Chapter 91 Alabasta! Crocodile!

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

On the bow of the Golden Merry, Luffy sat perched on the goat's head, his attention caught by a curious creature emerging from the sea. The creature, resembling a cat but with a Neptune-like appearance, piqued Luffy's interest. "Hey, hey, is this a cat?" he wondered aloud, expressing his fascination.

Sanji joined Luffy at the bow, equally intrigued by the sea beast. His culinary mind started racing at the sight of the unusual creature. "With ingredients I've never seen before, I don't know if I can make delicious dishes. But I have to try," he mused, thinking about the potential of cooking something entirely new.

Luffy's excitement skyrocketed at the mention of ingredients. "Ingredients?!" he exclaimed, gearing up for action, ready to turn the sea creature into their next meal. GOMU GOMU... he began, but before he could make his move, Vivi intervened with a swift punch to the back of his head. This sudden action startled the sea beast, which quickly sensed danger and disappeared back into the sea.

"Meat?!" Luffy exclaimed, a hint of disappointment in his voice. However, Vivi clarified the creature's significance: "That's a sea cat that lives near Alabasta and is considered sacred by us." Luffy's excitement faded at the news, an inedible creature holding no appeal for him.

Chopper, on the other hand, found Vivi's explanation intriguing. The idea that such a "monster" could be revered by people and even become a symbol was fascinating to him.

Sanji, ever the pragmatist, focused on the practical implications of their encounter. "So, if we meet the sea cat, we are almost in Alabasta, right?" he deduced, realizing that their journey was nearing an important milestone. The sighting of the sea cat, a sacred creature of Alabasta, was a clear indication that they were close to their destination.

As the Golden Merry approached its destination, Zoro, stationed in the watchtower, called out to the rest of the crew with an announcement. "I saw land, it should be close —" He paused, then slowly pronounced the name they had all been eagerly anticipating: "Alabasta."

The mention of Alabasta elicited various reactions from the crew members. Luffy clenched his fist with determination, ready for the upcoming challenge. "Very well, next, go and beat Crocodile hard," he declared, his resolve evident.

Sanji, ever the romantic, thought of the potential encounters awaiting them. He rubbed his chin, his eyes glinting with a dreamy expression. "The exotic style ladies, I'm really looking forward to meeting them," he mused.

Zoro, always seeking a worthy challenge, crossed his arms and expressed his hope for a formidable opponent. "I hope to have a good opponent," he said, looking forward to testing his skills.

Usopp, with his usual blend of bravado and optimism, rubbed his long nose. "Then, let's start here and become brave sea warriors," he proclaimed, envisioning a heroic role for himself.

Chopper, gripping his hat, thought of his mentor, Doctor Kureha. "Next, are we going to fight? Doctor Kureha, I won't embarrass you," he said, determined to make her proud.

Nami, noticing Vivi's nervousness, embraced her with a reassuring smile. "When Crocodile is defeated, you should pay us, how about a billion?" she joked, lightening the mood with her humor.

Bai Ye, observing Alabasta in the distance, felt an inexplicable sense of apprehension. Despite the crew's readiness and enthusiasm, he couldn't shake off the feeling that their journey to Alabasta would not be an easy one. This intuition made him cautious and alert, preparing him mentally for the challenges that lay ahead.


In a dimly lit room, Crocodile's deep and resonant voice filled the air. "Mr. 2 is back," he stated, an undercurrent of expectation in his tone. "Has his task been completed?"

Crocodile, seated in a chair, was gently stroking a massive golden crocodile beside him, his demeanor exuding an air of control and power. Standing opposite him was Robin, who responded to his query in her characteristically soft voice. "According to him, Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek have disappeared from this world forever," she informed.

"Then let them assemble," Crocodile commanded, nodding in satisfaction. He then declared, "The final plan, it's time to start it."

Robin, however, hesitated slightly before speaking. "Do you really want to implement the plan now?" she asked cautiously. She then added, with a slight bow of her head, "Fire Fist Ace and the Captain of the Navy have both come to this island. Should we wait longer?"

Crocodile, upon hearing this, sat up and stared intently at Robin. "It's not necessary," he said firmly. "My goal has never been this country. The final plan is merely a means to attract the Navy's attention."

He continued, undisturbed by the potential discovery of his plans. "When I get the secret weapon - Pluton, I won't be afraid of anyone." Crocodile's confidence was palpable.

"And as for that Fire Fist?" Crocodile's voice held a trace of fluctuation for the first time. "He's still far from that old man. If he dares to stop me, be prepared to be killed."

