Chapter 58 The Land of Beginning and End

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

"Two hundred and forty-five million bellys." Bai Ye read the total bounty aloud, a hint of pride in his voice as he pondered the significant change he had caused in the original story. "This sum, especially on the Grand Line, is bound to stir quite a commotion."


In the vast and unpredictable waters of the Grand Line, the crew of the Red Hair Pirates were going about their day when suddenly, Lucky Roux, built like a formidable tank, burst onto the scene with big news and a stack of bounty orders in hand.

"Captain! You've got to see this!" he exclaimed, "That guy Luffy, he's got a bounty on his head now!"

Curiosity piqued, the crew members gathered around, eager to see for themselves. Luffy was no stranger to them; he was, after all, the young boy who had once been the cause of their captain, Shanks, losing an arm.

With a hearty laugh and a wide grin, Shanks picked up Luffy's bounty order and declared, "Would you look at that? Sixty million Bellys for our little friend Luffy. Not bad at all for his first bounty!"

Amidst the commotion, Yasopp, a sharpshooter of the crew, discovered another familiar face in the bounty orders. "Hold on a second, everyone! This... This Usopp has to be my son! He's the spitting image of Banchina, his mother, and he's from Syrup Village too!" He couldn't contain his pride, "And would you look at that? A bounty of 15 million and he's a sniper, just like his old man!"

Lucky Roux clapped Yasopp on the back, grinning, "Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Your boy's done good."

Yasopp couldn't help but laugh, his heart swelling with pride, "Of course! He's got good taste in friends too, joining up with Luffy."

Meanwhile, Ben Beckman, the more composed and collected member of the crew, had been browsing through the bounty orders when he stumbled upon one that caught his eye. "Hey, everyone, take a look at this. Luffy's got himself a pretty impressive crewmember here."

"Priest Bai Ye, with a bounty even higher than Luffy's own. Now, isn't that something?" he mused.

A wave of surprised exclamations swept through the crew, followed by hearty laughter. Shanks stood tall and announced with a booming laugh, "Well, it looks like Luffy's outdone himself this time. I can't wait to tease him about this the next time we meet. Hahaha!"

"And with that, I say we throw a grand banquet to celebrate Luffy's first bounty!" Shanks declared, raising his glass high.

The crew erupted into cheers, "Oh oh oh!!" And so, amidst laughter and good cheer, the Red Hair Pirates celebrated the achievements of Luffy and his crew, looking forward to the day they would meet again.


On the mysterious Kuraigana Island, located within the tumultuous waters of the Grand Line, Dracule Mihawk, also known as Hawkeye, found himself immersed in a moment of contemplation. With a glass of fine red wine in hand, he meticulously examined the bounty orders of the Straw Hat crew.

His sharp, discerning gaze landed on the name "Roronoa Zoro." In a low, solemn tone, he spoke to himself, "Roronoa Zoro, you better not keep me waiting for too long." His expectations for the swordsman were evident, a silent challenge hanging in the air.

His attention then shifted to another bounty order, that of Bai Ye. Memories of their encounter from a few weeks prior flooded his mind. The navy had reached out to him, eager to confirm the details of their intense battle. Was he truly as strong as the rumors suggested?

Hawkeye, with his usual nonchalance, had responded vaguely, "He's not too bad." His intention was merely to acknowledge Bai Ye's skills with the sword, not his strength. But the navy, perhaps reading between the lines, had hastily ended the call.

Now, as he reflected on that brief exchange, Hawkeye couldn't help but think that his casual comment may have played a significant role in determining Bai Ye's hefty bounty. "Strange swordsman," he mused, "what path will you choose now?"

With these thoughts lingering in his mind, Hawkeye took another leisurely sip of his wine, as the winds of the Grand Line whispered through the island.


In the distant and secluded Wano Country, a conversation of potential significance was taking place. "Master Kaido," began one of the underlings, cautiously broaching a topic of interest, "there's been talk of a new and formidable group of rookie pirates making waves recently."

Kaido, a figure of immense power and authority, responded with a noncommittal grunt, signaling for more information. His curiosity was piqued, even if just slightly.

King, one of his most trusted associates, promptly presented him with a bounty order related to this new group of upstarts. Kaido scanned the document quickly, his eyes searching for something that would hold his attention.

However, it didn't take long for his interest to wane. As he sifted through the information, a single thought dominated his mind: "There's not even a single Zoan Devil Fruit user among them." To Kaido, this detail was paramount, and its absence left him distinctly unimpressed.

With a shrug of his massive shoulders, he dismissed the matter entirely, his attention already drifting away. To him, this rookie pirate group, no matter how strong they might be, simply wasn't worth his time or consideration.


Aboard the Moby Dick, the formidable ship belonging to the world's most powerful pirate, the atmosphere was charged with energy as it navigated through the mighty waves. In that vibrant setting, a voice full of confidence and disregard for the world's opinions made itself heard.

