Chapter 26 Am I Right?

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

With a shout, Bai Ye unleashed the "Golden Light Curse - Captain's Exclusive Fist," leading to a series of screams.

Nami, Zoro, Usopp, and the rest could only watch as a one-sided thrashing unfolded before their eyes. It wasn't that Luffy was significantly weaker than Bai Ye, and Bai Ye himself was aware of this. Sure, he had been training in Daoist techniques, believing he had more potential than a devil fruit user. However, his training hadn't been long enough to assert he could outmuscle Luffy in a head-to-head contest of strength.

Interestingly, Bai Ye's Qi energy resembled Haki in function, presenting a genuine challenge to Luffy, who had never feared blunt attacks. Plus, Luffy knew this wasn't a fight to the death and tended to be quite forgiving with his friends, which explained why even Nami could give him a good beating in their original adventures.

All the while, Bai Ye assessed his own power. How strong was he, exactly? This question seemed simple but required a benchmark, a strong opponent for comparison. Sadly, formidable pirates were scarce in the East Blue, which explained why Luffy and crew had an almost untroubled journey, prompting Bai Ye to up the challenge at every opportunity.

So, when it came to estimating his current strength level, Bai Ye's conclusion was ambiguous: somewhere between 'more than sufficient' and 'not quite there yet.' Luckily, after the events in Orange Village, an opportunity to gauge his strength was on the horizon.

Caught up in the heat of the moment, Bai Ye realized he'd been carried away, looking down to see Luffy flattened like dough on the ground. Bai Ye couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at the sight.

Nami and Zoro exchanged looks, both thinking the same thing: Who knew the usually mild-mannered Bai Ye could be so ruthless in action? As for Usopp, he thought Bai Ye must be crazy, demonstrating the pill's effectiveness with such brute force. This demonstration was too intense for an introduction!

Luffy's pitiful state sent shivers down Usopp's spine. After hearing about devil fruits from Nami and witnessing the power users getting thrashed, Usopp thought to himself: This Bai Ye guy, there's definitely something wrong with his head.

"Okay, that should do it," Bai Ye said, straightening Luffy out and popping a pre-prepared Healing Pill into his mouth. Moments later, a completely unharmed Luffy reappeared, not a trace of the previous scuffle visible. His first words?

"That was tasty, got any more, Bai Ye?"

Bai Ye was perplexed.

"If you want another round, we can go again," Bai Ye responded casually. Luffy pondered deeply before declining. The pain from Bai Ye's beating was still too fresh. He'd find another chance at some point, he concluded.

With Luffy's silence, Bai Ye turned to Usopp. "You saw the pill's effect. Good, right?"

Usopp felt a silent threat — agree, or face a beating!

"No issues here. I'll lead you to Kaya immediately."

After offering his bow of ninety degrees, Usopp's voice boomed as he called out. He led the way, with Luffy and the rest following, until they reached the village's grandest two-story mansion.

"Usopp, back so soon?" A joyful voice greeted them from within the courtyard the moment they approached. There, seated and draped in a cozy coat, a girl with a delicate countenance waved to Usopp with a smile lighting up her frail features.

"Kaya." Usopp's usually boisterous tone gentled at the sight of her. "I'm here because I have something..."

Before he could lay bare his intentions, Klahadore, dignified in his butler attire, stepped in to cut him off. "I warned you — another visit and I'd take you straight to the village chief."

"You've ignored my advice, I see," he added, adjusting his glasses with an air of stern authority, his eyes fixed on Usopp. "And you've had the audacity to bring strangers."

Catching a glimpse of Bai Ye and the others, Klahadore's eyes narrowed. They struck him as formidable. A thought flickered through his mind — had his true identity been uncovered? Though internally bewildered, he maintained an outward composure.

"Klahadore, please, don't be so harsh cough cough. Usopp means no harm," Kaya interjected, her voice punctuated by anxious coughs.

"And if this liar isn't a menace, then who is, madam?" Klahadore responded, his tone even but his gaze secretly assessing Luffy and his companions.

"These associates of his... they're not locals," he insinuated. "The boy who cries 'pirate' might just have invited real pirates this time."

"Hey! You jerk, they're not..." Usopp, initially taken aback, scrambled to fabricate an explanation.

But Luffy, oblivious, interjected, "Huh, how'd the guy with glasses figure out we're pirates?"

An exasperated Nami punched Luffy. "Seriously, could you try not to spill everything?"

"Huh? Why didn't you say so sooner?" Luffy responded, rubbing his head, perplexed.

"In this situation, they're obviously going to think the worst of us," Zoro chimed in, arms crossed, shaking his head in mild frustration.

"Usopp." Kaya's voice was a mix of shock and disbelief as she processed their conversation. "Were you taken hostage by pirates?" She couldn't fathom the idea that Usopp would willingly associate with pirates.

"Kaya, you've got it all wrong. They're not the bad kind of pirates. I brought them because..." Usopp rushed to clarify, the look in Kaya's eyes piercing his heart.

Klahadore, however, was quick to silence him once more. "Good pirates? Preposterous!"

"Pirates are the embodiment of sin on the seas. How dare you expose the lady to such danger? You've betrayed her trust, you scoundrel!" His voice swelled with each word, as if he were championing Kaya's safety.

Then, a slow clap cut through the tension.

Bai Ye, silent until this point, stepped forward. "Sir, your points about pirates are spot-on. They're the bad guys," he said, nodding in agreement. "But that leads me to a question."

"Why, then, are you here?"

"Captain of the Black Cat Pirates, 'Kuro of a Hundred Plans'."