Chapter 78 Sudden Sickness

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

In the vast expanse of the Grand Line, aboard a naval warship, a scene of urgency unfolded.

"Captain Smoker, we've picked up an unusual signal," a navy soldier reported, approaching Smoker with a Den Den Mushi in hand. The voice emanating from the snail-like device captured Smoker's undivided attention, its words resonating with significance: "Mission... Princess Vivi... Mr.0... Alabasta..."

Puffing on his three cigars, Smoker turned to Tashigi, who was standing slightly off to the side, and called out, "Tashigi, remember the swordsman we apprehended a few days back? He was known as Mr. 11."

Tashigi, with a firm tone, replied, "Absolutely, Captain Smoker! Upon interrogation, he confessed his affiliation with Baroque Works. And he mentioned that his boss is called Mr. 0."

Smoker, rubbing his chin thoughtfully, contemplated the information. "Baroque Works... a criminal organization?" He mused aloud. "And this mention of Princess Vivi... It seems she might indeed be the missing princess from Alabasta."

After a moment of reflection, Smoker made up his mind. "As much as I'm keen on capturing the Straw Hats right now, I can't just overlook a matter of this magnitude."

He looked over to his crew and ordered, "Get in touch with the headquarters. We need an Eternal Pose for Alabasta."

Standing at the ship's bow, Smoker gazed into the horizon, his thoughts on the elusive Straw Hat Boy and Priest Bai Ye. "You might have bought yourself some time," he thought, "but I'll be on your trail soon enough."


In the heart of the Grand Line, aboard the Golden Merry, the Straw Hats faced a moment of relief and decision-making.

Luffy, with his characteristic enthusiasm, clapped Bai Ye on the back. "Man, we were so lucky to have you with us, Bai Ye," he exclaimed. Just the previous night, both Vivi and Nami had suddenly come down with high fevers. Thankfully, Bai Ye swiftly administered a detoxification pill, easing their discomfort significantly.

Sanji, puffing on his cigarette, chimed in thoughtfully, "Absolutely, but looking ahead, we really need to find ourselves a proper ship's doctor." He recalled Bai Ye's earlier words about the limitations of relying solely on his pills for medical emergencies. They were invaluable, of course, but not a comprehensive solution for every health issue they might encounter.

At this, Dorry, one of the resident giants of Little Garden, offered a suggestion. "If you're in search of a ship's doctor, Drum Island might be your best bet," he advised. "It's not far from here, en route to Alabasta. Drum Island is renowned for its medical expertise. You might find the doctor you need there."

Luffy's eyes sparkled with determination as he declared, "Then that settles it! We're heading to Drum Island next, to find ourselves a ship's doctor!"

This decision marked a divergence from their original journey. Vivi, usually entangled in the urgency of reaching Alabasta, expressed no objections this time. Recent events, including the illness that struck her and Nami, and the news of a ceasefire between the Alabasta King's Army and the rebels, as reported by the newsbird, had shifted her perspective. Understanding the importance of a ship's doctor, both for her wellbeing and that of her newfound friends, she fully supported the Straw Hats' decision.


The Straw Hats were all set to embark on their next adventure. Luffy, ever the spirited leader, stood at the bow of the Golden Merry, waving exuberantly to the giant warriors Dorry and Brogy.

"Friends, goodbye! Keep your duel going strong!" Luffy yelled with his trademark grin, his voice carrying across the waves.

Usopp, the aspiring brave warrior of the sea, was visibly moved. His eyes brimmed with tears as he bellowed with respect and admiration, "Master Dorry, Master Brogy! I'll make you proud. I'm going to be a brave warrior just like you!"

Sanji, the cook of the crew, silently retreated to his kitchen domain. He had preparations to make, meals to plan. His way of saying goodbye was through the delicious food he'd serve his crew.

Zoro, meanwhile, gave the two giants a bit of a stern look, perhaps a bit miffed about the considerable amount of Bai Ye's spirit wine they had consumed.

