The Darkest Hour

The aftermath of the Red Wedding cast House Thyiad into the depths of despair and humiliation. Only a few survived the treacherous massacre, and those who remained bore the scars of betrayal as they struggled to rebuild House Thyiad's honor.

**The Survivors**

In the wake of the Red Wedding, House Thyiad was left decimated. The once-proud bannermen of House Stark were reduced to a mere handful of survivors. Ser Gregor Thyiad's family, which included his widow, Lady Elara Thyiad, and their three surviving children—Aegelax, Alysanne, and Eamon—were the last remnants of the once-vibrant house.

The survivors carried the humiliation of the Red Wedding with them. They had witnessed the brutal betrayal and had been unable to prevent the massacre of their liege lord and his loyal warriors. Now, they were determined to see House Stark avenged and House Thyiad's honor restored.

**Wolf's Roost - A Sanctuary of Redemption**

Seeking refuge in their ancestral seat of Wolf's Roost, the survivors of House Thyiad gathered to plan their next steps. The direwolves, once symbols of their unwavering loyalty, stood as somber reminders of the loyalty that had led to the Red Wedding's brutal outcome.

Lady Elara Thyiad, a woman of strength and resilience, took charge of the surviving members of House Thyiad. She understood that redemption could only be achieved through action. Her children, Aegelax, Alysanne, and Eamon, were brought into the council. The surviving direwolves, once fierce companions on the battlefield, were now allies in their quest for justice.

**A Humiliating Reminder**

As House Thyiad plotted their path to redemption, the survivors were faced with a chilling and humiliating reminder of the Red Wedding's horrors. Reports reached Wolf's Roost of a gruesome spectacle orchestrated by the perpetrators of the massacre.

The severed heads of those who had fallen at the Red Wedding were mounted on spikes, their faces contorted in anguish. These heads were then replaced by the heads of direwolves, a cruel and mocking gesture that served as a stark reminder of the humiliation that House Thyiad and House Stark had suffered.

The surviving members of House Thyiad were filled with a seething rage and an unshakable determination to see justice done. The direwolves, who had once been symbols of honor, were now the symbols of a blood feud, standing as witnesses to the atrocities they had suffered.

**Gathering an Army of Redemption**

Despite the humiliation and trauma they had endured, House Thyiad was far from defeated. In the shadows of Wolf's Roost, Lady Elara Thyiad and her children began the arduous task of gathering allies for their cause. The surviving direwolves, their loyalty unbroken, were indispensable in these efforts.

The survivors of House Thyiad sent ravens far and wide, calling upon any loyal northern houses who had not fallen at the Red Wedding to join their cause. They knew that they could not achieve redemption alone. The direwolves, with their unmatched tracking abilities, scoured the land in search of those who would stand with them.

The survivors of House Thyiad were determined to see House Stark avenged, to erase the stain of the Red Wedding's humiliation, and to restore their honor. The direwolves, once symbols of unwavering loyalty, now stood as symbols of their unyielding resolve.

**A Path to Redemption**

The path to redemption would be long and fraught with peril. House Thyiad, once humiliated and decimated, had been reborn from the ashes of the Red Wedding. Lady Elara Thyiad and her surviving children, guided by the direwolves of House Thyiad, would stop at nothing to see justice done.

The humiliation they had endured would be the fuel for their determination, and the direwolves, once symbols of loyalty, would now become symbols of vengeance. The survivors of House Thyiad were committed to their quest for redemption, no matter the cost. Their journey would be marked by the pursuit of justice, honor, and the restoration of their legacy.