between them. If she stop moving, if she stay bend, like a hill, those (steeping-aside monuments) will guard a path, leading to a sacred temple on top, that will be the walkway to go. But this person feet's, reached the bottom of the lake and its was time to stand up. So as the torso above the water surface straightens up, followed by head, that glance forward, the gravity apply once again on those whales.

Those two were launched against each other, to enclose that sacred path. When the left one collide with the one on right side,-- they not just bounce making that air balloons bounce sound. No, those two whales produce its own seismic waves. Those shock waves vent across the elastic ball surface from center of collision all way to opposite side. The force was so strong that it pulled the two body apart revealing only a hint of that sacred passage. But the gravity apply again, so whales and that shortwaves went back,-- meeting again in the middle,-- a second but smaller round occurred. Only then, the third round was only the shock absorption and the sacred road stay hidden.

Whoever, this was a giant appearing on a scene. It was not just the rising body that created tideway. The bounding itself, create a secondary waves and a sound blast." Suddenly her expression become for a moment a quite dark. "If you manage to stay to close to the show, you can actually feel the seismic tremor in yours bones."

Whoever, she look up as if toward the sky behind the room ceiling. "Then, imagine that you are member of a hero party, and this final boss shows itself in front of you, by breaking a void barrier like a swimmer in a private pool." As Ina got to this point she modulate her voice for a boss speech. "(Oi, an exercise after a bath time? Very well. Entertain me!)" The story teller take a deep tired sigh filled with a hint of distant memory.


Nobody from the girls around say nothing to this...

But as Laplace was looking at the Ninomae, she suddenly realizes something, and bark at Ina: "Hey!! You are the one, who made that dam update!!"

In contrast to that revealing, the priestess was quick with her answer. "That's an unproven overestimating. I assure you; that all you had to do: is contact a customer service for a moderator intervention. It was written down in the documentation. I know this because I read it all, before I install that update."


This argument take the wind from the demon lord sails and the little girl even got a drop of cold sweat on her cheek. "Why are you talking in the past tense? What is the bad news?"

Ninomae take a deep breath while her own face expression become quite depressing. "Because, of the prolonged time that passed from that unlucky regretful event… (Which had consequences not only for you...) The window of opportunity, to do something aboutthe mess up… simply expired."

At this point… The weight of truth was to much for a LaPlus chan, for her to withstand, and her eyes roll back. Her spectacular fall to her back said that she simply faint out.

And that ringed a bell for an end of this story as the look at the scene for us; gets darker and darker, until we see only the pitch black scene. At the final end, the last thing we heard; is how the others girls (in panic?) calling LaPlus name...





-This story shall be just relaxing comedy gag, but I somehow sense it can be provocative. Well, the meaning was just to have fun, and bring the reader an adventure or just entertainment.

-In the world; there is more that one size measurement for female chest circumference, per cup size, for a bra and such. For example, the japans measures work with smaller volume per cup sizes that Europeans. Then, there is this question of shape. And someone will state; that this shape can change during year seasons.

-chan – a word suffix means cute/small, girl, or just to personal addressing

-The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols, form the core of international humanitarian law, which regulates the conduct of armed conflict and seeks to limit its effects. They aim to protect people not taking part in hostilities and those who are no longer doing so.

-UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) is an organization whose aim is to build world peace through international cooperation in the fields of education, culture and science, (including the World Heritage). UNESCO was founded in 1945 as a reaction to two devastating world wars, when the global community realized that economic and political agreements were not enough to maintain a lasting peace - it is necessary to lead people to moral and intellectual solidarity and mutual understanding of the whole humankind.

"UNESCO uses education, science, culture, communication and information to foster mutual understanding and respect for our planet. We work to strengthen the intellectual and moral solidarity of humankind. We bring people together around the conviction of our shared humanity."

"Since wars begin in the minds of men and women, it is in the minds of men and women that peace must be built."

[November 2022 by Dretnoth. Edit in 30. September 2024]