Chapter 61 A New Iconic Moment

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

"Ugh, I can't believe my strength is completely gone," Luffy moaned, struggling futilely on the execution platform. He put all his effort into moving, but it was in vain; his body wouldn't budge, and Smoker's ten smoky hands held him firmly in place, pressing against his chest.

In the square below, Bartolomeo's eyes widened in shock. "What the...?!" he exclaimed. He had just started to see Luffy in a new light, and now, the young pirate was captured, just like that. Bartolomeo was so taken aback that he was momentarily lost for words.

Smoker, on the other hand, stood up slowly. Observing Luffy's struggles and realizing they were typical of a devil fruit user affected by sea-stone, he breathed a sigh of relief. He had harbored some fears that, perhaps, Luffy was immune to the stone's effects.

With Luffy incapacitated, Smoker regained his usual demeanor. Looking down at Luffy, he began to speak with a tone of finality: "Your adventure ends here, unfortunately for you. The navy stands for justice in this world, and from this day forth, Straw Hat, this is where you'll stay…"

But before Smoker could finish his sentence, Luffy cut him off, "My journey doesn't end here," he declared, lifting his head to look Smoker directly in the eye. "I'm going to be the Pirate King!"

Even weakened by the sea-stone, Luffy managed to shout those words with all the strength he could muster. His determination and unwavering spirit were clear for all to see, including Bartolomeo, who watched from below, a complex mix of emotions swirling within him.

Smoker, however, was having none of it. "Don't joke around!" he snapped, grabbing Luffy by the collar and yanking him upwards. "Becoming the Pirate King? You've still got a long way to go before you can even dream of that!"

Smoker's words stemmed from his own experiences; he had been present at Roger's execution and had never forgotten the unique aura that the Pirate King possessed. And now, he sensed a similar aura emanating from Luffy. Hearing Luffy speak of becoming the Pirate King, Smoker found that he couldn't keep his emotions in check.

Simultaneously, a buzz of conversation swept through the crowd in the square:

"Can you believe it? The supposed new tyrant of the East Blue, caught just like that?" "Yeah, there must be some mistake with the navy's bounty. How could such a frail guy be a notorious pirate?" "Hahaha, did everyone catch that? He actually claims he wants to be the Pirate King!" "Hahaha, he must be bluffing. He's already in the navy's grasp." "Seriously, there's no way someone like him could ever become the Pirate King!"

The voices were numerous and varied, creating a cacophony that made it hard for Bartolomeo, standing amidst the crowd, to pick out individual words. Yet, he could sense that the vast majority of these voices were mocking Luffy's ambition. This realization caused a ripple of doubt to course through him, and he found himself looking up at Luffy, who continued to struggle on the execution platform, and wondering, "Is this really the end for him?"

Luffy, on the other hand, with his newly awakened Observation Haki, could hear every word clearly, even amidst the noise. Already in discomfort due to the sea-stone, the laughter and derision directed at him from all sides only served to amplify his distress, fueling a growing desire within him to lash out. Anger bubbled up inside him, growing stronger with each passing moment and every mocking word, until it was ready to burst forth like a flood breaching a dam, threatening to wash everything away in its path.

"Enough!" Luffy suddenly roared, and as he did, a dark red aura erupted from his body. With those words, the aura surged to its peak, and the power emanating from Luffy became palpable.


One by one, the people in the square began to collapse, overwhelmed by Luffy's formidable presence and rendered unconscious. Not everyone was affected to the same extent, however. Bartolomeo, though struggling and with veins standing out on his forehead, managed to remain conscious. He forced himself to raise his head, once more fixing his gaze on Luffy, who now seemed like nothing less than a living legend.

So, what exactly is this overwhelming power emanating from Luffy?

"Could it be Conqueror's Haki?" Bai Ye, an observer on the sidelines, couldn't conceal his surprise. He hadn't anticipated that Luffy would unleash his Conqueror's Haki at this very moment. Reflecting on the situation, he couldn't help but ponder, "Is it accurate to say that Luffy, indeed, is a Child of Destiny?"

