Chapter 48 A Strong Bond Between Them

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

Gomu Gomu no Gatling!

With a barrage of rapid punches, Luffy brought down the room that Arlong had used to control twenty neighboring villages. As the dust settled, and a gentle wind dispersed the smoke, sunlight filled the previously shadowed area.

From the debris, two silhouettes became clear. Luffy, standing tall amidst the ruins, had his flushed skin returning to its usual hue. The burning sensation within him had subsided, but he could sense a newfound strength—courtesy of the pill he had consumed.

On the other hand, Arlong lay amidst the wreckage, his body battered and bruised. The relentless assault from Luffy had shattered most of his bones. Even in his weakened state, Arlong's fish-men genetics kept him conscious.

As realization dawned on him, Arlong inquired, "Who are you?" He didn't need to see to know that his Arlong Pirates, an empire he'd meticulously built over the years, had crumbled. Now powerless, Arlong's only wish was to know the identity of the man who defeated him.

Standing confidently, Luffy adjusted his straw hat and declared, "I am Monkey D. Luffy, the future Pirate King."

A glimmer of amusement shone in Arlong's eyes. "Pirate King? So, you're pirates!" His face twisted in a mix of disbelief and amusement. Laughing, albeit coughing up some blood due to his injuries, Arlong exclaimed, "It's hilarious that Nami allied with pirates! Don't you know her mother was slain by pirates?"

His demeanor turned fierce as he struggled with the irony that Nami, who should despise pirates more than anyone, would turn to them for aid.

Bai Ye's voice cut through the tense atmosphere, "We're well aware of Nami's history." His tone was calm, betraying no hint of surprise.


There was a loud explosion. Shortly after, the noise of heavy items crashing to the ground echoed. Arlong turned to see the fallen figure of Kuroobi, his most trusted officer. How could he be defeated so quickly?

"We came here specifically because we knew her backstory," Bai Ye said, stepping forward. His shadow loomed over Arlong, emphasizing his dominance.

Bai Ye continued, "You act as if you speak for all pirates. Do you really think that's right?"

Arlong's anger surged at those words. He coughed up blood, glaring fiercely. "You dare!" he growled.

Bai Ye seemed surprised. "The amount of blood you just coughed up... it's almost like you've been impaled," he remarked.

Nami's voice, filled with anger, broke the tension. "Arlong, before you call others names, think about your own actions." She continued with passion, "Luffy and the crew are my friends. You cannot simply toy with our bond." Moving forward, she stood protectively between Luffy and Bai Ye, her gaze fixed on the wounded Arlong. Seeing him in this state made her feel as if years of pain and grudges were evaporating.

But catching Nami's disdainful look, Arlong's emotions surged again. "You treacherous woman! Just wait, one day I'll—"


His threat was cut off when two fish-men, Chew and Hatchan, descended from the sky, crashing into Arlong and interrupting him.

Approaching the scene with a calm demeanor, Zoro remarked, "I really don't like the noises these fish-men make."

Sanji, coming up behind Zoro, lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply before saying, "That's probably the smartest thing I've heard you say, Moss-head." He paused, then added with a smirk, "But you took your time. Did Bai Ye's pill not sit well with you because you lack talent?"

Zoro's expression changed to one of annoyance. "What did you say?"

Sanji shot back, "You're the one who squandered Bai Ye's pill. Idiot! Cactus-face!"

Zoro retorted, "Moron! Lousy chef!"

"Zoro! Sanji! Now's not the time for arguments," Usopp said, stepping between the two with a concerned look, hoping to defuse the situation.

Watching them, Luffy couldn't help but clap his hands and burst into laughter. "These two sure get along well!"

Bai Ye, often one to complain, found himself agreeing with Luffy this time. A small smile formed on his lips as he observed the bickering pair. His smile grew, turning into a hearty laugh. For once, he seemed carefree, not worrying about maintaining a certain image.

Standing to the side, Nami observed the scene, and her emotions welled up. Ever since Bellmere's tragic death, she had been living in a state of constant fear and grief. For eight long years, she bore her pain, hoping never to witness another loved one's demise. As the day of her freedom approached, she struggled with disbelief, afraid she might wake up to see Arlong's menacing face once again. However, in this moment, she felt a sudden realization that perhaps Zoro and Sanji really have good relationships, very good relationship. With that, she joined in the laughter, her joy echoing in the open space.

As the sun began its descent, the golden hues of twilight bathed the ruined landscape. The warm light seemed to cleanse the area of its past sins, casting the figures of the Straw Hat crew in a memorable silhouette.


Out at sea, a navy ship sailed towards Arlong Park, though it was still some distance away. The vessel cut through the waves with determination.

"Captain," a young woman with glasses spoke up from the ship's bow, "If we keep this pace, we should reach the location Admiral Sengoku mentioned in about 12 hours."

The man she addressed had short silver hair and wore a rugged hunter's outfit. Remarkably, he had three cigars clenched in his mouth. He responded, "Keep pushing at full speed. We won't stop or rest until we get there."

These two were none other than Smoker, the navy captain from Logue Town in the East Blue, and Tashigi, a marine officer serving under him.

Smoker gazed intently in the direction they were heading, lost in thought. "The kid with the straw hat, the ex-pirate hunter, and that elusive Daoist priest? They better not slip away before we get there..."