Chapter 5: Embark on the Road

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

In an instant, a visible wave of air swept across the entire deck. Alvida was sent flying at a speed even faster than before, crashing into several unlucky pirates who had been watching the spectacle. They were flattened like pancakes.

Even with the golden light in front of him, Luffy was pushed back a few steps by the powerful airwaves. He held onto his straw hat and looked on with curiosity.

The smoke cleared, revealing Bai Ye standing there, surrounded by a dazzling golden light. His transformation into a cultivator of the Golden Light Curse had allowed him to repel Alvida's attack.

Bai Ye couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. Not only had he successfully transformed his internal energy into innate qi, but he had also mastered the Golden Light Curse of Longhu Mountain. Though he had only scratched the surface of this technique, he could already emit golden light for basic body protection.

He turned to face Alvida, a confident smile on his face, and remarked, "How could you think you'd defeat my captain so easily?"

Luffy, who had been knocked back by the airwaves, approached Bai Ye with a curious expression. He looked at the golden light surrounding him and wondered, "Bai Ye, what's all this? You're glowing! Did you eat a Devil Fruit like me and become a golden person?"

Bai Ye couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Luffy's comment. "Devil Fruit? I've already told you, I'm a Daoist priest!"

Luffy seemed to misunderstand Bai Ye's explanation and enthusiastically responded, "Oh, a Daoist priest? That sounds amazing!"

Koby, who had been watching the interaction, couldn't contain his curiosity either. He asked, "Devil Fruit? Is that the legendary sea secret treasure? Does it really have such incredible powers?"

Luffy nodded and demonstrated by stretching his arm in front of Koby. "I'm a rubber man who ate the Gum-Gum Fruit," he proudly declared.

Bai Ye was aware that Luffy's abilities came from a powerful Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit, but he chose not to reveal this to the others. Instead, he watched as Koby marveled at Luffy's abilities.

Back to the main action, Alvida was not giving up. She shouted insults and threats at the group, her anger growing. She charged towards Bai Ye once more, swinging her mace with wild abandon.

Bai Ye, now confident in his newfound powers, gracefully dodged Alvida's attacks, and the mace crashed into the deck.

The more Alvida missed, the angrier she became. She shouted, "You're hiding like a coward! Face me head-on!"

With a sly smile, Bai Ye playfully teased, "I'm not hiding; you're just too slow."

Alvida was incensed and swung her mace again, but Bai Ye easily avoided the attack. Frustration boiled over, and she yelled, "What kind of skill is hiding? Fight me properly!"

Unfazed by Alvida's taunts, Bai Ye continued to dodge her attacks with ease.

"Enough playtime," Bai Ye finally declared. He raised his hand, and the golden light surrounding him intensified. In the blink of an eye, Bai Ye disappeared.

"Where did you go, you brat?" Alvida roared, swinging her mace wildly but failing to hit her target.

Suddenly, Bai Ye reappeared behind her. He delivered a powerful blow, a fist infused with golden light, directly to the back of Alvida's head.

Alvida's vision blurred, and she felt herself losing consciousness. She muttered curses as she sank to the deck, defeated.

Bai Ye looked down at the fallen Alvida with a smirk. He turned to Luffy and Koby and said, "That's how it's done."

Luffy was full of admiration for Bai Ye's skills. "Bai Ye is really strong. I can't believe I found such a great partner right after setting sail."

As the sun began to set over the sea, a cheerful atmosphere enveloped the pirate ship. Luffy decided to celebrate their victory with a feast.

"Yoho! Let's have a banquet!" Luffy exclaimed, and the crew happily agreed.

They lit a bonfire on the deck and laid out a spread of food and drinks. Luffy, Bai Ye, and Koby enjoyed the banquet, and the atmosphere was festive.

Bai Ye looked at Luffy, who was entertaining everyone with his antics, and couldn't help but smile. He thought to himself how unique and wonderful his new journey in the world of One Piece had become.

Eventually, Luffy decided to address their next steps. He talked about the need to find powerful crewmates, like chefs and navigators. He was particularly enthusiastic about finding a musician.

Koby couldn't help but interject, mentioning someone he knew: "Guys... If you need to find a powerful partner, I might know someone."

"Who is it, Koby?" Luffy asked eagerly.

Koby continued, "A highly skilled bounty hunter named Roronoa Zoro."