Meanwhile, Smoker, clearly agitated, exclaimed, "Damn it!" and tightened his grip on Luffy's collar. He had been standing closest to Luffy and, as a result, had felt the full brunt of the Haki's force. Had his own strength not been considerable, he might have inadvertently let Luffy slip through his grasp.

In this intense moment, Luffy locked eyes with Smoker, his expression grave, and declared firmly, "I'm willing to risk everything, even my life, because my goal is to become the Pirate King!"

No sooner had he spoken these words than the atmosphere above the square dramatically transformed. A gust of wind, seemingly in defiance, blew directly against Smoker. Already off-balance from the impact of the Haki, Smoker finally lost his footing, tumbling down from the execution platform and inadvertently releasing his hold on Luffy.

Regaining his strength, Luffy thrust his arms skyward, gathered all his might, and bellowed out the pent-up breath in his chest, proclaiming, "I WILL become the Pirate King!"

The wind around him picked up in intensity, swirling around Luffy as if to shield and honor him. Simultaneously, dark clouds amassed overhead, creating a charged atmosphere, as if a storm or thunderbolt might strike at any moment.

Bartolomeo, witnessing this extraordinary spectacle, was utterly captivated. "Luffy... Sir Luffy, he's truly incredible!" he thought, overwhelmed with admiration. In that instant, Bartolomeo found a new source of inspiration, engraving Luffy's image and his unwavering determination deep within his heart.

Bai Ye was experiencing a whirlwind of emotions at that particular moment. He glanced over at Dragon, who was not too far from him, and couldn't resist talking to himself: "This is truly worthy of his father's doing. I have to give him full credit for the incredible performance he orchestrated for us and his son."

Yes, the extraordinary event that had just unfolded was not a miracle; it was all orchestrated by Luffy's father, Dragon. Bai Ye, now fully intrigued, decided to take matters into his own hands. He approached Dragon and confidently stated, "Allow me to take it from here. After all, Luffy is my captain."

Without waiting for a response, Bai Ye swiftly enacted his technique:

Zhen Gua – Luminous Thunder!


In an instant, a bolt of thunder tore through the sky, striking the execution platform right beneath Luffy's feet. The platform, already on the verge of collapse, gave way completely amidst a cloud of smoke and dust.

As the air cleared, Luffy was revealed standing firm, straw hat in hand. He flashed a wide grin and boldly exclaimed, "Looks like I've made it through, hahahaha!"

Another rumble echoed through the sky as Luffy, completely unscathed, walked out from the midst of the thunders raining down. This remarkable moment was captured in its entirety by the press, ensuring that this image of Luffy would be seen by many.

At that particular moment, Zoro, having successfully acquired the Yubashiri and Sandai Kitetsu swords, along with Sanji, who had just clinched victory in a culinary competition and bagged a massive fish as his prize, both arrived at the scene.

"Hey, what in the world just happened here?" Zoro queried, scanning the area and noting the unconscious bodies scattered around.

"Luffy, did you single-handedly take down all these guys?" Sanji chimed in, looking both impressed and disappointed that he missed what seemed to be an impressive skirmish.

"Hey! Luffy! Sanji!" From a distance, the voices of Usopp and Nami could be heard as they too made their way to the group.

Nami, laden with a substantial package and wearing a look of concern, urgently addressed everyone, "We need to make a move, and fast! A serious downpour is on its way!"

"Huh?" Luffy blinked, momentarily puzzled, before quickly asking, "Where's Bai Ye in all of this?"

Zoro, with a calm demeanor, responded, "Don't fret about him."

Sanji added reassuringly, "Exactly, Luffy. Bai Ye assured us he'll catch up and meet us all at the ship."

Taking in their words, Luffy swiftly rallied the crew, decisively declaring, "Alright, then! Let's make our way back to the Golden Merry!"

With unanimous agreement, the crew responded, "Aye aye, Captain!"