Bai Ye himself waved a farewell to Miss Goldenweek, the young artist with a penchant for painting on others. "Remember, don't paint on people without permission. It's not polite," he gently admonished, earning a rebellious pout from the girl as she waved back.

The Golden Merry began its journey away from Little Garden, with Dorry and Brogy standing tall and proud on the banks. "Sail straight ahead!" they bellowed in unison, "We, the giants of Elbaf, will clear the path for you!"

And just then, a monstrous challenge appeared. A gargantuan goldfish, known for devouring entire islands, surged towards the ship, its gaping maw threatening to engulf them. But Luffy, undeterred, commanded boldly, "Straight ahead, crew!" His unwavering courage was the helm that steered them.

The crew trusted Luffy's judgment implicitly, a testament to the bond they had formed over their voyages. Only Usopp murmured to himself in awe, "A giant goldfish? Where have I heard that before?"

As the goldfish neared, Dorry and Brogy readied themselves, their giant weapons – a sword and an axe, shimmering in hues of blue and red – poised for action. In a breathtaking display of power and precision, they struck the beast with their Hakoku move, slicing through its massive body and creating a pathway for the Golden Merry to escape.

The ship rode the resulting wave, successfully maneuvering away from the ancient island. Luffy's laughter echoed triumphantly, Usopp wept with relief and joy, and Bai Ye pondered deeply, sensing the immense Armament Haki imbued in the giants' attack.

Indeed, the power they had witnessed was formidable, a stark reminder of the vast and unpredictable world they were navigating. The Straw Hats sailed forward, their spirits high and their resolve unshakable, ready for whatever awaited them on the Grand Line.


Based on the valuable guidance from Dorry, the Straw Hats discovered that Drum Island, their next destination, was enshrouded in winter throughout the year. Armed with this crucial piece of information, the crew set a clear objective for their journey. Their plan was simple yet effective: maintain their current course while searching for regions with colder temperatures.

This mission provided the perfect opportunity for Nami to showcase her exceptional weather-sensing abilities. Her talents went far beyond mere predictions. Nami could detect the formation of massive tornadoes and typhoons well in advance, guiding the crew safely away from such perilous conditions. Her keen sensitivity to even the slightest variations in the atmosphere was crucial in pinpointing the correct direction for their voyage.

Thanks to Nami's remarkable skills, it wasn't long before the Straw Hats found themselves navigating through seas dominated by a chilly winter climate, signaling their approach to Drum Island.

As Zoro gazed out from the observation deck, his view obscured by the veil of snowflakes clinging to his telescope, he posed an unusual question to his crewmates.

"HEY!" he called out, drawing the attention of the others. "Do you think people can stand on the sea?"

Sanji, ever the realist, was quick to dismiss Zoro's query. "Idiot! How can a person stand on the sea!" he retorted, clearly thinking the idea absurd.

Luffy joined in, playfully mocking Zoro. "Yes, Zoro is an idiot! HEHEHE!" he chuckled, amused by the thought.

Zoro, undeterred and slightly irritated by their responses, insisted, "Only you can't say that about me, bastard! !" He then gestured ahead, challenging them to explain what he had just witnessed. "Then tell me, what did I see?"

Curious, they all turned to look in the direction Zoro was pointing. To their astonishment, they saw a man standing on the sea, his back adorned with a massive bow and arrow. The man seemed unfazed by his unusual position, casually remarking, "It's quite cold today!"

Luffy, ever friendly and agreeable, responded without missing a beat. "Well, it's really cold!" he acknowledged.

An eerie silence fell upon the group as they tried to make sense of the scene before them. Suddenly, the tranquility was shattered by the emergence of a colossal submarine from beneath the man's feet. The submarine's ascent caused massive waves, which rocked the Golden Merry violently, nearly causing it to capsize.

Usopp, with his keen eyes, was the first to notice the flag fluttering atop the submarine. It bore the unmistakable mark of piracy: a skull with a crown.