Chapter 33: retreat!

Tang Xiaoxin played with the alpaca for a while, even as it stared back at her. She didn't mind and found it quite entertaining, saying, "This alpaca has quite the personality!"

She snapped some photos with her phone while Fang Ye offered some information: "This alpaca is called Brother Aotian. It not only looks unique but also has a bit of a temper. Also, it dislikes having its picture taken the most, often spitting at people when it happens."

Tang Xiaoxin's cheerful expression suddenly froze. She held her phone and looked at Fang Ye with a mournful expression. "Oh no, I've already taken pictures..."

Fang Ye was also taken aback, thinking she was a bit too diligent this time.

Glancing at Brother Aotian, who was becoming increasingly angry, she said, "Ah, I just took pictures..."

Fang Ye advised, "You should be careful; Brother Aotian isn't one to be trifled with."

Tang Xiaoxin got upset, realizing the situation and the potential consequences. "Oh, it smells awful. I can't wear this outfit. My mom will scold me. Huh? Huh?"

Upon checking her clothes, she was relieved to find they were still clean, albeit a bit confused. She burst into laughter, realizing that they had inadvertently spared the innocent white alpaca.

The white alpaca, chewing on hay, had observed the interaction with interest. When it was suddenly doused with alpaca spit, it blinked its large eyes, seemingly perplexed. However, it soon figured out the source of the unpleasant smell and became livid. With a series of "Bah ah ah ah!" screams, the white alpaca shot back at Brother Aotian, its throat contracting.

Fang Ye's expression changed, and he quickly pulled Tang Xiaoxin away, cautioning, "Let's move away."

Brother Aotian, in retaliation, got hit by the white alpaca's saliva. He was too proud to explain himself to the other alpacas, flicking his hair stained with yellowish spittle, becoming even more unruly.

The two alpacas engaged in a spitting war, vehemently spraying at each other, and Tang Xiaoxin watched in astonishment. She mused, "So, this is alpaca life..."

Fang Ye led her on a tour of the zoo while explaining different aspects of it. They also had lunch at the cafeteria, and he gifted Tang Xiaoxin a white tiger puppet, which made her very happy. She even asked for his QQ contact information before leaving.

After seeing Tang Xiaoxin off, Fang Ye returned to the zoo, where he needed to prepare the animals' feed. It had been a busy day with many activities, but now it was time to unwind and plan the next steps for the zoo.

Fang Ye had accumulated around 47,000 Luye Coins, and with the red pandas arriving in three days, he expected to have sixty to seventy thousand Luye Coins. Now the question was how to use these coins efficiently. He contemplated whether to build a large single enclosure or multiple smaller ones.

He was drawn to the idea of constructing a 2,000-square-meter super wolf hall. Wolves were social animals, and to observe their natural behavior, a population of around ten wolves was required. Heitan and Xiaoyu formed a compatible pair, which could even potentially give birth to wolf cubs.

However, breeding animals in captivity was not simple. For example, to encourage mating, wolves needed a sheltered environment where they wouldn't be disturbed. It also involved creating nest-like spaces to ensure the safety of wolf cubs and stimulate the mating process.

Fang Ye considered the size and capacity of different enclosures, focusing on their functions and the visitor experience.

One of the key priorities was the Little Panda Pavilion. Red pandas had high value, and the enclosure didn't need to be too large since they were small animals. It needed to be between sixty and a hundred square meters.

A larger enclosure for red pandas would make it challenging for visitors to spot them. Fang Ye opened the sand table, projecting the zoo's layout. He reviewed his previous plan and thought about the layout of the zoo.

Fang Ye had an idea in mind: visitors would tour the zoo with a sense of progression. He compared it to a meal, starting with tea and snacks, moving to appetizers, main dishes, side dishes, and finally desserts. The order and placement of each animal enclosure should provide a balanced experience, ensuring visitors enjoyed their entire visit without overwhelming them with too many large or exciting animals at the beginning.

For now, Fang Ye decided that the Super Wolf Hall was a top priority. The Red Panda Pavilion would come next. He made a mental note to plan the layout carefully, ensuring that each animal had an appropriately sized and strategically placed enclosure.