Chapter 83 Alchemy and Farewell

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

When two individuals, even if they have just recently become acquainted, find themselves able to share their innermost thoughts and feelings with one another, it's a clear sign that their bond has rapidly deepened and strengthened. This holds true regardless of who these individuals might be - whether they're a half-wit and a reindeer.

Take, for example, Luffy and Chopper. Luffy, with a burst of infectious laughter, exclaims, "That's great, Chopper, hahaha!!" His excitement is palpable as he affectionately pats Chopper on the head, upon their return to the castle. Chopper, trying to maintain a facade of annoyance, retorts, "It's annoying! Even if you praise me, I won't be happy, you bastard!!" Despite his outward display of arrogance, deep down, Chopper is filled with joy.

Luffy then begins to regale Chopper with tales of his adventures since he set sail on the sea. He makes sure to mention his crewmates, highlighting each of their unique contributions and experiences. As Chopper listens, his eyes sparkle with excitement, and he can't help but wiggle with eagerness, clearly showing his own longing to embark on a sea adventure.

Meanwhile, in another part of the castle, Bai Ye seeks out Kureha once again. He approaches her with a purposeful stride, stating, "Taking this opportunity, I still have something to discuss with you." With a deft flick of his wrist, Bai Ye reveals several pills in his hand, indicating the topic of their impending discussion: alchemy.

Bai Ye possesses knowledge of ancient alchemical recipes. However, his current skills are limited to creating only basic, low-grade pills. Alchemy is a complex and nuanced art, distinct from other practices like Qimen. High levels of understanding and theoretical knowledge in alchemy do not necessarily translate into practical skills and experience. To truly excel in alchemy, one either needs the guidance of a knowledgeable teacher or must dedicate a significant amount of time to hands-on practice, learning to understand every nuance and change that occurs during the concoction process.

Bai Ye, considering his desire to delve deeper into the world of alchemy, came up with the idea of seeking insights from one of the world's most renowned doctors. He thought that by exchanging ideas and experiences with her, he might gain a more profound understanding of alchemy. He recognized that, although alchemy and medicine are not entirely the same, there are overlaps in knowledge that could be beneficial.

Kureha, known for her exceptional skills in medicine, listened to Bai Ye's ideas and offered him valuable advice. She shared her expertise on drug analysis and the intricate process of refining medicines. While her guidance didn't lead to a groundbreaking discovery in Bai Ye's alchemical journey, it significantly deepened his comprehension of the alchemy formulas he already knew. This newfound understanding was crucial, as it helped Bai Ye reduce the likelihood of creating ineffective or failed pills.

Furthermore, Kureha took the time to analyze the effects of the pills that Bai Ye was currently capable of concocting. Through her analysis, she provided him with a clearer picture of their potential impacts and uses.

Throughout their interaction, Kureha didn't reveal the secrets behind her own identity. However, Bai Ye couldn't help but sense that she must have an extraordinary background. Her longevity and remarkable medical skills hinted at a significant, undisclosed history, making Bai Ye believe that there was much more to Kureha than met the eye.

Bai Ye started his analysis with the ninth-grade pills, such as the Healing Pill and the Blood-enriching Pill. These pills were known for their effectiveness in treating physical injuries and minor internal ailments. They were especially useful during regular travels, providing significant health benefits. However, Bai Ye realized that in the intense battles of the Grand Line, these pills weren't as effective. The reason was simple: the medicinal power and energy they contained were limited. In intense combat, the damage inflicted by an opponent's single punch might require more than a dozen of these pills to heal. In other words, the stronger the individual, the less impactful these pills would be.

Next, Bai Ye presented the eighth and seventh-rank versions of the healing pills. Using Luffy's current strength as a benchmark, he came to a practical but somewhat limited conclusion. This didn't surprise Bai Ye. Since they had begun their sea voyage, the strength of Luffy and his companions had increased significantly. Moreover, the use of the seventh-grade Marrow Cleansing Pill had already purified the Straw Hats' bodies from impurities, diminishing the effectiveness of the ninth and eighth-grade pills.