With those words, Crocodile's aura suddenly intensified, filling the room with a palpable sense of foreboding. Robin, taken aback, felt a flicker of surprise at this sudden display of intensity. Crocodile's determination and ruthlessness were clear, signaling the imminent unfolding of his grand plan, regardless of the potential obstacles in his path.

For the first time, Robin experienced a peculiar feeling towards Crocodile, the man before her. She questioned internally: could a man with such a powerful aura truly be nothing more than a coward, resorting to underhanded tactics and blaming external factors for his failures?

Robin's intuition was not far from the truth. Crocodile was indeed a formidable man and a great pirate capable of navigating the treacherous waters of the New World. However, he also harbored a deep-seated cowardice, stemming from a profound fear that had taken root in his psyche. This fear was born from a realization of the vastness and the unreachable heights of the 'sky,' a metaphor for the limits of his own abilities and ambitions.

This internal conflict in Crocodile had been significantly influenced by a past event – his challenge against Whitebeard. The defeat he suffered was not just a simple loss; it instilled in him a doubt about his own capabilities for the first time. Whitebeard's overwhelming strength had left a lasting impact on Crocodile, planting a 'demon' in his heart. It made him question whether such a man could ever truly be defeated by a human.

This doubt was the driving force behind Crocodile's obsession with the ancient weapon Pluton. He believed that only with such a weapon could he hope to defeat Whitebeard and exorcise his inner demons. This fixation on Pluton had a profound effect on Crocodile, diminishing his strength and altering his aura.

However, in this moment, Crocodile seemed to have reclaimed some of his former momentum. On one hand, he was buoyed by the belief that his plan was nearing fruition, bringing him closer to acquiring Pluton. On the other hand, he saw an opportunity in Ace, who was eager to prove himself. Crocodile thought that if he couldn't defeat Whitebeard, he could at least defeat his son, thus restoring some of his lost pride.

But, as Robin observed, if Crocodile were to realize that even Ace was beyond his ability to defeat, perhaps even this regained momentum would fade away.

Soon enough, Crocodile's imposing aura dissipated, almost as if the intense display of confidence had been an illusion.

"Okay, let's make arrangements, Miss All Sunday," Crocodile directed, returning to the matter at hand. "Go and take them over."

"Understood, Mr. 0," Robin responded, ready to carry out his orders. Despite the brief flare of intensity, the room returned to its usual state, with Crocodile and Robin calmly proceeding with their plans.

As Robin prepared to leave the room, she found her thoughts lingering on Bai Ye. His recent actions, particularly how he had managed to subdue Mr. 2, had left a deep impression on her. 'You subdued Mr. 2,' she thought to herself, 'It's really surprising.'

Her mind then shifted to the challenges Bai Ye and his crew would soon face. 'However, the opponents you will be facing seem to be much more difficult,' she contemplated. The thought of what Bai Ye intended to do next filled her with a sense of curiosity and intrigue.

Robin's thoughts were interrupted by a memory, a sentence once spoken by Bai Ye: 'Maybe we will sail together in the future, shall we?' This notion, the possibility of joining forces with Bai Ye and his crew, lingered in her mind.

'Together' she muttered to herself, the word resonating with a mix of hope and uncertainty. Robin, who had spent much of her life in solitude, navigating a world filled with betrayal and danger, found the idea of friendship both foreign and enticing.

She shook her head gently, her expression a mix of skepticism and longing. 'Can I really have friends?' she wondered, the question reflecting her deep-seated doubts about forming close bonds and the possibility of experiencing genuine companionship.


As the Straw Hat crew navigated the bustling streets of the city, Luffy's unmistakable voice, filled with excitement and hunger, echoed through the air. "I want to eat meat!!" he declared, unable to contain his usual enthusiasm for food.

However, his loud proclamation was quickly met with a firm reminder from his teammates.


The back of Luffy's head received a sharp hit, a common occurrence when he forgot important instructions.

"Hey Luffy, have you forgotten what Bai Ye said before?" one of the crew members chided. "We're supposed to hide our identities." Nami, who had carefully concealed her elegant figure under a large cloak, reprimanded Luffy with a mix of frustration and concern.

"That's right, Luffy," Usopp added, his voice joining the cautionary chorus. "After all, there are only seven of us with one raccoon and one duck." He was mindful of their need to remain inconspicuous, especially considering the potential danger posed by Baroque Works.

Chopper, ever sensitive about his identity, quickly corrected Usopp with a hint of annoyance. "I'm a reindeer, not a raccoon, you bastard!!" he exclaimed, insisting on the accuracy of his species.

Meanwhile, Karoo, Vivi's loyal duck companion, had his own thoughts. "Yeah, I'm not a duck either... well, I really am. You bastard!".