"Gu la la la la, is that Straw Hat kid related to you?" Whitebeard, with his distinctive crescent-shaped beard and robust frame, spoke while holding a bounty in his hands. His face was adorned with a warm and welcoming smile as he continued, "He seems like a promising young man. Why doesn't he join us? I'd gladly welcome him as another son, just like you, Ace. He could take on my name and sail the seas with us, sharing in our adventures and challenges."

Whitebeard, renowned as the strongest man in the world, was once again exhibiting his well-known penchant for taking young pirates under his wing, treating them as his own children. His words resonated through the ship, eliciting hearty laughter from those around.

"That's absolutely right! Ace, why don't you convince your brother to become a part of our father's crew?" the crew members chimed in, their laughter and jovial teasing filling the air.

In the midst of this lively scene, Ace, the focus of their friendly jesting, spoke up. With his dark hair and a face adorned with freckles, he adjusted his cowboy hat and responded with undeniable pride in his voice, "Luffy has his eyes set on becoming the Pirate King. He's got a burning desire and determination that won't allow him to sail under anyone else's flag."


In a remote part of the world, a young man with yellow hair and scars marking his face felt a sudden, puzzling headache as he looked at the cheerful image of the Straw Hat boy. There was something nagging at the back of his mind, a feeling of having forgotten something important. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't recall what it was that slipped away from his memory.

Meanwhile, not too far from him, a man shrouded in a green cloak adorned with mysterious patterns on his face decided to leave his base and made his way to the island's edge. Clutched in his hand was the bounty order of Luffy, the Straw Hat boy. The man studied it intently, lost in thought.

Time seemed to stand still as he carefully folded the paper, tucking it close to his heart. He whispered to himself, his voice barely audible, "My next destination... it should be there."

Just as he finished speaking, a sudden and powerful gust of wind stirred around him. In an instant, as if he was never there to begin with, the man vanished, leaving behind only the whispering winds and the unsolved mystery of his words and actions.


Thus, the Straw Hat Pirates, despite not having set foot in the Grand Line yet, found themselves bathed in recognition and fame all around the world within just a few days.

Atop the deck of the Golden Merry, Luffy's excitement was palpable as he gripped the ship's bow, exclaiming, "This is it! This is the place! Loguetown, where the Pirate King Roger met his end!!" His enthusiasm was infectious, quickly spreading to the rest of the crew.

They all had their reasons to be excited. Like Luffy, many were intrigued and drawn by the legendary stories of the town that stretched out before them. Others, however, were looking forward to a much-needed break. The relentless training sessions orchestrated by Bai Ye had pushed them to their limits, leaving them physically drained and mentally exhausted. Though Bai Ye had been providing pills to aid in their recovery each night, it wasn't enough to completely wipe away the fatigue that clung to them.

Now, with their destination within reach, the desire to step off the ship and unwind was unanimous—except for Zoro, who seemed to only have more training on his mind. Bai Ye, noticing the longing looks from his crew, greeted them with a smile and declared, "Since we've made it here, we're going to need to stock up on supplies. Let's take a break from training for today."

At his words, Nami and Usopp couldn't help but let out cries of joy, while even Sanji sighed in relief. As for Luffy and Zoro, they have already turned their attention to Loguetown.

Bai Ye spoke with a clear and decisive tone, outlining the plan for the crew:

"Once we finish resupplying here, we'll be on our way to the Grand Line. This time, each of us has a specific task for gathering the supplies we need." He then proceeded to assign tasks to each member of the crew.

"Nami, you're in charge of picking up our daily essentials. Don't forget to purchase a Log Pose for navigation on the Grand Line." He turned to Usopp, "You'll need to find tools and materials that might come in handy for any repairs on the Golden Merry."

Next, he looked at Sanji, "Your job is to stock up on ingredients and seasonings for our meals." His gaze then shifted to Zoro, "Choose two good quality swords for yourself, and try not to lose your way while you're at it."

He paused for a moment when his eyes met Luffy's, then quickly changed the subject, "Now, let's make sure everyone has enough money for their purchases." With a swift motion, Bai Ye produced a stack of Bellys, distributing them to the crew.

Thanks to the changes in their journey, caused by the butterfly effect of Bai Ye's actions, the Straw Hat Pirates were not as strapped for cash as they were in the original story. They had enough funds to cover their needs, so there was no need to skimp on essentials.

"Remember, there's a navy presence in this town, so make your purchases quickly and return to the ship as soon as possible." Bai Ye reminded them. With a collective nod, the crew disembarked and set off on their separate ways to fulfill their assigned tasks.

Bai Ye, after giving instructions to the paper soldiers and activating the spiritual formation engraved on the Golden Merry, made his way towards Loguetown.