Fortunately, Bai Ye still had the capability to refine sixth-grade pills, which, given the current circumstances, seemed to be adequate for their needs. This visit to Drum Island, therefore, proved to be quite beneficial for Bai Ye.

But Bai Ye wasn't the only one who gained valuable insights. Kureha, after observing Bai Ye's presentation of the healing and blood-enriching pills, quickly analyzed the medicinal properties using her own expertise. She noted that some of the ingredients used in the pills were unique and irreplaceable in their world. Bai Ye felt confident that if substitutes for these unique ingredients existed, Kureha, with her skills, could replicate these pills on the spot.

For the first time, Bai Ye found himself truly impressed and in awe of the skills possessed by someone from this world. Previously, he had carried with him a subtle sense of superiority, stemming from his background in the cultivation world. But now, as he found himself on the Grand Line, facing the prospect of increasingly powerful opponents, his mindset began to shift. Bai Ye realized that if he continued to believe he had an advantage in all situations, he might end up facing significant setbacks.

This revelation marked a significant step forward in Bai Ye's journey of Dao cultivation. Although it didn't immediately translate into an increase in his strength, the change in his mindset was bound to bring substantial benefits in the long run.

In a gesture of gratitude for the indirect help Dr. Kureha had provided, Bai Ye generously offered her some common herbs from his personal collection. These herbs, stored in his interior space, were a token of his appreciation for her insights.

Curiosity led Bai Ye to inquire about certain mysteries that had puzzled him in his past life. He asked Kureha about the enigma of Blackbeard's ability to absorb two devil fruits, wondering if it involved some sort of surgical procedure or another unknown method. He also probed into the possibility of her being a doctor from the Rocks Pirates and her secret to a prolonged life.

However, Kureha's responses were not straightforward. She provided only vague hints, leaving Bai Ye with more questions than answers and a growing headache. Her mysterious nature only deepened the intrigue surrounding her, making Bai Ye more conscious of the complexities and hidden depths of the world he was now a part of.


After Bai Ye had resolved his matters, there seemed to be no further reason for them to prolong their stay. It was also a moment of parting for Chopper and Kureha. At the castle gate, Chopper gathered all his courage to speak to Kureha. With a voice tinged with reluctance, he said, "Madam Kureha! I want to go to sea with Luffy and Bai Ye, and join their pirate group as their ship's doctor, just like Dr. Hiriluk dreamed of!"

Chopper was visibly hesitant and emotional as he expressed his desire. However, Kureha, still sipping the spiritual wine gifted by Bai Ye, didn't immediately respond. After a lengthy pause, she finally spoke, her voice heavy with emotion, "So, are you going to leave me all alone? You're my only assistant; think about what this means for me, you little rascal."

As she turned to face Chopper, her eyes held a mix of sternness and concern. "Being a pirate is not easy; it's a life where danger lurks, and you could even lose your life!" she warned.

But Chopper stood firm, looking directly at Kureha, "That's okay! Luffy and Bai Ye, they accept me for who I am, just like Dr. Hiriluk and you did. They don't see me as a monster." For the first time, Chopper raised his voice, filled with determination, "So, how can I pass up this chance to set sail?!"

Bai Ye watched with a smile, and Luffy looked at Chopper with admiration in his eyes. Kureha, after hearing Chopper's passionate declaration, couldn't help but laugh heartily. "Hahahaha, if you're so determined," she said, looking affectionately at Chopper, "then go ahead, venture into the ocean. Use the medical skills I've taught you, but please, don't bring shame to my name."

As she spoke, a look of wistful nostalgia appeared in her eyes, and she softly uttered, "Silly boy~"

Chopper, overcome with emotions, burst into tears, exclaiming, "Madam Kureha!!" He knelt down, his forehead touching the snow, expressing his gratitude for all the years of her care.

Observing this heartfelt scene, Bai Ye, accustomed to such emotional farewells, deftly took out a few tissues and handed them to Luffy, who was watching the exchange.