Chapter 39 Dracule "Hawk Eyes" Mihawk

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

Chapter 39: Could You Please Wait?

Indeed, the sole reason Dracule "Hawk Eyes" Mihawk, known as Hawkeye, had decimated 50 of Krieg Pirates' warships and ventured to the East Blue was startlingly simple — he was just killing time. This is the reality in the world of One Piece, where might dictates right, and with enough power, individuals can do as they please.

"Why has this happened to us?!" lamented the disheartened pirates of Krieg's crew. A sense of injustice overwhelmed many, and tears were shed. The cruelty of their predicament was stark; they had fled, fearing for their lives, only to be mercilessly hunted down by someone merely staving off boredom. They couldn't help but wonder: Were all pirates from the Grand Line this formidable?

This daunting thought prompted the pirates still bobbing in the ocean to swim desperately towards the nearest naval warship, much to the bewilderment of the sailors aboard. Capturing pirates had never been this effortless.

Observing their surrender, Hawkeye felt his interest wane. He had no business with the navy, and, seeing no further amusement, he readied his boat to depart.

Relief washed over Fullbody at that moment. The presence of such a powerful individual had been exceedingly oppressive. However, what he hadn't foreseen, even in his wildest dreams, was Bai Ye's next move:

Kan hexagram - Ice Lotus Flower!

As Bai Ye whispered the incantation, Fullbody felt the surrounding air's temperature plummet. He could only watch, paralyzed, as the sea before him transformed into a rapidly expanding sheet of ice, anchoring Hawkeye's boat in place. The newly formed icy expanse even emitted a chilling aura.

Lowering his hands, Bai Ye mused inwardly, 'How did Aokiji manage to freeze a far larger stretch of sea? My Daoist techniques are still considerably lacking in comparison.' Shaking off the thought, his gaze shifted to the distant coffin-shaped boat.

By now, Hawkeye had risen, his piercing gaze fixed intently on Bai Ye. The sheer intensity forced Fullbody to scramble away in fear.

Bai Ye, slightly taken aback by the potent aura, maintained his smile, requesting, "Would you mind waiting just a little longer? I have a friend who's been eager to challenge you for quite some time."

As his words dissipated, Zoro approached Bai Ye, a hint of amusement in his tone. "You went ahead and set this up without asking me, didn't you?" It was evident he harbored no resentment towards Bai Ye.

"What, you don't want to duel him?" Bai Ye retorted playfully.

"If you thought his swordplay earlier would discourage me, then you've misjudged." Zoro's voice grew serious.

A moment of silence followed. Then, with a sense of resolve, Zoro bowed his head, expressing his gratitude softly, "Bai Ye, Thank you."

With that, he gripped his three swords and strode confidently across the ice towards the formidable Hawkeye.


As the scene unfolded, onlookers began whispering among themselves, their voices a low buzz of speculation and awe.

"Is that the three-sword-wielding pirate hunter, Roronoa Zoro?" "Indeed, the renowned bounty hunter himself!" "But he's up against the unrivaled master of swordsmanship, the top swordsman in the world!" "He doesn't stand a chance; he'll be defeated within moments."

Despite the murmurs of doubt and dismissive snorts, Zoro remained undeterred, his stride resolute as he advanced towards Hawkeye. His unwavering gaze piqued Hawkeye's interest. "What drives you?" he inquired.

"To be the strongest!" Zoro declared, coming to a halt before Hawkeye, fastening a scarf around his head.

"Pity, you're not there yet," Hawkeye responded emotionlessly, his steps deliberate as he moved onto the ice.

"As a fellow practitioner of the sword, you must recognize the vast difference in our skills," he continued, arms crossed, showing no inclination to draw his weapon. "So tell me, does your challenge stem from bravery, or sheer foolishness?" As the world's preeminent swordsman, Hawkeye had already gauged Zoro's capabilities.

In that moment, Zoro felt as if the world had forsaken him, an overwhelming pressure converging on him from all sides, almost coercing him into capitulation without a fight. But Zoro resisted, slowly unsheathing his first sword, his lip caught between his teeth.

"This is more than a dream; it's a vow I've made to a dear friend!" he asserted, drawing his second sword.

"I was told that you're so formidable, you could parry my most potent strike with a mere dagger," he continued. Bai Ye couldn't help but smile at these words.

"And yet, that person has faith in me. They believe I will eclipse you and ascend as the strongest in the world!"

With his third sword drawn, Zoro assumed his three-sword fighting stance, confronting Hawkeye. "So, how could I not challenge you?"

"A frog that has leapt from its well no longer dreads the heavens. Instead, it yearns to discover just how vast the sky truly is!"

After a contemplative silence, Hawkeye finally spoke, "Then let your resolve be shown." He drew his formidable black blade, Yoru, adding, "I shall meet your determination with the world's strongest sword."

In the ensuing clash, both combatants recoiled, reassuming their stances as all eyes around were riveted on them, awaiting the outcome. It became painfully clear that, regardless of Zoro's unshakable resolve, the chasm in their skills was insurmountable.

Hawkeye turned around, and a grievous wound opened on Zoro's chest, blood erupting forth. The sight was harrowing.

"Zoro!" "Zoro!"

Usopp and Nami were aghast, impulsively rushing forward, only to be restrained by Luffy. "Don't interfere with Zoro's fight!" he commanded.

When they glanced back at Luffy, they saw his expression was fraught with more anxiety and tension than anyone else's. Miraculously, the grave injury forced Zoro to one knee, but it didn't fell him.

"Is this the pinnacle of strength in the world?" Zoro pondered aloud. He then slowly turned to face Hawkeye, arms outstretched.

"What?" queried Hawkeye.

Grinning, Zoro retorted, "A swordsman's back bears no scars of dishonor!"

For the first time, these words elicited Hawkeye's respect. "Boy, what's your name?"

"Roronoa Zoro!"

"I'll remember that. It's been ages since I've encountered a 'true man'." Hawkeye then raised Yoru once more, his gaze intensely serious, "So, don't you die!" The blade descended swiftly, and another vicious slash materialized on Zoro's chest, intersecting with the first in an 'X'.

Depleted, Zoro collapsed. In a flash, Bai Ye was at his side, with Luffy and the others, including a shell-shocked Sanji, rushing over.

Before Bai Ye could utter a word, Hawkeye addressed them: "Are you this young swordsman's friends? Then listen to my words as well."

Turning to Zoro, he proclaimed, "My name is Dracule Mihawk!! It's too soon for you to die. Discover yourself. See the world!! And grow strong, Zoro! However long it may take... I shall await you at the top. Strive with your whole heart and mind to best this blade, fierce one!!! Strive to surpass me, Roronoa Zoro!!!"