Chapter 17: The reason for being addicted to Daji has been found!

The following day, Fang Ye announced the renovation plans for the zoo during the morning meeting.

Most of the attendees had mixed feelings about the announcement. They thought that since Linhai Zoo barely attracted any visitors, rebuilding it seemed like a waste of resources.

"They must think I'm the clueless heir to a wealthy family," Fang Ye mused.

However, he was undeterred. To him, the renovation was primarily about ensuring the happiness and well-being of the animals and providing a better experience for the visitors. The profit was secondary. Moreover, he was using the virtual currency, Leaf Coins, for the project.

Shortly after the meeting, a loud and vibrant tune blared from his phone, indicating an incoming call from an unknown number. When Fang Ye answered, he was greeted by a robust voice, "Hello, sir! We are the construction team you've summoned. We're currently at the entrance but security needs verification of our identity."

Caught by surprise at the team's swift arrival, Fang Ye spoke with the security to grant them entry. Soon after, a convoy of construction vehicles began entering the premises. From excavators and rammers to trucks loaded with massive landscaping rocks and large trees, the zoo was buzzing with activity.

Back in his quarters, Fang Ye prepared for his daily live stream. Today's session was titled "Director Teaches You How to Give a Fox a Bath."

As the live stream began, hundreds of viewers tuned in, their comments flooding the screen. "Where's Jiaojiao?" "What's the topic for today's broadcast?" they eagerly typed.

Fang Ye responded warmly, "Hello, everyone! It's a new day. Have you ever seen a fox?"

As he spoke, a sneaky figure made its way behind him, approaching stealthily. The viewers immediately noticed the fox and began commenting, "Look behind you!" "Is the fox going to surprise the principal?"

The sneaky fox, named Tang Bao, seemed to be planning a playful attack on Fang Ye. However, just as it was about to pounce, Fang Ye heard a faint giggle. He turned around, locking eyes with Tang Bao, who was caught red-handed.

The viewers burst into laughter, and comments flew in, "That's so cute!" "I bet Tang Bao couldn't attack!"

Fang Ye laughed, "You cheeky little fox, were you planning a surprise attack?" Tang Bao playfully bit Fang Ye's shoe, then rolled over to display its belly, demanding attention.

Responding to the viewers, Fang Ye said, "This fox's name is Tang Bao. It's a playful and friendly fox, which is quite rare for its kind."

Answering a question from a viewer, Fang Ye explained, "I noticed Tang Bao because, just before it approached, it couldn't contain its excitement and chuckled. That's how I heard it."

The stream continued with viewers admiring the bond between Fang Ye and Tang Bao.